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Nasilsa tradutor Inglês

31 parallel translation
Brigid ise bilmedigini söyledi, ama nasilsa yalandir.
She said she didn't but I took it for granted she was lying.
Motelde beni bekleyen yok nasilsa.
It's not like they're waiting up for me at the motel.
Bize lâzim olan ikiliyi aldik nasilsa.
We have the two we really wanted.
Nasilsa fark edecektin.
You're going to find out soon enough.
Her seyi anlattim ve kasabanin yollari her nasilsa bana kapandi.
I explained everything, and the city closed me down anyway.
Bu aptal siskoyu da alin, cocuklar onu kaldiramiyorlar nasilsa.
You can keep that silly, fat wanker. The lads can't lift him.
Her nasilsa Almanlara karsi bir erkek gibi davranmis ve bir erkek gibi cezalandirilmayi hak etmisti.
She had, however, acted as a man towards the Germans, and deserved to be punished as a man.
Cunku o nasilsa.
Because of how she was.
Çünkü onlarin hepsi sürtüktür ve hemen onlara söylebilirsin nasilsa onlarin toplulugunda olmayi istemiyordum zaten.
Because they're all sluts, And you can tell them right now I didn't want to be in their sorority anyway.
Ama onlar tibbi profesyoneller, ve her nasilsa hayatimi kurtaracaklarini düsünmek zorundayim.
But they're medical professionals, And I got to think, somehow, they're saving my life.
Nasilsa bir yol bulunur, bazi seyler gerçeklesir.
Somehow, some way, some dipping must occur.
Nasilsa cehenneme gidecegimden beri tüm kurallari yikiyorum.
I'm breaking all the rules now anyway. Since I'm going to hell.
Öyleyse, ailendeki kadinlar saf, hasiyetli, ve kusursuzdu. Erkekler ise her nasilsa tam tersi, pis, kendiyle çelisen kisiler.
So, the women in your family are... they're pure and wholesome, unblemished... and that the men are somehow... the opposite : dirty, uh... in conflict with themselves?
Sigara iceyim veya icmeyeyim bir gun nasilsa olecegim.
I'll fall apart oneday whether I smoke or not.
Benim bir yararim olmaz size nasilsa.
I'm no use to anyone anyway.
- Nasilsa birileri açacaktir.
- We'll have one anyway. - Well, I should hope so.
Demeye calistigim, Gecmisindeki tum sorumsuz, umursamaz aptalca davranislarin, nasilsa, nasilsa bu sabira sahipsin. Sonsuz kibirliligin maalesef soylediklerimi hakli cikartiyor.
My point is that with all the irresponsible, reckless, idiotic behavior in your past, that somehow, somehow you have the nerve, the arrogance to consistently and ruthlessly point out my shortcomings.
Nasilsa, su malum olay varya...
However, given the current situation with the...
Hayatimin geri kalanini burada geçirecegim nasilsa.
Well, I'll be here the rest of my life.
Al iste. Joan'la nasilsa konusursun.
You should say hello to Joan anyways.
Ne kadar calissam da, kovulacagim yakinda nasilsa.
The harder I work, the sooner we all get fired.
Yarim gün gidecegiz nasilsa.
We only have a half day anyway.
Bugün daha fazla tuhaflasamaz nasilsa.
Day couldn't get any weirder.
Heriflere çakiyor olacak nasilsa.
Figure she's gonna be out fucking dudes.
Ayni ücret nasilsa.
Same price either way.
Bos ver ya, nasilsa yarin ayine gidecegiz.
It's all right, we're going to Mass tomorrow.
Bir daha olmacayak nasilsa.
It can never happen again.
Nasilsa, onunlada egleniyorum.
After all, I'm having my fun with him.
Nasilsa fazla bisey degismeyecek hicbir tuhaflik yoksa.
Ain't no reverends.

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