And who is he перевод на испанский
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Maybe this is just who we are... and he made us better.
Quizás solo es quienes somos... y él nos hizo ser mejores.
Well, he's gonna want somebody to tell him who he is, and I think he'll be looking for the Ripper to do that.
Bueno, él querrá que alguien le diga quién es, y creo que buscará al Destripador para ello.
'His name is Dr Abel Gideon, and strong evidence has surfaced'that he's far more than a mild mannered surgeon'who cruelly murdered his wife.
Su nombre es doctor Abel Gideon y fuertes evidencias demuestran que es mucho más que un respetable cirujano que mató cruelmente a su esposa.
Is this true or is this myth, about the guy who was like your partner or something when you started the company, but he got out early and then...
¿ es esto cierto o se trata de mito, del tipo que era como su pareja o algo cuando inició la empresa, pero llegó antes de tiempo y luego...
Because Liam is still cute and little, he'll go to some loving home with people who want a family, but waited so their egg batter rotted, so can't have their own.
Como Liam es lindo y pequeño, lo mandarán a un buen hogar con gente que quiera hijos, se le haya pasado el momento y no pueda tenerla.
And it's kind of a passion project by this guy Ronald Koontz, who is the lead actor, writer, director, editor, cameraman, and he'proudced'the film.
Y es un especie de proyecto de pasión por este tipo Ronald Koontz, que es el actor principal, escritor, director, editor, camarógrafo, y "Proudcer" de la película.
He is also a committed and compassionate doctor who will treat your son as if he were his own.
Él también es un doctor comprometido y compasivo quien va a tratar a su hijo como si fuera el suyo propio.
I have Urbani dismissed and stand here as your servant, who is eagerly waiting for a response
He despedido Urbani y estar frente a ustedes como su siervo, que con entusiasmo la espera de una respuesta
... who is he and where is he from..
... quién es y de donde es...
I've told this person everything, and I want to know who it is.
Le he contado todo a esa persona, y quiero saber quien es.
We haven't found one single person who uses algebra, therefore algebra is a complete waste of time and I've proven it.
No hemos encontrado ni una sola persona que use álgebra, Por lo tanto el álgebra es una completa pérdida de tiempo y lo he probado.
Ah, I tried finding a few comrades online and wrote to them if they know who is Miyabe Kyuuzou.
Ah, he intentado encontrar a algunos de sus compañeros en línea y les escribí a ellos para saber si conocian a Miyabe Kyuuzou.
There's only one guy who can get the gear he needs, and that is the engineer's son over there, sitting on his own.
Solo un tipo tiene el equipo y es el hijo del ingeniero, que está sentado solo.
August performed in Vegas for 15 years, and he's friends with Terrence Allen, who owns three casinos and is now shopping for a new law firm.
Agosto realizó en Las Vegas durante 15 años, y él es amigo de Terrence Allen, que posee tres casinos y es ahora comprar un nuevo bufete de abogados.
And Simeon Barnes is not the only person who'll be glad that he's gone.
Y Simeon Barnes no es el único que se alegrará por su muerte.
You need to stop thinking about Toby as the person that you thought you knew and start looking at him for who he really is.
Tienes que dejar de pensar que Toby es la misma persona que creías que era y empezar a verle como realmente es.
It's true, he's been working with Mona because he found out about red coat and Mona's the only person who knows who she is.
Es cierto. Ha estado trabajando con Mona porque dio con la del abrigo rojo y Mona es la única persona que sabe quién es ella.
I've got this friend who is always getting into trouble, you know, dragging everybody down, and he's got this horrible habit of just disappearing, leaving everyone else to clean up all his messes.
Tengo este amigo que siempre está en problemas, ya sabes, hundiéndo a todo el mundo, y tiene ese horrible hábito de solo desaparecer, dejando que todos los demás limpien sus desastres.
Bobby is the best man I've ever known, and your son is a monster who should be punished for what he did to me.
Bobby es el mejor hombre que haya conocido nunca... y tu hijo es un monstruo que debería ser castigado por lo que me hizo.
"He's" don't like to be called "she's" and I don't who this he-man is that you're referring to.
