And his family перевод на испанский
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A lament for his nation and his family.
Un lamento por su nación y su familia.
Laohu and his family have been murdered
Laohu y su familia han sido asesinados.
He and his family are their way to their uncle's farm house.
Dice que él y su familia van camino a la granja de su tío.
He and his family rent some kind of airboat business.
Él y su familia rentan algún tipo de negocio de botes de aire.
For him and his family.
Para él y su familia.
He says he has lost his children and his family.
Dice que ha perdido sus hijos y su familia.
Manolo and his family were the first to ever see the magic waterfalls... That linked all the realms.
Manolo y su familia fueron los primeros en ver las cataratas mágicas que unían todos los reinos.
Dave is an investor and his family is in the beef and cattle industry and he's really interested in helping us out.
Dave es inversionista y su familia está en la industria ganadera. Le interesa mucho ayudarnos.
All he wants to do is spend time with his kid, but now the kid's busy with his own family, and, uh... he just can't find the time.
Todo lo que él quiere hacer es pasar tiempo con su hijo, pero ahora el hijo está ocupado con su propia familia, y, no tiene tiempo.
He was also among the most righteous, making sacrifices to the Almighty God to atone for his transgressions and the sins of his family.
También estaba entre los más honrados, y hacía sacrificios a Dios Todopoderoso para expiar sus faltas y los pecados de su familia.
By the time I was his age, I already had a family and left them.
Cuando yo tenía su edad, ya había tenido familia y la había perdido.
The famous Tutankhamen was married to his own sister, and previous to that he was married to his own grandmother, so that they could keep the blood within the same family. MOSLEY :
El famoso Tutankamón se casó con su propia hermana, y antes que eso, se había casado con su propia abuela, para poder hacer que la sangre se quedara en la misma familia.
I mean, he had a great work ethic and he passed it onto his family.
Quiero decir, él tenía una gran ética de trabajo y él se lo pasó a su familia.
A year and a half ago we managed to hunt down his family in Agra.
Hace un año y medio nos las arreglamos para cazar a su familia en Agra.
These were family jewels and relics of his kin.
Estas eran joyas familiares y reliquias de sus parientes.
And so, after four dates and a trip to the Cape with his family, I finally got the information I was looking for.
Y así, después de 4 citas y un viaje al Cabo con su familia finalmente obtuve la información que buscaba.
And as long as he walked his path and I walked mine... I thought that this family would be in peace.
Mientras el caminara por un lado y yo por otro... pensé que esta familia estaría en paz.
Because of you, Tan lost Rachel, his family, and became a laughing stock to the world.
Por ti, Tan perdió a Rachel, su familia, y se convirtió en el hazmerreír del mundo.
You know, what his family is like. What he likes and if he has a girlfriend. Things like that.
Ya sabes, cómo es su familia... lo que le gusta y si tiene novia.
He doesn't know why he had to leave his family and wander around.
No sabe por qué tuvo que vivir solo... ni por qué lo estuvieron mudando de casa.
A man's responsibility is to protect his family and his nation.
La responsabilidad de un hombre es proteger a su familia y a su nación.
His family's joined us here today to mark his passing before God and community.
Su familia nos acompaña para marcar su muerte ante Dios y la comunidad.
Prosecutors are expected to call several star witnesses including Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, who may be breaking his Cosa Nostra oath in order to testify against Gotti and the entire family.
Los fiscales llamarán a declarar a varios testigos importantes incluido Salvatore "Sammy el Toro" Gravano, quien podría romper su juramento a la Cosa Nostra para poder declarar en contra de Gotti y toda la familia.
And... His family, too.
Y a su familia también.
He saves your ranch, and this is how you treat his family?
Él salva a su rancho, ¿ y así es como tratas a su familia?
And if anything threatens the peace, the silverback is ready to protect his family.
Y si cualquier cosa amenaza su paz, el de espalda plateada está listo para proteger a su familia.
Destroys families, that's what you want, takes the soul of the father and forces destroy his family.
Destruye familias, eso es lo que quiere, toma el alma del padre y lo obliga a destruir a su familia.
How can he sit there in The Capitol and defend the people who destroyed his home and murdered his family?
¿ Cómo puede defender a la gente que destruyó su hogar y asesinó a su familia?
♪ Of his family and his mind
# De su familia y de su mente
Yeah, well... he's alive and well and living with his preferred family, so...
