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Burn him перевод на испанский

750 параллельный перевод
Burn him up.
Hazle cenizas.
You're just using me to burn him up.
Sólo me estás utilizando para sacarle de quicio.
You heard what Dion said! No one's gonna burn him out, brother or no brother.
Nadie incendiará su negocio, ya sea su hermano o no.
And i'll make it 10,000 if you'll burn him to a crisp. We all share in that.
Intenta lidiar con la mente más sagaz en asuntos económicos.
Gee, you think they'll burn him in the chair?
¿ Creen que lo cocinarán en la silla?
He won't tell. I think we'll have to burn him.
No hablará, tendremos que quemarlo
Then we would never find the treasure. We'll burn him... but not now.
Entonces, nunca encontraremos el tesoro lo quemaremos pero no ahora,
But I know how to deal with him. I'll burn him. Burn him up.
Lo quemaré, quemaré todo
I'll burn him.
¡ Lo quemaré!
Too bad they don't burn him hour ago.
Lástima que no la quemaran hace una hora.
The whole town heard you threatening to burn him out.
Todos lo oyeron amenazar con incendiar su negocio.
Burn him.
Burn him with white squaw.
Quémalo con mujer blanca.
The natives wanted to burn him, but a providential rain put out the fire.
Los nativos quisieron quemarle al pie del monolito, pero una providencial lluvia sobrevino y apagó el fuego.
Now the white folks are going to take him out and burn him No hard feelings on either side
Todos los blancos estarán de acuerdo en colgarlo.
Can they take him out of jail and maybe burn him if there are only suspicions and maybe..
¿ Van a quemarme vivo solo porque sospechan...
Next time I see George, I think I'll burn him up about you and me, okay?
La próxima vez que vea a George le daré celos con lo nuestro.
- Enough to burn him?
- ¿ Es suficiente?
- And then burn him!
- Y le quemaremos.
- Yeah, and burn him good!
- Bien quemado.
Either burn him or send him to prison for life.
Quemadle o mandadle a prisión de por vida.
Look, Holman tried to burn him out, but I got an idea.
Holman trató de acabar con él, pero tengo una idea.
Sound? Having two small boys, I know noise doesn't do a man much good but burn him up, knock his house down?
Tengo dos hijos, y sé que el ruido no sienta bien.
"It can just as well burn up for him, all of Ingmar's Farm!"
" Solo así puede quemar para él, todo lo de la Granja de Ingmar!
When a man dies they always burn his wife or daughter with him!
¡ Cuando un hombre muere, siempre queman a su esposa o hija con él!
Tell him that he's playing with fire and... And we shall, all of us, burn our fingers.
Dígale que estájugando con fuego y que nos quemaremos los dedos.
Don't make me jealous, or I'll burn it up and him in it.
No des celos, o los quemaré, y a él con ellos.
It's not your funeral. Let him burn your fan mail.
Él tiene que quemar las cartas de tus fans.
I see him coming round that turn What a trail that man can burn
Le veo dar la vuelta Cómo va quemando la pista
"Tell him ideas You can not burn".
"Decidle que las ideas no se pueden quemar".
Besides, how can an old lobster-man living alone with never a gossip in to see him, burn so many candles in a week?
Además, ¿ cómo puede un viejo langostero que vive solo, sin visitas, quemar tantas velas en una semana?
They'll blame him. Everybody! They'll just burn down the newspaper.
¡ Le echarán la culpa a él y el periódico irá a la picota!
He can burn the house down before I pay him a cent.
Antes prefiero que queme la casa.
When they brought him home, I thought he'd burn up from fever.
se ha salvado de milagro cuando lo ha traido esta noche pensaba que la fiebre se lo comería vivo y lo perderíamos Señora mia.
You oughtn't to burn up at him, you fed him the rum.
No se enoje.
If he can't get his hands on that contract, he won't burn the wheat- - It won't do him any good.
Sino puede poner las manos en el contrato, no quemará el trigo. ¿ Y si alguien nos ve irnos?
- He tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. So every year we burn a Guy of him.
Intentó hacer explotar el Parlamento.
Will he praise the girl who lets him save his money and burn holes in her sofa?
¿ Le agradecen que les ahorre dinero y los aguante?
What about the girl he jilted, the one who let him burn the cigarette holes?
¿ Y qué pasa con la chica que dejan plantada?
Creased him is all. Nasty powder burn... Concussion... no more.
Quemaduras y contusiones, eso es todo.
Then why did you say you didn't want to burn too? You know, they burned him.
¿ Por qué dijo que no quería que le quemaran a usted también?
# And deep within him burn the fires of hate, murder and revenge! #
En su interior arden las llamas del odio, la muerte y la venganza.
- The only way to bring him out of there is to burn the whole marsh.
El único medio de hacerle salir de aquí es quemar todo el pantano.
When Wesley said Marjorie told him to burn it.
- ¿ Quemarla?
A common slave, you know him well by sight, held up his left hand, which did flame and burn like 20 torches joined.
Un simple esclavo, al que has visto muchas veces... alzó la mano izquierda... y ardió como 20 antorchas juntas.
Do you know who advised him to burn the city so that my troops could not winter there?
Sabes quien le aconsejo quemar la ciudad de modo que mis tropas no pudieran invernar ahi?
You can burn his clothes and fumigate him.
puedes quemar la ropa y fumigarle
It's strange, so cold and strict, yet when you speak of him your eyes burn with fire.
Es extraño, tan frío y estricto, pero cuando habláis de él vuestros ojos brillan con fuego. - Señor...
and Major Mugu ( The Wicked Major ). The Wicked Major comes to pay his respects to the General, Who then orders him : Burn yourself!
El malvado comandante Mugu saluda al general que ordena que se queme como los demás.
We capture his inner mind. We reshape him. We burn all evil out of him.
Capturamos su mente, lo reformamos, quemamos todo el ma que hay en él.
Burn it, shoot him, blow him up?
¿ Quemarlo, dispararle, borrarlo?

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