As your attorney перевод на испанский
201 параллельный перевод
But speaking as your attorney...?
Pero, como su abogado...
Cuando me puse al tanto de la situación como su abogado, no tenía ni idea de que surgiría una situación como esta alguna vez.
As your attorney, i could take certain steps - hello, rex.
Como vuestro abogado, podría seguir ciertos pasos... Hola Rex.
As your attorney, I think you've made a bad deal.
Como su abogado, creo que hizo un mal trato.
My dear child, speaking not just as your friend but as your attorney
Hija mía, no te hablo como tu amigo sino como tu abogado.
Then, six hours later, designate me as your attorney.
Seis horas más tarde, nómbreme como su abogado.
As your friend and as well as your attorney I took the liberty of suggesting what I consider a sensible bequeath
Como amigo, y también como abogado me he permitido gugerirte hacer un legado.
Because as your attorney, I'm trying to be honest with you.
Como tu abogado, debo ser sincero.
Have you affirmed Mr. Scoville as your attorney?
¿ Ha confirmado al Sr. Scoville como su abogado?
As your attorney, I advise you to leave this room at once.
Como tu abogado, te aconsejo abandonar esta habitación de inmediato.
You mean, you employ Mr. Baker as your attorney but you can't walk down the street with him?
pero no caminan juntos?
Miss Cutwater, as your attorney it is my duty to inform you that the will could be contested if you're deemed... not of perfectly sound mind.
Srta Cutwater, como su abogado es mi deber informarle que... su testamento puede ser impugnado por dictarlo fuera de sus cabales.
You might like to bring along Leland Palmer as your attorney.
Quizá quiera llevarse a Leland Palmer como abogado.
Ben, as your attorney, your friend, and your brother, I strongly suggest that you get yourself a better lawyer.
Ben, como tu abogado amigo y hermano te recomiendo seriamente que consigas un abogado mejor.
Haven't you appointed me as your attorney?
¿ Me has nombrado como tu abogado?
Excuse me, but as your attorney, I've got to know.
Perdón, pero como tu abogado, necesito saberlo.
as I should as your attorney.
Como debería, como su abogado.
Has your attorney explained that this plea has the same effect as a guilty verdict by a jury?
¿ Su abogado explicó que esta declaración tiene el mismo efecto que una sentencia por un jurado?
As your attorney, you have to trust me.
Como tu abogada, tienes que confiar en mí.
As your attorney, I think this is very ill-advised.
Como su abogado creo que esto es muy desatinado.
As your attorney, I advise you to rent a very fast car with no top.
Como tu abogado, te aconsejo que alquiles un convertible muy veloz.
Well, as your attorney, I advise you to buy a motorcycle.
Como tu abogado, te aconsejo que compres una moto.
As your attorney, I advise you to drive at top speed or it'll be a goddamn miracle if we can get there before you turn into a wild animal.
Como tu abogado, te aconsejo que aceleres. Será un milagro si llegamos... antes de que te conviertas en un animal.
As your attorney, I advise you to drive over to the Tropicana. Guy Lombardo.
Como tu abogado, te recomiendo ir al Tropicana... para ver a Guy Lombardo.
Your Honor, District Attorney Wade intended to make the closing address himself, but as you know, he is in the midst of his campaign for governor.
Señoría, el fiscal del distrito Wade tenía la intención de hacer su alegato en persona, pero como sabe, está en medio de su campaña para gobernador.
As counsel for these defendants, Your Honor ladies and gentlemen of the jury I must point out that my clients are not on trial for treason against any philosophy of government as our esteemed district attorney seems to think.
Como defensor de los acusados, Su Señoría señores del jurado debo decir que mis clientes no son juzgados por traicionar la filosofía del gobierno. Como parece que lo piensa el fiscal.
Your wife and her attorney were here and they gave their testimony as to your negligence.
Su mujer estuvo aquí con su abogado y atestiguaron su negligencia.
I honor your position as an attorney...
Y con el honor que supone tenerle como abogado...
In your experience as an attorney, would this not indicate premeditation?
En su experiencia como abogado, ¿ no significaría esto premeditación?
Would Your Honour kindly explain to the jury that since the district attorney has placed me in the position of a witness I am permitted, as the defence attorney, to cross-examine myself?
¿ Sería tan amable, Señoría, de explicar al jurado que... ya que el fiscal me ha convocado como testigo... tengo derecho, como abogado defensor, a interrogarme a mí mismo?
- Because, as I've tried to explain to you the district attorney has preempted him for Bruce King and your interests are adverse.
- Porque, como le estoy explicando el fiscal de distrito lo ha sustituido por Bruce King y eso no le conviene.
I have to tell you, Frank, as your attorney, there's nothing I can do.
Tengo que decírtelo, Frank...
As your ex-attorney, I advise you not to worry.
Como tu ex abogado, te aconsejo que no te preocupes.
