Back to you перевод на испанский
94,804 параллельный перевод
Oh, my God. You're going back to your room.
Por Dios, vas a tu habitación.
You'll leave a trail of bodies before you make it back to your family.
Dejarás un rastro de cadáveres antes de volver con tu familia.
As a human, you have to go back to your homeland, to where you grew up, to your past, to your land.
Como humano, debes volver a tu patria, adonde creciste, a tu pasado, a tu tierra.
You can go back to Brakebills and check on Julia.
Puedes volver a Brakebills y ver cómo está Julia.
Eliot, you need to come back.
Eliot, necesito que vuelvas.
The bad news is, all the memories you lost when you took the cure that turned you from a zombie back to human?
La mala noticia es que ¿ sabes todos los recuerdos que perdiste al tomarte la cura que te volvió a convertir de zombi a humano?
You get what you're hoping for, and I'll get back all the memories that led me to becoming a murdering brain-dealer.
Tú tendrás lo que esperas, y yo volveré a tener todos los recuerdos que me llevaron a ser un asesino traficante de cerebros.
I mean, hell, you don't even know what to believe and you got the power to send'em back wherever the hell they came from.
Diablos, ni siquiera sabes qué creer y tienes el poder de enviarlos de regreso de donde demonios salieron.
Well, then, go back to the fucking nuthouse where you belong!
Bueno, entonces, ¡ vuelve al maldito manicomio a donde perteneces!
You don't think you ought to get back?
¿ No crees que deberías volver?
I can't bear the thought of you having to go back to that Welsh school.
No puedo soportar la idea... de que tengas que volver a esa escuela galesa.
Do write to Dr Fagan and tell him you won't be going back?
¿ Puedes escribirle al doctor Fagan y decirle que no volverás?
Well, it's wonderful to see you back at full force.
Bueno, es maravilloso verte de nuevo a toda máquina.
As is your failure to tell me you were going back to work for Axelrod.
Como cuando me dijiste que volvías a trabajar para Axelrod.
If you force them to pay you, the county would have to severely cut back on its municipal workforce, roll back labor contracts, and pillage its pension funds.
Si los obligan a pagarles, el condado tendrá que reducir mucho su personal municipal, anular contratos laborales y saquear sus fondos para pensiones.
Look... I know that I reacted poorly when I learned that you were going back to Axe Capital.
Mira sé que reaccioné mal cuando supe que ibas a volver a trabajar en Axe Capital.
You trying to get it back?
¿ Volverás a tratar de obtenerla?
The only thing you have to put in the back of a vehicle are invitations to gala lunches.
Lo único que debes poner en la parte trasera de un vehículo... Son invitaciones para cenas de gala - Bueno...
I'm sorry to admit this... is that if you pulled up at a set of traffic lights and you had your cement mixer and your chainsaw in the back, they would be stolen immediately.
Es que si uno frena en un semáforo... Y tienes una mezcladora de cemento y una sierra mecánica atrás... Sería robadas de forma inmediata
Jeremy, you'll have to go back.
Jeremy, tendrás que regresar
Dying in your beds, many years from now would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back and say to the Scottish Safety Camera Partnership,
En su lecho de muerte... Dentro de muchos años... Estarían dispuestos a cambiar todos los días...
Well, I want you to know that if someday Victor ends up back on the ship, he'll be welcome.
Bueno, quiero que sepas que si algún día Victor acaba volviendo a la nave, será bienvenido.
How close are you to getting those engines back online?
¿ Cuánto os falta para hacer que esos motores vuelvan a funcionar?
I give you the gun, I have your word you'll give it back to me the second this is over?
Si te doy el arma, ¿ tengo tu palabra de que me la devolverás en cuanto esto se acabe?
If you take the station back to Zairon, you won't have to.
Si llevan la estación de regreso a Zairon, no tendrán que hacerlo.
So, uh, what do you say we get back to it, huh?
Así que, ¿ qué te parece si volvemos a ello, eh?
