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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ O ] / Oradaydim

Oradaydim tradutor Inglês

29 parallel translation
Yüzme takimina girmeye kalkmasam hala oradaydim.
I'd have been there yet, but I went out for the swimming team.
Öldügü gün oradaydim..
I was there the day he was killed.
- Alo? - Diane az önce Madam Ruth'un oradaydim.
Diane, I just got back from Madame Ruth's.
Hani taksilerin baska bir taksiye ve otobüse çarpip, su borusunu patlattiklari kaza, oradaydim.
The big accident in midtown, where the cabs busted into the other cab, it knocked into a bus and a water main bust - I was in that.
Gözümle gördüm, oradaydim.
That's insane. I saw it, I was there.
Yani sadece, o oradaydi, ben de oradaydim ve konustuk..
It's just I was there and she was there and it came up.
I was there.
[Bell Ringing]
kor degilim oradaydim ve biliyorumki size zalimce davranan bircok insan var.
I'm not blind. I've been there. I've seen how cruel people have been to you, have detorted you.
Ben oradaydim.
I was there.
- Hayir, müsait ameliyasane yok. simdi oradaydim.
- No, there's no O.R.I was just down there.
Ben oradaydim.
'Cause i was there.
Ama ben- - iyi bir uyusturucu oldugunu dusundugum mantardan almak icin oradaydim.
But I- - I was there to buy mushrooms, which I considered a good drug, and consider a good drug onto this day.
Tamam, tamam, oradaydim.
Alright, alright, I was, I was there.
Ben o üç haftanin 5 gününde oradaydim.
I was there five days in the middle.
Yillar, yillar önce oradaydim, misyonerlik görevim sebebiyle.
I was there--oh, God, years and years ago doing missionary work.
Dale ve Glen'le oradaydim ve...
I'm there with Dale and Glen, and...
- Cunku oradaydim.
Because I was there.
Çigligi duydugumda nehrin oradaydim geri geldigimde elektrik yoktu
I went down to the water when I heard the scream, and when I came back, the power was off.
Askeri egitim için sali günü oradaydim.
I was there Tuesday for military training.
Senin yüzüne sahip bir gölge tarafindan öldürüldügünde oradaydim.
I was there when he was murdered by a shadow with your face.
Sadece, oradaydim.
I just, I was there.
Yok, hep oradaydim.
Nah. Nah, I was there the whole time.
- Oradaydim.
I was. I was.
Hep oradaydim.
I was there the whole time.
İste oradaydim, mezuniyet gunumde bedenimin disina cikmis, yukaridan kendime bakiyor ve dusunuyordum...
Um... There I am, I'm at graduation. I'm having an out-of-body experience.

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