Back to life перевод на испанский
5,098 параллельный перевод
- Ooh, she came back to life!
- ¡ Volvió a la vida!
How about the fact that you brainwashed her and used her to bring yourself back to life?
¿ Qué tal el hecho de que tú le lavaste el cerebro a ella y la usaste para traerte de vuelta a la vida?
It's like somebody brought Andy Rooney back to life and ironed his face.
Es como si alguien hubiera traído a Andy Rooney de vuelta a la vida y planchado su rostro.
Then they were buried and they suddenly came back to life.
Luego fueron enterrados y de repente volvieron a la vida.
She came back to life and took him out.
Ella volvió a la vida y lo agarró a él.
This could be the shape of those treatments, a recycled organ stripped of its native cells, seeded with your stem cells, and brought back to life.
Pero las Células Madre ya saben cómo hacerlo. Ahora estamos empezando a capturar y controlar su fuerza creadora. Es un mundo totalmente nuevo.
You brought them back to life.
Y la volviste a traer a mi vida.
You know, in case the undead come back to life and the world gets all dog-eat-dog.
Por si un caso los no muertos vuelven a la vida y el mundo se convierte en un desmadre.
I mean, my body feels like I was happily dead and then I was violently brought back to life by some horrible experiment.
Es decir, mi cuerpo se siente como si yo hubiera estado felizmente muerto y luego fuera violentamente traído de vuelta a la vida por algún horrible experimento.
You were going to perform an operation and bring that Nintendo back to life.
Ibas a hacer una operación y resucitar a ese Nintendo.
Ric came back to life to be a college professor?
Ric volvió a la vida para ser un profesor de la universidad?
How long do you think it takes after somebody comes back to life before they can start dating again?
¿ Cuanto tiempo crees que debe pasar desde que alguien vuelva a la vida para que puedan volver a salir?
You know, I haven't been buzzed since I came back to life.
Ya sabes, no he sido llamado desde que reviví.
I've died and come back to life.
He muerto y vuelto a la vida.
You mean with me coming back to life?
¿ Te refieres a volver a la vida?
everything I've done for you for the past six months - - the mark, the First Blade, midwifing you back to life, offering you a seat by my side - - has been a favor, a gift, whether you see it or you don't.
Todo lo que he hecho por ti en estos últimos seis meses... la Marca, la Primera Espada, traerte de vuelta a la vida, ofrecerte un asiento a mi lado... ha sido un favor, un regalo, tanto si lo ves como no.
And dock Ellis helped me get back into the normalities of life, to look things as they are, realistically, and make good decisions and apply ethics and morals.
Y Dock Ellis me ayudó a volver a la vida normal, a ver las cosas como eran, de forma realista, a tomar buenas decisiones y a aplicar la ética y la moral.
The problem is a lot of the vics go back to the life.
Bueno, lo intentamos.
I have to grab what I want, get back in circulation, I have to attack life, experiment.
Tengo que tomar lo que quiero y volver a la circulación, tengo que atacar la vida, debo experimentar.
At some point in your life, you went up the mountain and came back down with your own tablets of what is and is not the right thing to do, written in stone.
En algún punto en tu vida, ascendiste la montaña y bajaste con tus propias tablas de la ley de lo que es correcto y lo que no lo es escrito sobre piedra.
Violet has asked me to tell you..... that God has given her her life back for a reason.
Violet me pidió que te dijera que Dios le devolvió su vida por una razón.
Alex was here fighting for my life, searching for a way to bring me back.
Alex estaba aquí luchando por mi vida, buscando una manera de traerme de vuelta.
Miss Monica here goes back to her life.
- La Srta. Mónica regresa a su vida.
"Come back to us our angel of rhyme and life giver." Ha!
"Vuelve con nosotros nuestra ángel de la rima y el dador de la vida." ¡ Ja!
All I wanted to do was give you back a piece of your life that was missing.
Solo quise devolverte una parte de tu vida que te faltaba.
When it's finished, you are going to be a big screenwriter, and you're gonna move here, or back to New York, and go on with your life.
Cuando termines, vas a ser... un gran guionista, y te mudarás aquí... o volverás a Nueva York, y seguirás con tu vida.
You lied to me from the moment you came back into my life.
Me mentiste desde el momento que volviste a mi vida.
Everything in her life is here, just waiting for her to come back.
Todo en su vida está aquí, esperando a que vuelva.
Boy, I don't need them to walking back into my life, right?
Ya no los quiero en mi vida.
Don't worry. This won't last long. Mom will deal with the charges and then you can... you can get back to whatever life you were leading with whatever Russian stripper you were leading it with.
Esto no va a durar mucho tiempo. mamá se hacer frente a los cargos y luego se puede... se puede volver a lo que vida que llevabas con cualquier extractor de Rusia te llevabas con.
I guess I didn't realize how lucky I was to have Dylan back in my life until I lost him all over again.