A "él" no le gustan que le digan "ella", y no sé donde está este He-Man al que te estás refiriendo.
"His wallet... his wallet will prove who he really is", and I grabbed it.
"Su cartera... su cartera probaría quien es en verdad", y la tomé.
We need to know who he is and fast.
Necesitamos saber quién es él y rápido.
I'm a divorced single mom who lives with her parents, and he is a doctor. Hmm.
Soy una madre soltera y divorciada que vive con sus padres, y él es un doctor. ¿ Me podrían dar un
And I'm guessing from that look, you know who he is.
Y por esa mirada, supongo que sabes quién es.
Your Majesty, as I believe I have so eloquently proven, that the Jews are a traitorous people, who honor their God and despise their king, and as their writings also affirm, it is their God who rules them,
Su Majestad, según creo he demostrado elocuentemente, que los judíos son un pueblo de traidores, que honran a su Dios y desprecian a su Rey. Y como lo afirman sus escritos, es su Dios quien los gobierna, y es su Dios quien está sentado en el trono.
So he used big words and he tried to impress, never realizing that who and what he was is so special already that he doesn't have to prove himself to anyone, not even himself.
Así que usó palabras rimbombantes y trató de impresionarlos, sin darse cuenta de que él ya es especial no necesita demostrarle nada a nadie, ni siquiera a sí mismo.
Please lay your hand of healing on Hank and be with the surgeons and guide them for he is a man who loves and... and is loved deeply.
Por favor, extiende tu mano sobre Hank y estate con los cirujanos y guíalos porque él es un hombre que ama y es profundamente amado.
And you have no idea who he is?
¿ Y no tiene idea de quién es?
He's one of the best there is, and he's who we'll be going up against.
Es uno de los mejores, y vamos a enfrentarnos a él.
I'm his mother, and if he is to leave me, then I will choose into whose care he goes and who will raise him into a man.
Soy su madre, y si voy a dejarlo ir entonces yo elegiré quién lo cuidará y quién lo convertirá en un hombre.
And I've gathered you here tonight because I believe he is the one who tried to assassinate the President of the United States.
Y os he reunido esta noche porque creo que es quien ha intentado asesinar al presidente de los Estados Unidos.
Who is this Jenkins, and why does he do such horrible things?
¿ Quién es Jenkins y por qué hizo esas cosas tan horribles?
Now I see that for what it is, and him for who he is.
Ahora lo veo como es...
He knows who and where Drew is.
- Sabe quién es y dónde está Drew.
He is an AB-positive hemophiliac who works as a janitor at the Bay Area Museum of Art, and before you ask, yes, his address has been sent to your phones.
Es un hemofílico AB-Positivo que trabaja como conserje en el museo de arte de la Bahía y antes de que lo digáis, sí, he enviado su dirección a vuestros teléfonos.
And tonight my guest is the New Orleans district attorney Mr. Jim Garrison, who is with us to discuss, as he puts it, some new and vital information concerning the Kennedy assassination.
Y esta noche mi invitado es el Fiscal de Nueva Orleans, el Sr. Jim Garrison que está con nosotros para discutir como él lo dijo información nueva y vital concerniente al asesinato de Kennedy.
And only two-thirds of Republican voters know who Perry is, which means that four in 10 who do know who he is have him as their first choice.
Y solo dos tercios de los votantes republicanos saben quién es Perry, por lo que 4 de cada 10 que saben quién es le tienen como su primera elección.
It is really about her boss, who doesn't quite know how to handle this situation and could use your advice, which is surprising because Dr. Einstein Von Brainstorm... He's usually pretty smart about these things.
Se trata de su jefe, quien no sabe cómo manejar la situación y podría usar tu consejo, lo que es sorprendente, porque el Dr. Einstein Von Brainstorm... suele tener la razón sobre estas cosas.
Jim is only here part-time, he might not be as invested in the decision making process as someone like me who's here every day and, frankly, killing it lately.
Jim solo trabaja aquí a tiempo parcial, no debería estar tan involucrado en la toma de decisiones como alguien que está aquí todos los días como yo y que, sinceramente, lo está haciendo genial.
