As your father перевод на испанский
1,837 параллельный перевод
Same as your father's drinking problem.
Igual que el problema de su padre con la bebida.
Don't think of me as your father.
No me veas como tu padre.
He told me before that the only reason he left was to free you from having him as your father.
Me dijo antes que la razón por la cual se fue... fue para que te libraras de él como padre.
Your mother told me she didn't see Hosei as her husband. but that she loved him very much as your father.
Tu madre me dijo que no veía a Hosei como su marido pero le quería mucho como tu padre.
You're as bad as your father.
Eres tan chungo como tu padre.
And far as your father goes, how would i know?
Y tu padre desde que se fue ¿ Cómo podría saberlo yo?
I can be as offensive as your father.
Puedo ser tan ofensivo como su padre.
And perhaps, as mad as your father.
Quizá también loco como tu padre.
What about your responsibility as a father?
¿ Qué hay de tu responsabilidad como padre?
Using your father's legacy as a testing ground for vile experiments on animals.
Usando el legado de tu padre como campo de pruebas para sus experimentos viles en los animales.
Don't worry, your father is as strong as a bull.
Su padre tiene la fuerza de un toro.
Audrey, as soon as I have the recording, we're going to have to involve your father.
Audrey, tan pronto como tenga esa grabación,... vamos a tener que involucrar a tu padre.
She also said something about you shirking your responsibilities as a husband and a father.
También mencionó algo de que está esquivando sus responsabilidades como esposo y padre.
As the two smartest people in the house, we can manipulate your stupid father to get everything we want.
Siendo las dos personas más listas de la casa, podremos manipular al estupido de tu padre para obtener todo lo que queramos.
Now chief Johnson, you have been called as a character witness, so would you please, in your own words, describe Mr. Pope as a man and as a father.
Comisionada Johnson, ha sido llamada como testigo de caracter. ¿ Podría, por favor, con sus palabras... describir al Sr. Pope como hombre y como padre?
You'll notice the first couple dozen photos... feature your daughter doing the one-handed self-portrait... as her negligent father showed up three days late.
De acuerdo, notarás que el primer par de docenas de fotos presentan a tu hija haciendo el autorretrato con una mano mientras su padre negligente llegó tres días tarde.
We have sworn statements from associates of your father who describe him as an active player furnishing weapons to known terrorists.
Tenemos declaraciones juradas de asociados a tu padre... que lo describen como un traficante activo... abasteciendo con armas a conocidos terroristas.
I didn't understand your feelings as a father.
Nunca entendí tus sentimientos como padre.
Seeing as he had no money, I decided that the best thing for everyone... was if I didn't tell Bruce and let your father think that the twins were his.
Ya que él no tenía dinero, decidí que lo mejor para todos era no decirle a Bruce y que su padre creyera que los gemelos eran suyos.
So maybe you were so angry with your father that you channeled your anger and used your skills as a model builder to build this.
Tal vez estabas tan enfurecido con tu padre que canalizaste tu ira y usaste tu aptitud como maquetista para construir esto.
Your father's finally gonna get exposed as the credit-stealing fraud he is!
Al fin se va a revelar el fraude que es tu padre.
Your son's an asshole. But not half as big an asshole as his father.
Su hijo es un idiota, pero no tan idiota como su padre.
It's my pleasure to host this press conference, not just as your Mayor, but as an awfully proud father.
Es un placer para mí, hospedar esta conferencia, y no sólo como su alcalde, sino como un padre terriblemente orgulloso.
I shall destroy you as easily as I destroyed your father.
Te destruiré tan fácilmente como destruí a tu padre.
As the name of your father.
Y el nombre de tu padre.
Just... as you would do anything for... your father, I'm sure.
Así... como tú harías cualquier cosa por... tu padre, sin duda.
Well, Betty, I have a daughter I would do anything for, just as you would do anything for your father, I'm sure.
Bien, Betty, y haría hasta lo imposible por ella, al igual que tú harías hasta lo imposible por tu padre, estoy segura.
I assumed they would jump in as soon as my aunt attacked your father or mother, or whatnot.
Asumo que se meterán en cuanto mi tía ataque a tu padre o a tu madre, y yo que sé que más.
Nathan, as long as you are a good husband and a good father to your son...