Está bien y con vida con una de sus familias.
He's nice, we've got a dog, we, we go to the pub on weekends and I've met his mum and dad and his friends and all his family.
Es agradable, tenemos un perro, salimos al pub los fines de semana y he conocido a sus padres, sus amigos y toda su familia.
Maui, he went and got all of his family, just like us, just like all these pieces on this board, they come together, and they pulled and they pulled and they pulled up land.
Maui, fue y trajo a toda su familia, al igual que nosotros, al igual que todas estas piezas en este tablero, se juntan, y ellos tiraron y tiraron y tiraron hacia afuera la tierra.
He gave up his family and his career and his life.
Renunció a su familia y su carrera y su vida.
The ultimate legality of this accumulation requires further analysis, but in the opinion of this office, it was Madame D's intention that control of the vast bulk of her estate should be transferred, forthwith, to her son, Dmitri, with special allowances for his sisters, Marguerite, Laetizia, and Carolina, and minor gifts for various members of the extended family as shown in the List of Recipients, which I will elucidate in due course.
La legalidad de dicha acumulaci贸n requiere m谩s an谩lisis pero opinamos que era la intenci贸n de Madame D que el control de sus bienes le fuera transferido a su hijo Dmitri con pensiones para sus hermanas Marguerite, Laetizia y Carolina y regalos menores para distintos miembros de su familia lejana de acuerdo con la lista de beneficiarios, la cual leer茅 en su momento.
When we sit at home like a family, and my father used to share with us about his goals.
Cuando estábamos en casa, como una familia, y mi padre compartía sus metas con nosotros...
oe was lying to his family, he was lying to his father, he needed to lie to the Palestinian Authority, to oamas, he needed to hide things from the Shin Bet about himself, and eoery gioen second,
Le estaba mintiendo a su familia. Le estaba mintiendo a su padre. Tenía que mentir a la Autoridad Palestina, a Hamás.
And somewhere, on the road to their new life as a family, the Reverend Reece Wade stole away with his new son and dedicated him to the creator of life itself, the king of the universe.
Y en algún lugar, en el camino en su nueva vida como familia, el reverendo Reece Wade pasaba el tiempo con su nuevo hijo y se lo dedicó al creador de la vida misma, el rey del universo.
Ryan never let on to anyone but his family who he really was and came to walk the path of singing both his and his brother's songs.
Ryan jamás le contó a nadie más que a su familia quién era realmente y siguió su camino cantando sus canciones y las de su hermano.
You and your family have corrupted his mind!
¡ Tú y tu familia han corrompido su mente!
And as sophisticated as Roger was, he didn't know how his family would take this.
Y tan sofisticado como Roger era, no sabía cómo su familia iba a tomar esto.
He wanted to be with his family, and go back to work.
Quería estar con su familia, y volver al trabajo.
about some whack job who flips out and murders his entire family.
sobre algunos whack trabajo que se da vuelta y asesinatos toda su familia.
If Afshin Ghaffarian does not make himself known, we will go to Mashhad and find his family.
Si Afshin Ghaffarian no avanzó, vamos a ir a.. Mashhad y conoce a su familia.
" The person responsible for these actions and comments is not the Regan Pearce his family and friends know.
" La persona responsable de estas acciones y comentarios, no es el Regan Pearce. que su familia y amigos conocen.
Um, you know what happened in Paris and Istanbul a couple years ago... where Bryan saved his family.
Sabe lo que paso en Paris y en Estambul hace un par de años... cuando Bryan salvo a su familia.
Well, James started out in Augusta, and then his family moved to Toccoa.
James empezó en Augusta y después, su familia se mudó a Toccoa.
After all, we a family and Ragnar has forgiven his brother.
Después de todo, somos familia y Ragnar ha perdonado a su hermano.
And a man killed his entire family.
Y un hombre mató a toda su familia.
Isn't it your duty to at least call his family and inform?
¿ No tendrías primero que llamar a la familia para preguntarles e informarles?
His close and extended family members were executed by the Emperor.
Los miembros cercanos y lejanos de su familia fueron ejecutados por el Emperador.
Lord, we ask that You be with us today, that You be close... that You comfort his friends and family.
Señor, te pedimos que nos acompañes en este día, que estés cerca y que le brindes consuelo a su familia y amigos.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26