And when he does перевод на испанский
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" I'll make him propose to me - and when he does, I'll laugh in his face!
Haré que él me lo proponga. Y cuando lo haga, me reiré en su cara
We'll wait for him to come out from beneath His Highness'wing. And when he does, we'll skin him.
Cuando ese pordiosero salga de las alas de Su Alteza, le daremos una paliza.
Often, he gets into a terrible rage, and when he does...
Con frecuencia se enfurece y, en esos momentos...
Frank James is liable to come in any day now... and when he does, you'll hear the truth from his own lips.
Frank James vendrá cualquier día de éstos... y cuando lo haga, él mismo le dirá la verdad.
And when he does, he's gonna slap your ears off.
Y cuando lo haga, te cortará las orejas.
He isn't well at all. And when he does get home at night his feet hurt and he's dog tired.
No está bien, y cuando llega a casa por la noche está agotado.
He must come here and when he does, I'll tell him.
Cuando venga a por ellos se lo diré.
And when he does, he'll blow out of town so fast.. ─ No, he won't.
Y cuando lo sepa, se irá del pueblo rápidamente. - No se irá,
They keep waiting for Prince Charming to come along, and when he does, he...
Esperan un príncipe azul.
He'll come here. And when he does, I'll know it.
Si viene lo encontraré.
Pete's called me that several times, and when he does, I'm afraid.
Pete me ha llamado así y, cuando lo hace, tengo miedo.
And when he does, the lightning Of justice will strike... the unsuspected.
Y cuando esto ocurra, el brazo de la justicia caerá sobre el menos sospechoso.
And when he does, You watch the sales skyrocket. Yo-ho!
Y cuando lo haga, las ventas subirán como un cohete.
One day Waterson's going too far out on a limb, and when he does, I'm gonna chop it off and him with it!
Ese Waterson'va demasiado lejos con su periódico, y el día que tropiece, le voy a cortar las alas a ese periódico y a él.
This guy's gonna get himself killed one of these days! And when he does, he won't be enough for a decent burial.
Este tipo conseguirá matarse y no le quedará ni para un funeral decente.
And when he does, you will all regret having dared to offend me.
Y ese día pagaréis caras todas vuestras ofensas.
And when he does have a job, he'll spend it all on drink.
Y cuando trabaje, gastará el dinero en tomar.
And when he does, he hardly drinks at all.
Y cuando lo hace, apenas bebe.
And when he does, we'll be ready.
Y cuando venga, estaré preparado.
And when he does, tell him not to do anything foolish.
Y cuando responda dile que no cometa ninguna torpeza.
And when he does, he will follow, señor.
Y cuando lo sepa, nos seguirá.
And when he does...
Y cuando llegue...
And when he does come in, it's always at night.
Y si viene, no lo hace de día. Viene en la noche.
And when he does surface, we'll be there.
Y cuando salga a la superficie, allí estaremos.
Why does he go messing around an old ruined windmill when he has a decent house, a bath, good food and drink, and a darned pretty girl to come back to?
¿ Por qué tenía que irse a ese viejo molino en ruinas cuando tiene una casa decente, bañera, buena comida y bebida, y una chica guapa? ¿ Vais a responderme?
- that's the servants'quarters leave it on. it's quite interesting and when he thinks, now is the right time, what does the little person say?
Esto es la habitación del servicio. Deja, deja, es muy interesante. Déjalo.
So when someone is seven and is named Toto, does he always make a fuss to take a purge?
Pues cuando uno tiene siete años y se llama Toto, ¿ hay que montar esta historia para purgarse?
And when that time does arrive, he'll be able to control his destiny.
Y cuando llegue ese día, podrá controlar su destino.
I kicked her and I poured water on her and I chucked rocks and sticks at her and all she does is bawl a lot when she's hurt.
Le he dado patadas, le he tirado agua encima le he lanzado piedras y palos y lo único que hace es berrear si le duele.
When he's taken at random and shot... his next-door neighbor will think, "It does a man no good to obey." He might as well die fighting.
Pero cuando los fusilan sin razón... los demás filipinos piensan que es mucho mejor... morir peleando por los suyos.
And when he says, "What's cooking?" Does she know what cooks?
