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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ D ] / Di

Di перевод на испанский

62,988 параллельный перевод
Say you're right.
Di que tienes razón.
Say something.
Di algo.
That I gave the order to have Peter killed.
Que yo di la orden de matar a Peter.
I gave the order to have him killed, and I deserved what I got.
Que di la orden de matarlo, y tengo mi merecido.
Say something so that I know you're okay.
Di algo para que sepa que estás bien.
I say, Ghost, speak your business or I shall go no further!
Dije, Espectro, di tus asuntos ¡ o no iré adelante!
I did not give the order.
No di la orden.
- Yeah. What, you think I didn't notice that your Facebook profile still says "single"? What?
¿ Qué, crees que no me di cuenta que en tu cuenta de Facebook todavía dice soltero?
Dad, say something, please.
Papá, di algo, por favor.
- Please say yes.
- Por favor, di que sí.
But, look, while you were gone, I realized something.
Pero, mira, mientras te fuiste, me di cuenta de algo.
"Whoop-di-whoop-di-whoo." - That's a really good impression.
Es una imitación muy buena.
Rattled, but I gave her a rousing and reassuring pep talk,
Agitada, pero le di una charla emocionante y tranquilizadora,
And that's when I realized the truth, Barry.
Y ahí fue cuando me di cuenta de la verdad, Barry.
And later that night, a sound woke me, and I crawled out of my bed, and I realized that the sound was coming from downstairs.
Y más tarde esa noche, un sonido me despertó, salí de mi cama y me di cuenta que el sonido venía de abajo.
Stand there and just say your lines.
Quédate ahí y di tus frases.
Honestly, I-I wasn't even aware that the letter necklace was my thing.
En serio... ni siquiera me di cuenta de que el collar con la letra era mi sello.
I gave you really bad advice.
Te di un mal consejo.
- Just say, "Yes."
- Solo di que sí.
See, I gave you a choice.
Mira, te di a elegir.
I gave him what he wanted.
Le di lo que quería.
I gave him the cure.
Le di la cura.
I gave it to Stefan already.
Ya se la di a Stefan.
I gave him my blood.
Le di mi sangre.
You want Perry to go to jail, call Lucifer a liar.
Si quieres que Perry vaya a la cárcel, di que Lucifer es un mentiroso.
I gave her every incentive to turn on you.
Le di motivos para ponerla en tu contra.
I gave you all the reason in the world to betray Lucifer.
Te di todas las razones del mundo para traicionar a Lucifer.
Then I figured out what was really going on, you know, so I stayed to watch the show.
Entonces me di cuenta de lo que estaba pasando realmente, ya sabes, así que me quedé a ver el espectáculo.
I didn't realize he was freakin'dead.
No me di cuenta de que estaba jodidamente muerto.
Yeah, when I realized that this kid was a real student at Malibu, I... I started thinking that this "experiment" might be real, too.
Sí, cuando me di cuenta que el chaval era un estudiante real de Malibu, empecé a... pensar que este "experimento" también podría ser real.
Say what you want.
Di lo que quieras.
So next time, just say you don't know.
Así que a la próxima, di que no lo sabes y ya está.
I even took a swim this morning.
Incluso me di un baño esta mañana.
When your mother found me, and when I realized what she was, I offered to teach her.
Cuando tu madre me encontró y cuando me di cuenta de lo que era, me ofrecí para enseñarle.
Remember, Mary, I gave you a chance.
Recuerda, Mary, te di una oportunidad.
Never realized I hate it.
Que nunca me di cuenta que lo odio.
Er, DS Miller, DI Hardy, Wessex Police.
Sargento Miller, Inspector Hardy, policía de Wessex.
That stuff you did to the laptop I gave you...
Esas cosas que hiciste el portátil que te di...
That stuff you did to the laptop I gave you. Can you delete it?
Eso que le hiciste al portátil que te di. ¿ Puedes borrarlo?
I dunno, I'd turned my back on him.
No lo sé, le di la espalda.
DS Miller, DI Hardy, Wessex Police.
Sargento Miller, subinspector Hardy de la policía de Wessex.
Sarah, please say you didn't.
Sarah, por favor, di que no fuiste tú.
I'm DI Hardy.
Soy el subinspector Hardy.
Katie, can you get the DI out of the interview room
Katie, ¿ puedes sacar al subinspector de la sala de interrogatorios
DI Hardy, I need to talk to you urgently outside.
Subinspector Hardy, tengo hablar fuera con usted urgentemente.
That stuff you did to the laptop I gave you, can you delete it?
Esas cosas que hiciste al portátil que te di, ¿ puedes borrarlo?
I know this is a terrible question, but just say yes or no.
Sé que esta es una pregunta horrible pero solo di sí o no.
I didn't realise it was a suspicious bag until I looked inside.
No me di cuenta de que era una bolsa sospechosa hasta que miré.
I didn't realise what it was until later.
No me di cuenta lo que era hasta más tarde.
So I told him I'd lost his kit and I gave him this top that was so big it looked like a dress on him.
Entonces le dije que perdí su equipo y le di ese top era tan grande que lucía como un vestido en el.
- I gave my word we go to Wessex.
- Di mi palabra de que iríamos a Wessex.

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