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Almost certainly перевод на испанский

651 параллельный перевод
Almost certainly belonging to His Highness Surat Khan, Sir.
Que casi con certeza le pertenece a Su Alteza el Surat Khan señor.
By withdrawing your forces, you'll be making a friendly gesture which will almost certainly lead to the reopening of negotiations in Calcutta.
Al retirar sus fuerzas en este momento, usted demuestra un gesto poco amistoso que lo levará ciertamente a a abrir las negociaciones en Calcuta.
- Almost certainly two.
- Con toda seguridad.
I mean that you almost certainly will.
Quiero decir que usted casi seguro lo será.
If his convoys come this way, they'll run into the Middle East Air Force and the Fleet, so they'll almost certainly come straight down here.
Si sus convoyes siguen esta ruta, se encontrarán con la flota de Oriente Medio y vendrán aquí.
Almost certainly, they're at Amie, discussing the details.
Se están discutiendo los detalles en Amiens.
Almost certainly French.
Es casi seguro que es francesa.
I think you're cynical and ruthless, almost certainly cruel, a man of bad character and evil reputation.
Creo que es cínico, despiadado y casi seguro cruel un hombre de mal carácter y de mala reputación.
First, there are strong inshore currents... and a prevailing onshore wind... which will almost certainly carry the body ashore.
Primero, hay fuertes corrientes costeras y un viento que sopla desde el mar... que con toda seguridad, llevarán el cuerpo hacia la orilla.
The man almost certainly isn't there, but if he is, he won't be there for long.
Ese hombre seguramente no está ahí, pero si está, no estará ahí mucho tiempo.
Almost certainly, Pepe, but we could not reach them.
Seguro, Pepe, pero no podemos llegar hasta ellos.
Direction almost certainly west.
En dirección oeste.
However, if he is, he's almost certainly a prisoner.
Sin embargo, si lo está, sin duda es prisionero.
Almost certainly one could say that that characteristic vocal / instrumental style that was later brilliantly improved by Giovanni Gabrielli originates in fact from Andrea.
Casi seguro se podría decir que ese estilo característico vocal / instrumental fue más tarde mejorado de forma brillante por Giovanni Gabrielli originado de hecho, por Andrea.
It means that the thief and the murderer are almost certainly the same and that he or she is in that house and that your life may be in great danger.
Significa que el ladrón y el asesino son casi seguramente el mismo que él o ella está en esa casa y que su vida puede correr un gran peligro.
Because the man the British will almost certainly use on a mission of this sort would be their agent James Bond.
Porque el hombre al que enviarán los británicos a una misión de este tipo será, casi con certeza, su agente James Bond.
You almost certainly think it's a mosque  E
Se piensa con seguridad que es una mezquita...
She was unmarried and almost certainly a virgin.
Era soltera, y casi seguro virgen.
It was almost certainly buried with him in his tomb in the desert.
Lo enterrarían con el en su tumba del desierto...
That means our number one plane will almost certainly get through.
Eso significa que es casi seguro que nuestro avión cruzará.
Unless I can convince the court that you were acting under extra ordinary strain at the time when you committed this crime, you will almost certainly be sentenced to death.
Si no convenzo al tribunal... de que estabas trastornado cuando huiste, te condenarán a muerte.
Within a country where there is still racial and social prejudice, where there is still a shortage of housing and living space, a number of measures would almost certainly be necessary in attempting the evacuation of an estimated 10 million people.
En un país donde aun existen prejuicios raciales y sociales, donde aun existe escasez de vivienda y de espacio vital, será necesario tomar un número de medidas para intentar evacuar una cantidad estimada de 10 millones de personas.
It would almost certainly have to happen in Britain after a nuclear war.
Es casi seguro que eso ocurriría en Gran Bretaña después de una guerra nuclear.
Almost certainly, an attempt will be made to kill you.
Es casi seguro que intentarán matarlo a usted.
If it hadn't been for the Vicomte De Leran the Captain would almost certainly have caught her.
De no haber sido por el vizconde De Leran, el capitán casi seguro que la atrapa.
