And his wife перевод на испанский
9,057 параллельный перевод
The Prime Minister and his wife?
¿ El Primer Ministro y su esposa?
Because he and his wife were living in Leicester.
Porque él y su esposa vivían en Leicester.
Tragedy literally struck here five years ago, when Stetson Donovan and his wife, Patty, were found dead in each other's arms, killed by a massive jolt of electricity.
La tragedia literalmente golpeó aquí hace cinco años, cuando Stetson Donovan y su esposa, Patty, fueron encontrados muertos uno en brazos del otro, muertos por un choque masivo de electricidad.
He and his wife never had children.
Su esposa y él nunca tuvieron hijos.
My son Thomas and his wife live on the other side of those hills.
Mi hijo Thomas y su esposa vivir en el otro lado de esas colinas.
Today is a new day, with a visit from Herod and his wife.
Hoy es un nuevo día, con la visita de Herodes y su esposa.
In France, Jean Frederic Joliot-Curie and his wife Irene can use the heavy water as moderator in a nuclear reactor.
Jean Frédéric Joliot-Curie y su esposa, Irène, pueden utilizar el agua... como un moderador en un reactor nuclear.
Why didn't Moran tell me about his wife and boys himself?
¿ Por qué Moran no me dijo lo de su mujer e hijos él mismo?
The brave inspector who will smash and turn all his wife's killers to ash!
El inspector valiente que va a romper y acabar con todos los asesinos de su esposa.
And her ex-husband died on top of his new wife.
Y su exmarido ha muerto encima de su nueva mujer.
Had his wife and kids with him on the shift when he plugged in a floor-polishing machine,
Tuvo su esposa e hijos con él en el turno cuando se enchufa en una máquina de piso pulido,
... and his fantastic wife
... Y su fantástica esposa
And his wonderful wife and partner, Melodie.
Que privilegio.
Okay, it's unclear, but apparently, Zaman has fantasies of watching his wife have sex with young men, who he then tortures and executes, but not before he has consumed their genitalia in order to make himself more virile.
¿ Qué está pasando? Bueno, es algo confuso pero, parece que Zaman tiene fantasías de observar a su esposa teniendo sexo con hombres jóvenes a quienes después, tortura y ejecuta pero no sin comer antes sus genitales para poder volverse más viril.
He's barely been here for an hour, and you're asking his wife what she wants to do with his organs?
¿ Lleva aquí, menos de una hora, y ya está preguntando a su mujer, que quiere hacer con sus órganos?
Lip, this is Bill, and that's his wife Eileen.
Lip, este es Bill, y esta es su mujer Eileen.
She's too scared of what Levesque and his absolutely charming wife might do.
Tiene demasiado miedo de lo que Levesque y su absolutamente encantadora esposa le podrían hacer.
And if declared unsound of mind, all his property falls to his legal wife.
Y si es declarado incapacitado mentalmente, todas sus propiedades van a manos de su esposa legal.
Your husband up there is sick and in need of his wife-mate.
Su marido está enfermo y necesita a su compañera.
Bullock knows a cop... Came home and found his wife.
Bullock conoce a un policía... que llegó a casa y encontró a su esposa.
First, jane and rafael discovered the truth About his ex-wife petra's identity.
No es quien dice ser.
Oh, and his ex-wife, Petra, was now the co-owner of the hotel.
Y su ex-mujer, Petra, era ahora la copropietaria del hotel.
He's a family friend, his wife's the city commissioner, and she could get our liquor license hearing moved up.
Él es amigo de la familia, su esposa es comisionista de la ciudad y puede hacer que nuestra restricción de licencia de alcohol sea removida.
And obviously he didn't want his wife to find out.
Y obviamente no quería que su esposa lo averiguase.
He called his wife and told her He would be out on the water late.
Llamó a su esposa y le dijo que saldría al mar más tarde.
His sister is connected to sin rostro, And his crazy ex-wife has a murderous mother.
Su hermana esta conectada a Sin Rostro, y su loca ex-mujer tiene una madre asesina.
Jeffrey Clarke, a man who dedicated his life to protecting you and yours, was taken from his home, taken from his wife, and brutally murdered.
Jeffrey Clarke, un hombre que dedicó su vida a protegerte a ti y a los tuyos, fue sacado de su casa, separado de su esposa, y fue asesinado brutalmente.
Well, Del will be there and Bonnie, his wife.
Bueno, estarán Del y su esposa Bonnie.