Creo que no me di cuenta lo afortunado que era de tener a Dylan de vuelta en mi vida hasta que lo perdí de nuevo.
... to have you back in his life, and now he feels like he's lost you all over again.
... en tenerte de vuelta en su vida y ahora siente que te ha perdido de nuevo.
I just want to get my life back.
Yo solo quiero recuperar mi vida.
Aw, Stuart fired Nicki, and now, without a job or a place to live, she's gonna move back to staten island and be out of my life forever.
Stuart despidió a Nicki, y ahora, sin un trabajo o un lugar donde vivir, va a volver a State Island y estará fuera de mi vida para siempre.
I'm back to plead with my father for her life.
Volví para rogar a mi padre por su vida.
No matter how much you wish you could go back to your old life... you can't.
No importa cuánto quieras volver a tu antigua vida... no puedes.
Which means as soon as we solve this, you can finally go back to your own life and get away from all of this.
Lo que significa que tan pronto como resolvemos esto, puedes volver finalmente a tu propia vida y alejarte de todo esto.
I signed your house over to you so you could take your life back.
Firmé tu casa para ti para que pudieras recuperar tu vida.
If taking a hit from a heavyweight is the price I had to pay to get you back in my life, I'd take one every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Si recibir un golpe de un peso pesado es el precio que tengo que pagar para que vuelvas a mi vida, me gustaría recibir uno cada día de la semana y dos los domingos.
I have to go figure out how to put my life back together.
Tengo que ver como arreglar mi vida.
She dreamt of packing it all in one day, going back to France, buying a little farm and living a simple life.
soñaba con empaquetar todo un día, y volver a Francia, comprar una pequeña granja y vivir una vida sencilla.
Seems to be trying to get back to his life.
Parece que está intentando volver a su vida.
If you wish to bring back Rumplestiltskin to life, it is where you must go.
Si queréis devolver a Rumplestiltskin a la vida, ahí es donde tenéis que ir.
I need to get back to my original goal- - making sure everybody knows everybody, because we all know the friends you make in high school are the friends you have for life.
Necesito regresar a mi meta original... asegurarme de que todos conozcan a todos, porque todos sabemos que los amigos que haces en la preparatoria son amigos que tendrás para toda la vida.
When that baby's born, I am going back to claim the life that I deserved, and there's no reason that you can't come with me.
Cuando ese bebé nazca, voy a regresar para reclamar la vida que merecía, y no hay razón por la que no puedas venir conmigo.
I'd give anything to have my life back the way it was.
Daría lo que fuera por volver a mi vida de antes.
Our dream for life on Mars probably goes back to the ancient times when we were just doing naked eye observation.
Nuestro sueño de vida en Marte probablemente se retrotrae a los tiempos antiguos cuando solo hacíamos observación a simple vista.
It is very puzzling as to why NASA has refused to send life detection experiments back to Mars.
Es muy desconcertante el por qué la NASA se ha negado a enviar experimentos de detección de vida de nuevo a Marte.
He could choose any house, and yet he chooses to move back into the house where I gave him life.
Podía elegir cualquier casa, y aun así eligió mudarse a la casa donde le di la vida.
It is... possible... that if demons tormented her into taking her own life, perhaps somehow they've brought her back now to force others at Tarrytown down the same road.
Es... posible... que los demonios la atormentaban para que se quitara la vida, tal vez, de alguna manera, la han traído de vuelta ahora para obligar a otros en Tarrytown a tomar el mismo camino.
But when you get back home here to the United States, you will have a whole different appreciation for your life.
Pero cuando regresen a EE.UU., tendrán una apreciación muy distinta de sus vidas.
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back to school 26
back to square one 51
back to business 35
back to your place 18
back to the drawing board 19
back to normal 30
back to you 127
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back to school 26
back to square one 51
back to business 35
back to your place 18
back to the drawing board 19
back to normal 30
back to you 127
back together 25
back to your room 17
back to the car 16
back to your posts 16
back to bed 81
back to the tardis 22
back to me 32
back to class 24
back to 39
back to the ship 17
back to your room 17
back to the car 16
back to your posts 16
back to bed 81
back to the tardis 22
back to me 32
back to class 24
back to 39
back to the ship 17
back to it 16
back to one 31
back to back 25
to life 140
life 1101
lifetime 19
life is but a dream 17
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life goes on 120
back to one 31
back to back 25
to life 140
life 1101
lifetime 19
life is but a dream 17
life is good 62
life is beautiful 34
life goes on 120
life is short 124
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life sucks 30
life's a bitch 23
life is full of surprises 25
life's too short 77
life is complicated 17
life or death 27
life is hard 20
life isn't fair 26
life is too short 32
life sucks 30
life's a bitch 23
life is full of surprises 25
life's too short 77
life is complicated 17
life or death 27
life is hard 20