Nathan, mientras seas un buen marido y un buen padre de tu hijo.
Most of your life, I failed you as a father. - Dad...
La mayor parte de tu vida te fallé como padre.
Use your father as an excuse for doing nothing?
¿ Usar a tu padre como disculpa para todo?
This is as if you saved your father.
Eso es como si hubieras salvado a tu padre.
Uh, no, Tracy, what I want you to do is talk to that empty chair as if your father were sitting there, okay?
No, Tracy, lo que quiero que hagas es que le hables a esa silla vacía como si tu padre estuviera ahí, ¿ de acuerdo?
Honey, as hard as it's been with your father and me over the years, we've always stood by each other.
Querida, a pesar de lo dificíl que ha sido con tu padre y yo através de los años, siempre hemos permanecido juntos.
And, As For You, Alexis, What Your Father Thout Of You... ( Whispers ) Circus Freak.
- y en cuanto a ti alexis, lo que tu padre pensaba de ti Fenomeno de circo
And as Shaun's father, Maybe your eligibility's enhanced.
Como padre de Shaun quiz ‡ s tus derechos aumentan.
You support your family, hold up that end of the bargain you have with society- - as a father, as a husband, as a contributor, as a breadwinner.
Mantienes a tu familia, cumples con el objetivo del acuerdo que tienes con la sociedad, como padre, como marido, como contribuyente, como sostén de la familia.
As a result of your last session, the doctor reported to the police that in his opinion... both you, Michael, and Edward posed a grave threat to your father's life.
Como resultado de su última sesión, le dijo a la policía que opinaba que tanto tú, Michael, como Edward, eran una amenaza para su padre.
Your entire case against Father McClinton is based on the contention that illegal aliens such as Ms Lopez are a parasite on our society.
- Es muy relevante. Su acusación contra el padre McClinton se basa en que los extranjeros ilegales son parásitos para nuestra sociedad.
As long as this ring remains on your finger and you have no power, you cannot fulfill the destiny your father and I have envisioned for you. It doesn't matter anymore.
Mientras el anillo permanezca en tu dedo y no tengas ningún poder, no puedes completar el destino que tu padre y yo habíamos imaginado para ti.
and your father is okay with you volunteering as well?
¿ Y tu padre también está de acuerdo con que seas voluntaria?
Well, you better hope so because your legacy as a father is hanging in the balance right now.
Bueno, más te vale que sea así porque tu trayectoria como padre esta en la cuerda floja ahora mismo.
Oh, as a favor to your father and me on our anniversary, no extravagant gestures of, uh, protest.
Oh, como un favor para tu padre y para mí en nuestro aniversario, no hagas gestos extravagantes de... protesta.
When i opened my father's briefcase with your wife's birth date as the combination, You said you knew about the affair.
Cuando abrí el maletín con la fecha de tu esposa como combinación, me dijiste que sabías lo de su aventura.
Your father will be released when everything's arranged exactly as we want it.
Tu padre será liberado cuando todo esté organizado de la manera en que queremos.
A feeling of guilt, I think your father passed when you were very young as well, is that right?
Parece que su padre murió muy joven Es eso aún?
As a logical result, I married your father when I was 20
Como resultado lógico, Me case con tu padre cuando tuve 20.
Your father said we can stay in the flat as long as we want.
Tu padre dijo que podíamos quedarnos en el piso el tiempo que quisiéramos.
It's a waiver of custody, it says that you basically give away all your rights as the father, you don't have any financial responsibility...
Es una renuncia a la custodia, básicamente dice que renuncias a todos tus derechos como padre, que no tienes responsabilidades financieras...
Yes, I Have, And It's Only A Matter Of Time Before Your Father Hears About It As Well.
Sí y es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que tu padre escuché también.
Your father's strong as an ox, but you, lord knows you have enough stress to deal with as it is.
Tu padre es fuerte como un mulo, pero tú, dios sabe el estrés a tratar que tienes como para añadirle más.
as your attorney 28
as your friend 86
as your doctor 24
as your lawyer 31
as your husband 16
as your maker 19
as your boss 21
your father called 16
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
as your friend 86
as your doctor 24
as your lawyer 31
as your husband 16
as your maker 19
as your boss 21
your father called 16
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16