Well, you may have known him longer, but according to the state of Nevada and the former prostitute who married us, I'm legally his wife.
Bueno, puede que le conozcas desde hace más tiempo, pero según el estado de Nevada y la antigua prostituta que nos casó, legalmente soy su mujer.
And if this guy goes down for some other murders and not your wife's, for a man like you that served justice his entire life, isn't that a damn sight better than him not going down at all?
Y si atrapamos a este tipo por otros asesinatos y no solo por el de su mujer, para un hombre como usted que ha servido a la justicia toda su vida, ¿ no es una mejor vista a que no le atrapemos?
And I'm delighted to spend the evening with your charming son and his beautiful wife.
Y estoy encantado de pasar la noche con tu, hijo y su bella esposa.
I'm pretending to be his ex-wife, and he's buying it.
Estoy fingiendo ser su exmujer y se lo está creyendo.
Daddy lost his wife, and you lost Mama.
Papá perdió a su esposa, y tú perdiste a mamá.
According to sources on the scene, the father has been holding his wife and two children at gunpoint for several hours now.
Según las fuentes del lugar, el padre ha estado reteniendo a su esposa y a sus dos hijos a punta de escopeta durante varias horas.
His wife was in one of our clinical trials and she wasn't responding.
Su mujer estaba en uno de nuestros tratamientos experimentales, y ella no respondía.
You were willing to do anything to kill your wife and he was willing to do anything to keep his alive.
Usted estaba dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa, para matar a su mujer, y él para mantener a la suya con vida.
The bloke is Peter Magath, the dead man's best mate, and that's his wife, Anita.
El tipo es Peter Magath, el mejor amigo del muerto, y esa es su esposa, Anita. Sí, mire.
The land that Scott bought for his vision of Newcastle and failed to get planning permission for. You and your wife invested in it.
Mandarlos a la basura, quiere decir en favor de los suyos.
And now he's here with his wife.
Y aquí le tengo, de visita con su esposa.
- And his lovely wife, Gina.
- Robyn, hola. - Y su esposa, Gina.
And killed his fake wife.
Y asesinó a su falsa esposa.
I did my duty to him as his wife and I obliged his every whim.
Cumplí con mi obligación de esposa y fui obligada a cumplir todos sus caprichos.
In fact, I would venture Sir Richard Worsley is not entitled to any compensation at all and that his litigation may be dismissed, for it was Sir Richard Worsley himself who debased and devalued his wife.
De hecho, me aventuraría a decir que sir Richard Worsley no tiene derecho a ninguna compensación en absoluto y que su litigio debe ser desestimado, ya que fue el mismo sir Richard Worsley el que degradó y devaluó a su esposa.
Richard has it, and I'm his lawful wife... so I can spend it as I wish.
Richard lo tiene, y soy su legítima esposa... por lo que puedo gastarlo como desee.
Font, Funkhauser, you guys inform his wife and then start looking into his personal life.
Font, Funkhauser, informen a su mujer... y luego investiguen su vida privada.
We must destroy him utterly and take his wife.
Tenemos que destruirlo completamente y llevarnos a su esposa.
I spoke to his wife, you know, hazel, And apparently he's suffering From post traumatic stress disorder'cause he got in a car accident and killed three kids.
hablé con su esposa Hazel, me dijo que él sufre de estrés postraumático, porqué mató a tres niños en un accidente de tránsito
His wife wants some preemptive meds, and I want to rule out a bacterial infection.
Su esposa quiere algún medicamento sustitutivo y yo quiero descartar una infección bacteriana.
I don't expect my own wife to join them, and, yes, even if he were mad, we should nail him up to destroy the messenger and to warn the people against his message!
y no esperaba que mi propia esposa se uniese a ellos, y, sí, incluso si estuviera loco, debemos clavarlo hasta destruir al mensajero y para advertir a las personas en contra de su mensaje!
A week later, the other guy disappeared, along with his wife, his parents, his children, and his brother.
Una semana más tarde, el otro hombre desapareció junto con su esposa, sus padres, sus hijos y su hermano.
Sources say he was being groomed for admiral when, on Christmas Eve, 1990, while on his way home to visit his wife and daughter, Reddington vanished.
Las fuentes indican que en aquel momento fue considerado para ser almirante cuando en la Nochebuena de 1990, en camino de regreso a su casa... Para visitar a su esposa e hija, Reddington desapareció.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his son 20
his wife 438
his wife died 20
his wife left him 23
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
his wife 438
his wife died 20
his wife left him 23
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102