Because it's fun перевод на испанский
355 параллельный перевод
Oh, I suppose it's just because I'm tired, but somehow the fun seems to have gone out of it all.
Tengo la sensación de que ya no me divierto, seguro que es porque estoy cansada.
Because it's more fun outside.
Porque fuera nos divertiremos.
You don't care because it's too much fun!
Lo adornas con palabras bonitas, pero no engañas a nadie, todos saben cómo eres.
I feel like a feather in the breeze Having my fun, kissing the sun And it's because you're the one
Me siento como una pluma en la brisa, divirtiéndome, besando el sol y es por que tú eres la única.
Even when we were happiest together having fun, I was always a little unhappy too, it's because I knew it would have to end.
Incluso cuando más felices éramos,... por dentro estaba un poco triste, porqué sabía que tendría que acabar.
I do it because it's fun, I lend my aunts a hand, as I'm staying with them.
Lo hago porque es divertido Y les doy a mis tías una mano,
But hanging around took long and when you're with Hitchcock, you do hang around, because it's fun.
Pero pasábamos mucho tiempo sólo mirando y, cuando estás con Hitchcock, lo haces porque es divertido.
It's no fun swearing because you're not around to pretend to be shocked by it.
Ni decir palabrotas, porque no estás tú para mostrarte escandalizada.
And if he's short of loud sometimes, it's just because he's full of fun and he loves life.
A veces grita un poco fuerte pero porque es impulsivo y está lleno de vida.
- So amazing because... -... it's always fun and full of new faces...
- Extraordinario porque... siempre es divertido y está lleno de caras nuevas...
Just because it's so much fun to make up
Datin'las marcas que usted riñe Y el punto de vista que usted dividirá
Because it's no fun punching a man when he's seated.
Porque no me gusta pegarle a un hombre sentado.
It's no fun for us either, you know, because now we're alone.
Tampoco es agradable para nosotros porque ahora estamos solos.
It's much more fun for people like us... than those shoe clerks and butchers in their brown shirts... because, my darling, we made the rules. I made this one.
Para muchos de nosotros es mucho más divertido hacerlo con las botas puestas y para los carniceros con camisas marrones... porque, mi querido, nosotros hicimos las reglas.
Let me tell you something, Mr. Clean. It's no fun living with you night and day... because you, bunky, are one solid six-foot mass... of annoying, hair-curling little habits.
Te diré algo, Sr. Limpio, no es divertido vivir contigo... porque tú, compañero, eres una masa sólida de 1.82 metros... de malas costumbres irritantes.
Because it's fun.
Porque es divertido.
I know I had fun playing with their tricks... but it's time to stop because we're leaving.
Yo sé que se divirtió jugando con sus trucos, pero es el momento de parar porque nos vamos.
Because it isn't practical. It's a bit of fun.
Porque no es práctico, es una fantasía.
My life isn't fun any more, and it's because of you.
Mi vida no es divertido más, y es por tu culpa.
- Because it's fun!
- Por diversión.
You don't think it's love because we're having fun.
Tú crees que esto no es amor porque nos estamos divirtiendo.
No, I didn't tell you I was in the hospital because I got a hernia, and it's an old man's problem, and I didn't want the guys to make fun of me.
No, yo no digo que yo estaba en el hospital Porque tengo una hernia, y es un problema de un anciano, y yo no quería que los chicos que se burlan de mí. Eso es todo.
But the fun's just about to begin. Because it's time for your Ha Ha hot fudge cake!
Pero la diversión está a punto de empezar, porque es hora de comer la tarta de caramelo.
It's because we were gonna have fun.
Por que nos fuimos a Divertir.
It's just if, you know, if you enjoy what you doing, it's fun Because you never think about,
Es disfrutar con lo que haces, porque nunca pensarás...
Sólo porque nos hayamos peleado no significa que no podamos divertirnos un poco.
I say it's because we wouldn't have as much fun.
Lo digo porque no tendríamos tanta diversión.
A grandes razgos, yo diría que porque es más divertido que sentarse ahí jugando con la cinta de su pijama.
Just because you're rich, and you're handsome, you you think it's okay to make fun of people like me?
Solo porque tienes dinero y eres atractivo, tu ¿ te parece bien burlarte de la gente como yo?
Because it's fun and it makes it interesting, and I like it, okay?
