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Bye to перевод на испанский

4,797 параллельный перевод
Can I just say good-bye to him quick?
¿ Puedo decirle adiós rápidamente?
- Will you say good-bye to Frank?
- ¿ Me despedirás de Frank?
I had to say bye to Jake.
Tengo que despedirme de Jake.
Who will be the next to say good-bye to the MasterChef kitchen?
¿ Quién será el próximo decir bueno - bye a la cocina Master Chef
Say good-bye to your friends.
Decid adiós a vuestros amigos.
I agree to let you say good-bye to her the moment that you're defeated.
Me compromete a permitirte decirle adiós en cuanto pierdas.
When he put that knife to that lobster, that could have been the moment that Luca said good-bye to the MasterChef kitchen forever.
Cuando puso el cuchillo a la langosta, que podría haber sido el momento en que Luca se despidió para la cocina Master Chef siempre.
I'll text you when I know the details about saying good-bye to Ali.
Les mandaré un mensaje cuando sepa los detalles. sobre despedirse de Ali.
... says good-bye to the MasterChef kitchen.
... dice adiós a la cocina MasterChef.
When I said good-bye to you, Belle, we both know it was for good.
Cuando te dije adiós, Bella, los dos sabíamos que era para siempre.
... it was Beth that said good-bye to the MasterChef kitchen.
... fue Bet que dijo adiós a la cocina MasterChef.
It was hard saying good-bye to Kari... Seeing her leave so emotional.
Era difícil decirle "Adiós" a Kari al verla salir tan sentimental.
Please, say good-bye to Jordan.
Por favor, decir adiós a Jordania.
Come and say good-bye to me, man.
Ven y decir adiós a mí, hombre.
I just have to say bye to some friends.
Solo tengo que despedirme de algunos amigos.
It's hard because every year he gets older, and I feel like I'm just... having to say good-bye to a little boy I was just gettin'to know.
Es difícil porque cada año crece más, y siento que yo... tengo que despedirme de un pequeño niño que apenas empezaba a conocer.
But you know what made saying good-bye to my little girl easier?
Pero sabes que hizo que fuera mas fácil despedirme de mi niña?
- And then the last scene that we ever shot of Steve's was Jim going in and saying good-bye to Michael.
- Y la última escena que grabamos con Steve fue con Jim despidiéndose de Michael.
Please say good-bye to James.
Por favor, diga adiós a James.
Come say good-bye to everyone.
Ven despedirse a todo el mundo.
Alice, you can say good-bye to seeing your genie again.
Alicia, puedes decir adiós para volver a ver a tu genio.
I'm not going to tell you what Mrs. Beresford said to me... when you were saying good-bye.
No te diré lo que dijo la Sra. Beresford mientras te despedías.
After we dropped her off and said good-bye, instead of, I don't know, consoling us or doing something as a family, he took us back to the office.
Después de dejarla y despedirnos, en vez de, no sé, consolarnos o hacer algo como familia, nos llevó de vuelta a la oficina.
Look, I've got to go. Bye.
- Mira, tengo que irme.
It's time to say good-bye.
Es hora decir adiós.
Nice to meet you. Bye, cheers.
Adiós, salud.
- Nice to meet you. - Bye-bye.
- Encantada de conocerte.
What happened to one hour and bye-bye, Anita?
¿ Qué pasó con una hora y adiós, Anita?
I came to say good-bye.
Vine para decir adiós.
I had to leave school, and I didn't get to say good-bye, so I was just hoping to talk to him tonight.
Tuve que dejar la escuela, y no pude despedirme, así que esperaba hablar con él esta noche.
Got to go make a pie now, bye Linda. Wait!
- Ahora, voy a hacer un pastel.
The hardest part is definitely realizing that you have to say good-bye.
La parte más difícil es, sin duda darse cuenta de que que tiene que decir adiós.
Hawkeye : Cap, it's about to be bye-bye Big Apple,
Cap, está a punto de decir adiós-adiós a la Gran Manzana,
If her ass got to go, good-bye.
Yo no quiero jugar con Laura
The hardest part is realizing that you have to say good-Bye.
La parte más difícil es darse cuenta de que usted tiene que decir adiós.
Bye? Didn't you want to invite him?
Por favor, Gab, ¿ cómo "adiós"?
Then maybe you and I can do something to remember him ; a little ritual to say good-bye.
Tal vez luego podríamos tu y yo hacer algo para recordarlo, un pequeño ritual para decir adiós.
At least I got a chance to say good-bye.
Al menos tuve la oportunidad de despedirme.
Okay, bye. Good to see you there.
- Me alegro de veros.
- I just wanted to say good-bye.
- Solo quería decir adiós.
Since I'm leaving Haven tomorrow, I-I just wanted to say good-bye.
Como me marcho de Haven mañana quería despedirme.
I honestly didn't expect them to find any evidence whatsoever of paranormal activity. Bye.
Honestamente, no esperaba que encontraran evidencia de cualquier actividad paranormal.
Stop lying to yourself, George, the marriage is dead. Good riddance. Bye, George.
¿ Te puedes creer que Hesta tuvo el descaro de pedirme la ropa con la que iban a vestir al Muñeco?
You came here to say good-bye.
Has venido a despedirte.
let you get back to it. Bye, babe.
Adiós, cariño.
I was directed to run after Steve and when I got to him to just say good-bye.
Me dijeron que corriera tras el y que al llegar le dijera adiós.
Yeah, but you're on a bye week. So? I had to come home.
- Pero estás de semana de descanso.
I mean, he could have gone to the roof for one last look at the place, say good-bye.
Es decir, podría haber ido al tejado para echar un último vistazo al lugar, decir adiós.
If only to say good-bye.
Si solo pudiera decir adiós.
I refuse to say "Good-bye,"
Me niego a decir "adiós".
- Nothing. I was just calling to say good-bye.
Nada, solo llamé para decir adiós.

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