You can use the Drive to get us back.
Puedes usar el Impulsor para llevarnos de vuelta.
You go back to the ship and leave?
Volvéis a la nave y os marcháis.
Don't let the fact that I've allowed you back in my presence get to your head, or you might find it quickly removed from your shoulders.
No dejes que el hecho de que te haya permitido volver a estar en mi presencia se te suba a la cabeza, o podrías encontrarte enseguida sin ella sobre tus hombros.
Thought you like to change back into robot mode
Pensé que te gustaba volver a tu modo robot
Come back to me when you've completed your training then.
Entonces regresa cuando hayas terminado tu entrenamiento.
- You have to come back.
- ¿ Dalla? - Tienen que regresar. - Tienen que regresar.
Now you go back to the ship and leave.
Ahora... regresan a la nave y se van.
You mean we go back to our ship, don't you?
Quieres decir que todos regresamos a la nave, ¿ verdad?
So instead of downloading this digital consciousness back into her dying body, you transferred it to the ship's database?
¿ Entonces en vez de descargar este subconsciente digital a su cuerpo al morir lo pasaste al centro de datos de la nave?
Listen to yourself, you're sitting there, and you're bellyaching about all the mistakes you've made, how you want to take them back.
Escúchate a ti mismo, estás ahí sentado y refunfuñas por todos los errores que has cometido, sobre cómo quieres deshacerlos.
You bet I'm grateful to be back in the game.
Puedes apostar que estoy agradecido por estar de nuevo en el juego.
Your friends'parents just staring at you, not knowing what to do with you except never invite you back, obviously.
Los padres de tu amigo mirándote fijamente, sin saber qué hacer contigo, salvo jamás volver a invitarte, por supuesto.
Is that what you were planning to use to get her back?
¿ Eso es lo que planeas utilizar para recuperarla?
At least when we get back, your brother will be happy to see you.
Al menos cuando lleguemos, a tu hermano le dará gusto verte.
Go back to doing what you were doing.
Regresen a hacer lo que hacían.
You won't be going back to parade, Bobbie, because you don't follow orders.
No volverás a desfilar, Bobbie, porque no sigues órdenes.
And when your ship doesn't come back, you want to suffocate slow with a couple hundred people?
Y cuando su nave no regrese, ¿ te quieres asfixiar lentamente con cientos de personas?
And you will get the fuck Back to work.
Y regresarás al puto trabajo.
I told your dad I'd get you to bed by 9 : 00 PM and he's coming back soon, so...
Le dije a tu papá que irías a dormir a las 21 h y va a regresar pronto, así que...
You know what, I think our five minutes of talking are up, so maybe you should try to get back to bed now, okay?
¿ Sabes qué? Creo que se acabaron tus cinco minutos de hablar, así que será mejor que trates de ir a dormir ahora, ¿ de acuerdo?
And then you promise me you'll get back to bed?
¿ Y luego me prometes que te irás a dormir?
I need you to come here as soon as you possibly can or just call me back.
Necesito que venga lo más pronto posible o que me devuelva la llamada.
You greet people with friendship, you're going to get friendship back.
Si recibes a la gente con amistad, te contestarán con amistad.
You treat'em with agro, you're going to get agro back.
Si eres hostil, serán hostiles contigo.
You have to go back for the sake of your children.
Debes regresar por el bien de tus hijos.
back to your place 18
back to your room 17
back to your posts 16
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back to school 26
back to square one 51
back to business 35
back to the drawing board 19
back to your room 17
back to your posts 16
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back to school 26
back to square one 51
back to business 35
back to the drawing board 19
back to normal 30
back to life 16
back together 25
back to the car 16
back to bed 81
back to the tardis 22
back to me 32
back to the ship 17
back to class 24
back to 39
back to life 16
back together 25
back to the car 16
back to bed 81
back to the tardis 22
back to me 32
back to the ship 17
back to class 24
back to 39
back to it 16
back to one 31
back to back 25
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
back to one 31
back to back 25
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22