Porque es divertido, lo hace interesante, y me gusta.
You play because it's fun.
Juegas porque es divertido.
It's a lot of fun, actually, because I get to go everywhere.
De repente, voy por todas partes.
- Because It's fun?
- ¿ Porque es divertido?
You think I do this contest because it's fun?
¿ Crees que hago esta competencia por diversión?
Well, it's because the times are so hard that they want to have a little fun while they can.
Hay que dejar que los chicos se comporten como lo que son, al menos mientras puedan.
Because it's fun and you might meet somebody.
Porque es divertido, y podrías conocer a alguien.
Everybody, when you're having fun, excited... thinking of that special someone... don't you feel the warmth inside? It's because your heart stirs up your body's molecules, creating heat.
Cada uno, cuando se esta exitado, o teniendo diverción... pensando en alguna cosa especial... no sienten el calor dentro de ustedes? Esto es porque sus corazones revielven las moleculas de su cuerpo, creando calor.
And because it's fun for me.
Y porque es divertido para mí.
Because it's nasty, because it's fun, because it flies in the face of all that's normal- - whatever that is- - because I'm not normal.
Porque es asqueroso, porque es divertido, porque se caga en lo que es normal... cualquier cosa que eso sea... porque no soy normal.
I do that with him mainly because he enters the costume contests, and it's something fun for both of us to do together.
Hago esto con él principalmente porque él participa en los concursos de disfraces, y para nosotros dos es algo divertido el hacerlo juntos.
I think it's really fun because you can- - because it's the only place that I can think of that you can goof off, and grownups goof off the same way and about the same acceptance.
Creo que es realmente divertido porque puedes- - porque es el único lugar que puedes pensar en holgazanear, y los adultos holgazanean de la misma manera y la misma aceptación.
Then we got to be six, and Eric made fun of me because it wasn't cool to have a best friend that's a girl or to even know a girl.
Luego llegamos a tener seis, y Eric se burlaba de mí porque no era genial tener un mejor amigo que es una chica o incluso conocer a una niña.
It's been fun but it's interfering with work. You don't want to ruin the friendship. Because that's what you care about.
Que ha sido divertido pero que empieza a interferir en el trabajo y que no quieres perder la amistad, que es lo que de verdad te importa.
And it's been really horrible because it's been a lot of fun for me.
Y ha sido horrible porque lo he disfrutado mucho.
Because, if it's a bit of fun you want, I'm always available.
Porque, si quieres diversión, yo estoy siempre disponible.
You see it's not ok to make fun of an American because they're black brown or whatever.
Verán, no esta bien reírse de un americano porque es negro, marrón o lo que sea.
Because it's fun!
¡ Porque es divertido!
I run like I did when I was a kid... because that's the only way it's fun, you know?
Corro como cuando era niña porque sólo así es divertido, ¿ o no?
And it's a shame, because low self-esteem can be like a fun-house mirror.
La baja autoestima es como un espejo que distorsiona.
It's not fun for me anymore, because you're missing.
No es divertido para mi ya, porque perdias.
I felt that... that would look fun and exciting on the King's Road because it would have a similar effrontery that Teddy Boy clothes had, except it would be new.
Me parecía que sería divertido y emocionante para Kings Road, porque sería igual de descarada que la ropa de Teddy Boy, pero sería algo nuevo.
because it's you 31
because it's true 90
because it's the right thing to do 30
because it's wrong 29
because it's embarrassing 16
because it's not 44
because it's the truth 44
because it's not true 18
because it's 93
it's funny 1468
because it's true 90
because it's the right thing to do 30
because it's wrong 29
because it's embarrassing 16
because it's not 44
because it's the truth 44
because it's not true 18
because it's 93
it's funny 1468
it's funny you should say that 17
it's fun 487
funny 1968
funeral 54
funk 50
fund 31
funky 44
fung 21
fungus 39
funny girl 23
it's fun 487
funny 1968
funeral 54
funk 50
fund 31
funky 44
fung 21
fungus 39
funny girl 23
funerals 24
fun fact 65
funny enough 21
funny you should ask 57
functional 31
fun's over 44
funny you should mention that 21
funny you should say that 39
funny thing 100
funny man 41
fun fact 65
funny enough 21
funny you should ask 57
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fun's over 44
funny you should mention that 21
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