And this is a guy who loves to start fires. Troy is literally one of a kind, and he's a goblin, or a hobbit, or a kobold, which is a type of gremlin.
Troy es literalmente único en su especie, y es un duende o un hobbit o un "kobold", que es una especie de gremlin.
But he seems to know who she is, even knows about her and me.
Pero él parece saber quién es ella, incluso sabe lo que tuvimos.
And here he is, the man who can't take a leak without polling his balls.
Y aquí está el hombre que no puede mear sin encuestar a sus pelotas.
Uh... I happen to have the great pleasure of counting myself among Carl's friends, and let me tell you that this is a man who is not only a great leader and a... a brilliant CEO, but he is also someone who has his finger squarely on the pulse of gender, economic, and racial equality.
He tenido el gran placer de... contarme entre los amigos de Carl... y dejenme decirles que este es un hombre... que no sólo es un gran líder y un... brillante CIO... sino que también es alguien que se mantiene... al día en los temas... de igualdad de género, económicos... y raciales.
Is it possible that he did find out, and he's the one who assaulted her?
¿ Es posible que al enterarse, él la hubiera atacado?
The pharaoh would enter into it as a man, and through the process of the technology that the pyramid is built for, the pharaoh is transformed into a god, so that now he is an ascended being who is capable of traveling into the stars, and
El faraón habría de entrar en ella como un hombre, y mediante el proceso tecnológico para el que estaba construida la pirámide, el faraón se transformaba en un Dios, así que ahora, es un ser ascendido que es capaz de viajar a las estrellas
tell us who he is, and we'll find him.
Dinos quién es tu padre y nosotros lo encontramos.
He is the king and those who speak against him are guilty of treason.
Él es el rey y aquellos que hablan en su contra son culpables de traición.
Partly for the money, but also because I know people who can't have children, and I've seen how difficult it is.
En parte por el dinero, pero también porque sé de la gente que no puede tener hijos, y he visto lo difícil que es.
Well, all I know is I can never go back in that office again, because the next time he opens his mouth, I'm going to haul off and slap his face, and then I'll just be one of those women who goes around slapping faces.
Bueno, todo lo que sé que no podré volver a esa oficina, porque la próxima vez que abra la boca, voy a cogerle y abofetearle, y entonces seré una de esas mujeres que van por ahí abofeteando.
I am a girl who has found love and then disappeared, and my worst nightmare is that someone knows or thinks that I've died when I haven't, and I'm living that.
Soy una chica que ha encontrado el amor y luego desaparecido, y mi peor pesadilla es que alguien sabe o piensa que he muerto cuando yo no tengo, y estoy viviendo eso.
And since I've come clean, is there anyone else here, inspired by my display of commendable honesty, who'd like to make a confession of her own?
Y ya que me he sincerado, ¿ hay aquí hay alguien más, inspirado por mi discurso de loable honestidad, que quiera hacer su propia confesión?
and who is she 20
and who knows 137
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who knows 137
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who is he 1554
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who is he 1554
who is here 32
who is he to you 16
is here 159
is he your boyfriend 48
is he 1761
is he alive 166
is he gone 103
is he home 42
is he around 61
is he dead 518
who is he to you 16
is here 159
is he your boyfriend 48
is he 1761
is he alive 166
is he gone 103
is he home 42
is he around 61
is he dead 518
is he ok 129
is he okay 663
is he sick 52
is he breathing 52
is he in 100
is he serious 69
is he here now 16
is he still here 36
is he hurt 48
is he in trouble 54
is he okay 663
is he sick 52
is he breathing 52
is he in 100
is he serious 69
is he here now 16
is he still here 36
is he hurt 48
is he in trouble 54
is he there 104
is he good 46
is he here 369
is he going to be okay 37
is he gonna make it 37
is he insane 17
is he coming 61
is he crazy 37
is he right 48
is he not 72
is he good 46
is he here 369
is he going to be okay 37
is he gonna make it 37
is he insane 17
is he coming 61
is he crazy 37
is he right 48
is he not 72