Mr. José Augusto Pinto de Magalhães, here represented by his legal attorney, Marcelino de Matos, do you take Francisca Owen, here represented by her legal attorney José de Melo e Silveira, as your lawful wife,
SeñorJosé Augusto Pinto de Magalhaes, aquí representado por su procurador legal, Marcelino de Matos, ¿ Quiere recibir a Francisca Owen, aquí representada por su procurador legal José de Melo e Silveira, como su legítima esposa, según el rito de la Santa Madre Iglesia?
Miss Francisca Owen, here represented by her legal attorney, José de Melo e Silveira, do you take José Augusto Pinto de Magalhães, here represented by his legal attorney, Marcelino de Matos, as your lawful husband, as per the rites of the Holy Church?
La señora Francisca Owen, aquí representada por su procurador legal José de Melo e Silveira, ¿ Quiere recibir a José Augusto Pinto de Magalhaes, aquí representado por su procurador legal, Marcelino de Matos, como su legítimo esposo, según el rito de la Santa Madre Iglesia?
Your Honor, the Supreme Court of the State of Utah Mr. Gilmore has asked me to act as his new attorney.
Señoría, Corte Suprema del Estado de Utah,... el Sr. Gilmore me ha pedido que actúe como su nuevo abogado.
Now, Mr.Jefferson, as per recommendation of the state attorney's office... and in consideration of your investigative cooperation with that office -
Ahora bien, Sr. Jefferson... por la recomendación de la Procuraduría Estatal... y considerando su cooperación investigativa...
This is finally it, folks, my last year as your district attorney.
Esto es finalmente, amigos, mi último año como su abogado de distrito.
Your first case as an Assistant District Attorney began with my phone call at 3 : 05 a.m.
Su primer caso como Fiscal de Distrito Suplente...
You've given me not just the power of attorney but the blank paper of your destiny on which I can write the history of your downfall as and when I like.
No sólo me diste un poder legal. Si no los papeles bancarios de tu destino. En los que puedo escribir la historia de tu caída cuando yo quiera.
You do your homework, jailhouse lawyer... can make as much as any mid-level attorney on the street.
Haz tus deberes, un abogado de presos puede hacer tanto como cualquier abogado de nivel medio en la calle.
Mr Hillard, since you've determined to act as your own attorney, you are entitled to make a closing statement at this time.
Señor Hillard, como determinó ser su abogado, tiene derecho a la última palabra.
Therefore, in my capacity as attorney, I beg Your Honor to irrevocably and completely suspend this unjustifiable and unfounded action, according to the law.
En consecuencia, en mi obligación como abogado, creo que el Señor Juez debe suspender de manera irrevocable esta acción injustificada e insostenible, de acuerdo a las normas vigentes.
Mr. Bryce, as you probably know from your attorney, the condition of a plea bargain is that you recite the facts of your crime.
Probablemente usted sepa, a través de su abogado que la condición del acuerdo es que usted declare los hechos del crimen.
Mrs. Sutphin, I have no legal choice... but to let you take over as your own attorney.
Sra. Sutphin... no tengo más alternativa, que dejar que Ud. asuma su defensa.
As Gotham's new district attorney I can't allow your pet nut to run loose in my city.
Como nueva fiscal de Ciudad Gótica no puedo permitir que tu mascota ande suelta en mi ciudad.
Which does not bode well for your future as an attorney. Or a free man.
Lo que no es buena señal para su futuro profesional o civil.
Mr. Young, I will be acting as your defense attorney.
Sr. Young, me desempeñaré como su abogado defensor.
As your court-appointed attorney... I'm obligated to do what you wish... so I will call you "Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile" if you want.
Como su abogada designada por el juez... estoy obligada a hacer lo que desee... así que la llamaré "Cleopatra, la Reina del Nilo", si quiere.
I'm sure as the assistant district attorney of Hinds County you're doing everything in your power to see that justice is done.
Estoy segura que como ayudante del fiscal de Distrito está haciendo todo lo posible para que se haga justicia.
Lf, by chance, an arresting officer pocketed this evidence, and it is not returned, then even an attorney as good as I am cannot ensure your wellbeing.
Si por casualidad algún oficial se guardó dicha prueba, para no devolverla... le aseguro que ni una abogada como yo podrá garantizar su bienestar.
as your friend 86
as your doctor 24
as your father 16
as your lawyer 31
as your husband 16
as your maker 19
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attorney 223
attorneys 22
attorney general 30
as your doctor 24
as your father 16
as your lawyer 31
as your husband 16
as your maker 19
as your boss 21
attorney 223
attorneys 22
attorney general 30
attorney's office 65
attorney at law 40
as you wish 846
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as you were 223
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attorney at law 40
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
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as you like 91
as you are aware 22
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as you command 52
as you may recall 29
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as you may have noticed 26
as you see 194
as you may have heard 27
as you said 191
as you well know 135
as you are 36
as you do 33
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as you call it 56
as you 43
as you put it 48
as you well know 135
as you are 36
as you do 33
as you please 44
as you call it 56
as you 43
as you put it 48