Y cuando él pregunta : "¿ Qué se cuece?", ¿ sabe ella lo que se cuece?
He'll have to make the first move, and when he does..
Tendrá que hacer el primer movimiento, y cuando lo haga...
I thought he won't come back and if he does, when he returns from his own people he will look at me with cool eyes.
Pensé no va a volver y si vuelve tras estar con su pueblo me mirará con mirada fría.
And if he does... youwill bealone when they call.
Y si lo hace... estarás muy solo.
When he does not understand something or does not wish to answer... he taps his fingertips together so, looks down his nose and says, "Hmm."
Cuando él no entiende nada o no quiere contestar... junta los dedos así, mira hacia abajo y dice, "Hmm."
His interest in this world will begin as it does with all babies... when suddenly, through no fault of his own... he is rudely deprived of a warm, secure and well-fed existence... which he has every reason to believe will go on forever, and finds himself upside-down... being smacked on the backside.
Su vida en este mundo comenzará como la de todos los bebés... cuando de repente, sin ser culpa suya... sea despojado bruscamente de una vida protegida, abrigada y bien alimentada... que él cree que durará para siempre... y se encuentre colgado boca abajo siendo azotado en el trasero.
Often he gets into a terrible rage, and when he does- -
A menudo se pone hecho una furia, y...
And he does not spit when he talks.
Y no escupe al hablar.
Not only does Mr. Gallagher answer the what, when, where... who, why, and how, he puts them in such a sequence... that a routine news item takes on all of the impact... of a short short story.
El Sr. Gallagher no sólo contesta el qué, cuándo, dónde, quién, por qué y cómo. Además los pone en un orden tal... que una noticia rutinaria cobra todo el impacto... de una historia muy breve.
Follow me. Even when Clay was alive he couldn't run fast enough to catch me, so when he does, you grab Mrs. Trent and run like lightning in the opposite direction.
Incluso si Clay estubiese vivo no podrá correr mas rápido que yo y atraparme... entonces cuando eso acurra y atrapas a la Señora Trent y corres como un relampago.
He'll come in all right and, when he does, you're not going to fight my fight.
Vendrá de todas formas y, cuando lo haga, usted luchará por mí.
And when I think of all the things you've given me and how little I've given you how does a man say to a woman he loves :
Y cuando pienso en todo lo que me has dado y lo poco que yo te he dado a ti... ¿... cómo le dice un hombre a la mujer que ama :
# Why does he follow me about # And wait up for me when it's my night out?
" ¿ Por qué me sigue a todos lados y me espera al salir del trabajo?
Be calm and composed when he does.
Muestra calma y compostura cuando él Io haga.
I have word she'll be coming home soon, and when she does, I think we should give a little party.
He oído que pronto volverá a casa. Cuando vuelva, creo que deberíamos dar una fiestecilla.
And it does not explain why this man is alive when he should be dead.
Eso no explica que el pulso de este hombre sea tan fuerte y constante como si solo tuviera un resfriado.
When he does, we'll be waiting for him. Me and the boys.
Y cuando venga, le esperaremos, yo y los muchachos.
At times when you are unwilling and shy does he ever make you lie down?
¿ Cuándo tú no quieres hacerlo él te obliga a fingir?
I'll be standing right by his side when they say He's a rebel and he'll never be any good He's a rebel'cause he never ever does what he should
Estaré a su lado cuando digan que es un rebelde y que no servirá nunca para nada, que es un rebelde porque nunca hace lo que debiera.
You can hardly stand it until he does kiss you, and then when he does, you expect maybe bells are going to ring.
Lo pasas fatal hasta que te besa y cuando te besa, esperas que suenen campanas.
And what does man do when he isn't killing other men?
¿ Qué hace el hombre cuando no está matando a sus semejantes?
and when i do 162
and when you wake up 22
and when that day comes 25
and when the time comes 38
and when the time is right 21
and when i'm done 29
and when i woke up 67
and when it does 101
and when that happens 94
and when i got there 24
and when you wake up 22
and when that day comes 25
and when the time comes 38
and when the time is right 21
and when i'm done 29
and when i woke up 67
and when it does 101
and when that happens 94
and when i got there 24