You win, and Le Chiffre will almost certainly be killed by his organization.
Si ganas es casi seguro que su organización lo asesinará.
Almost certainly.
Seguramente sí.
Then that will almost certainly fracture the crust of the planet.
Luego es casi seguro que romperán la corteza del planeta.
A violent attack on the chateau would almost certainly destroy the control units there.
Un ataque violento al castillo... casi seguro destruye las unidades de control de allí.
Almost certainly.
Emission from the energy cells would have affected your sense perception, almost certainly causing you to hallucinate.
Las emisiones de células de energía afectarían el sentido de la percepción,... causándole, casi con toda seguridad, alucinaciones.
Almost certainly post-hypnotic alienation.
Casi seguro que es alienación post-hipnótica.
Tell it by the fireside or in a marketplace or in a movie... almost any story is almost certainly... some kind of lie.
Contadas al lado de una fogata, en un mercado o en una película. Sin duda casi todas las historias incluyen algún tipo de mentira.
- Almost certainly the same weapon.
La misma arma. Casi seguro.
"The disease is almost certainly incurable."
La enfermedad casi seguro que es incurable.
They almost certainly visited Earth and taught the people there how to build.
Entonces es muy probable que visitasen la Tierra y dijesen a la gente cómo construirla.
Yes, almost certainly we're inside some kind of artificial satellite... - Isn't that interesting?
Sí, casi seguro que estamos en algún satélite artificial, ¿ no es interesante?
- Almost certainly.
- Casi seguro.
Obviously, the creature's lungs recycle the wastes, almost certainly by enzymes.
Obviamente, los pulmones de la criatura reciclan los residuos. Casi seguro por encimas.
No, almost certainly.
No, casi seguro.
Well, you were so intent on the first identification... that turned out to be false. They're almost certainly going to try to take advantage of that.
Bueno, fuiste tan certera en una primera identificación... que acabó siendo falsa... que ellos seguramente van a querer sacar ventaja de eso.
To me it came that night... after Paul Holland had almost thrust me from the room... certainly from his life.
Para mí, llegó esa noche... después de que Paul Holland casi me echara del cuarto... por cierto, de su vida.
I'm helpless to prevent your death, almost certainly by violence.
Con toda seguridad, violenta.
From H.H. Ewers'world famous novel, its shape is transformed from the ghostly night-shaded narrow neck of the imagination almost into human flesh. And in the future? Certainly with our critical and skeptical minds, we are safe, but not always :
Según la mundialmente famosa novela de H.H. Ewers, su aspecto se transforma desde el fantasmal y sombrío pasadizo de la imaginación, en algo semejante a la carne humana. ¿ Y en el futuro?
Certainly sexual associations can be found in almost every case if you look for them hard enough.
Puede haber asociaciones sexuales en casi todos los casos. Si las buscas con ahínco.
It was almost as though Harriman turned off his hearing aid... when we told him this would not work... this was not the understanding the North Vietnamese had... and they would certainly repudiate it... if he attempted to take that position at the bargaining table.
Algo así como si Harriman hubiera apagado su audífono cuando le dijimos que esto no era la comprensión que el vietnamita del norte tenía y que lo rechazarían si el adoptaba esa posición en la mesa de negociaciones.
They'll almost certainly be dead if they were under that.
Parece muy tranquilo. Nuh...
Certainly I've worried about the problems, the... the... oh, the... you could almost say the sicknesses in our society.
Siempre me preocuparon los problemas, los... los... se podría decir los de nuestra sociedad enferma.
He certainly influenced almost everyone who was directing in the'50s and later in the'605. and right on through today.
Ciertamente influyó en casi todo aquel que dirigía en los 50 y después en los 60, e incluso ahora también.
I certainly do not approve everything about Aristotle because almost two thousand years have passed since his death and man's science has progressed a good deal.
Ciertamente no apruebo a Aristóteles en todas sus ideas porque han pasado casi 2000 años de su muerte y la ciencia del hombre ha progressado bastante.
They were almost a lethal dose certainly enough to knock somebody out.
Era casi una dosis mortal lo suficiente para hacer perder el conocimiento.

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