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Translate.vc / Turco → Espanhol / [ C ] / Come on

Come on tradutor Espanhol

342 parallel translation
Hey! Gel buraya! Ye şunu!
¡ Hey, come on!
- Come on, step on it!
- Vamos, ¡ date prisa!
Come on, my boy!
Come on, my boy!
Saddle the horses immediately! Come on, let's go!
¡ Ensillen los caballos, inmediatamente!
Hurry! Hurry! - Come on!
rápido. rápido.
Please come on back to me l'm lonely as can be l need you
Por favor vuelve a mi. Estoy tan sólo como puedo estar. Te necesito.
So come on back and see Just what you mean to me l need you
Así que vuelve y date cuenta, lo que significas para mi.
Come on!
¡ Vamos!
Oh, come on lads, where's that famous pluck?
Vamos, chicos, ¿ adonde están esas famosas agallas?
- Hadi, hadi, hadi.
Come on, come on, come on. Gracias.
Zavallı aşkım!
Pobrecito. Come on!
# Come on down the highway # In the twilight of your life
Pase por la carretera en el ocaso de su vida...
* Ama endişelendirmiyor beni *
# Come on! It don't worry me
Buradan itibaren, şarkıların sözlerini orjinal tutuyorum. Böylece, kontrol edebilirsiniz : ) # Come on and ease on down ease on down the road #
Si tuviera que volver al basurero, y aunque Teenie se me siente encima, no te olvidare, porque yo tengo un amor sincero.
# Come on, ease on down ease on down the road #
Oh, no te oxides ahora.
# Come on, ease on down ease on down the road #
Oh, Dorothy.
# Don't you carry nothin'that might be a load # # Come on, ease on down ease on down, down the road # # Pick your left foot up when your right one's down #
Si no fuera por ti, todavía estaría colgado de ese palo... con miedo a vivir.
# Come on, let's keep movin'Don't you lose no ground #
Yo también.
# Come on, ease on down ease on down the road #
Estoy preparada.
# Don't you carry nothin'that might be a load # # Come on, ease on down ease on down, down the road # #'Cause there may be times when you wish you wasn't born #
# Cuando pienso en mi hogar # # pienso en un lugar # # donde el amor flota. #
# Get'em up, get'em up ease on down # # Ease on down ease on down # # Come on, ease on down #
# Quizás pueda convencer al tiempo de aminorar la marcha # # dándome la posibilidad de que madure. #
Çıkar ayakkabılarını ve gir içeri
Throw off your shoes and come on in
Ait olduğun yere geri gel
Come on back where you belong
Gel haydi sana göstereyim
Come on, let me show you
Gel haydi sana sarılayım
Come on, let me hold you
Gel hadi eve, bebek.
~ Come on home, babe
Oh, Gel hadi eve, kadin.
~ Oh, come on home, woman
Oh, Gel hadi eve, güzel bebek.
~ Oh, come on home, pretty baby
Come on home to me, baby
~ Come on home to me, baby
Come on Let meseeyoushakeyourtailfeather
~ Come on Let me see you shake your tail feather
Come on Come on, baby
~ Come on Come on, baby
Come on, let's do the twist
~ Come on, let's do the twist
Haydi Baby, don'tyou wannago
~ Come on Baby, don't you wanna go
Haydi! Çabuk, çabuk!
Come on, come on.
Haydi, gel!
Come on.
Come on!
¡ Rápido!
Come on.
Come on, right now.
Vamos, ahora mismo.
Come on, shout, freak out Be good to her
Grita, estalla, sé bueno con ella.
Haydi, Díaz.
Come on, Díaz.
Ritchie Valens, Come On, Let's Go.
¡ Ritchie Valens canta "Come On Let ´ s Go"!
- O, on general kadar yer.
- Éste come como diez generales.
Bobby Shafter gel de gör... onun diz eklemlerini dik... Gözleri mavi ve altındı...
Bobby Shafter come to see... sew the knuckles on his knee... her eyes were blue and gold...
Dakikada bir yumurta yerse, çiğnemek için tam on dakikası kalıyor.
Si come un huevo por minuto, le quedarán diez minutos para vomitar.
You'll come full circle against the law that made you move on.
El círculo se cerrará y hallará la ley que lo hizo huir.
" Come on, let's go to the hop.
Let's got to the hop, oh baby. "
Hop! "
" Come on, let's go to the hop.
# Come on, ease on down ease on down, down the road #
Mi hogar.
On altı yıldır evliyiz ve karım hala Çin yemeği yemiyor.
Llevo 16 años casado y mi mujer no come comida china.
Come on!
- # Come on, baby - # Come on and work it on out... Hey.

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