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Even перевод на испанский

396,006 параллельный перевод
What are you even selling?
¿ Qué vendes?
This sport's even more dangerous than skeet shooting.
Este deporte es incluso mas peligroso que disparo a discos.
Even though this morning I thought you were married.
Aunque esta mañana pensaba que estabas casado.
And this one's even more special,'cause I got my name back.
Y esta es aún más especial, porque he recuperado mi nombre.
I don't even think he realizes it, but he's still in love with you.
Creo que aún no lo sabe, pero todavía está enamorado de ti.
No one deserves that, not even a picture.
Nadie se merece eso, ni siquiera en una foto.
You know, just forget I even showed up here.
¿ Sabéis? Olvidad que he estado aquí.
He needs to know that even though he lost all those years he hasn't lost WHO he is.
Tiene que saber que aunque haya perdido todos estos años no ha perdido quién es.
Are you even a captain when you have no crew?
¿ Eres un capitán cuando no tienes tripulación?
And you can't even replace them.
Y no puedes ni siquiera sustituirlos.
The watchtower didn't react even when she took her helmettals off?
Se sacó el helmetal, pero el vigía está quieto.
So, even the children...
Incluso los niños...
To think it could cut through even an Exterminator's body.
Atravesó el cuerpo de un Exterminador.
I can't even imagine it.
No puedo imaginarlo.
I've never even thought about that.
Nunca había pensado en eso.
That's the one technology that even we couldn't re-create.
Es la única tecnología que no hemos podido recrear.
That may be so... but if we go east for 15 blocks... the batteries in our gear probably won't even last long enough... and we can't get that far without being caught by the Safeguard.
Eso tal vez sea cierto, pero debemos ir 15 secciones al este, las baterías de nuestro equipo probablemente no durarán todo el viaje, y la Salvaguardia seguramente nos detectará.
No matter how strong this man is, there's no guarantee that even he could reach that far alone.
Aunque este hombre sea fuerte, no hay garantía de que pueda llegar tan lejos.
But if we can help him, even a little...
Pero tal vez podamos ayudar, aunque sea un poco.
Yes, even food, anything you like.
Sí, incluso comida. Lo que quieran.
To be honest, we don't even understand half of what she's saying.
Para ser sincero, ni siquiera entiendo la mitad de lo que está diciendo.
Even the ones who managed to reach there, during the experiment they all...
Algunos sobrevivimos al viaje, pero durante el experimento, todos...
For a while there we couldn't even afford to do that.
Durante un tiempo ni siquiera pudimos hacer eso.
You want to get in trouble before we even leave?
¿ Quieres meterte en problemas?
And there were no effective trails that led us one direction or another and even when they used their dogs out there.
Pero aquí no había rastro que nos llevara a alguna parte. Ni siquiera los perros sirvieron.
It looks very flat from the air, but when you get down on the ground and you start walking around even the smallest bit of terrain, there is a lot of... lot of places they could be.
Se ve plano desde el aire, pero en tierra uno camina tan soto un poco... y ve que hay muchos sitios donde podrían estar.
Even if they had a second camera, it just... it went missing with them.
Si tenían otra cámara, esta se perdió con ellos.
Every night, I have a dream that I come downstairs and you're sitting at the table like you were never even gone.
Todas las noches sueño que bajo las escaleras... y que estás en la mesa, como si nada hubiera pasado. NIÑA DESAPARECIDA
And I think early, early on, Hollywood realized they had a tremendous tool, or even a weapon, for change, through cinema.
Y creo que desde temprano Hollywood se dio cuenta de que tenía una herramienta tremenda o incluso un arma para el cambio en el cine.
[Spielberg] I think all directors are actors, even those that aren't employed to work both sides of the camera.
Creo que los directores son actores incluso los que no trabajan a ambos lados de la cámara.
And then, while they were standing there, he gave the award to John Ford, who never even showed up, because Ford was out fishing on his boat.
Y luego, una vez allí, le dio el premio a John Ford que ni siquiera había ido, porque Ford estaba pescando.
We didn't even have to declare war on them.
Ni siquiera tuvimos que declararles la guerra.
He was sometimes laid up. He couldn't even move.
A veces debía recostarse.
He saw the power of film, even a lowbrow genre picture, to bring people home and stir emotions as he never had before.
Vio el poder del cine, aun en un filme poco profundo para hacer sentir y emocionar a la gente como nunca antes.
[narrator] Zanuck had turned it into a blatant exercise in self-promotion, even releasing a book about his experience.
Zanuck convirtió el filme en un ejercicio de autopromoción. Hasta publicó un libro sobre su experiencia.
[del Toro] Even the German portrayal is somewhat human.
Hasta los personajes alemanes son algo humanos.
" From time to time, the illustrated papers show how a Negro has become a lawyer, a teacher, perhaps even a minister.
" De vez en cuando, los medios ilustrados muestran que un negro se convirtió en abogado, en maestro quizá hasta en ministro.
The way he would shake the camera and the way he would have... even instruct the soldiers, as they walk into the assembly, to kind of glance at the guy shooting, the camera.
El modo en que sacudía la cámara y el modo en que había instruido a los soldados cuando se acercaban para que miraran a la cámara.
[Coppola] But, on the other hand, when a film has the excitement of combat and the adventure connected with combat, it can't help but get those juices flowing in the audience. So that, even though you may consider that you're making an antiwar film, it's not, really, because it tends to, if not glorify, at least enhance the sensation that makes people be able to participate in this kind of thing.
Por otro lado, cuando una película tiene la emoción del combate y la aventura conectada al combate no se pueden evitar las reacciones de la audiencia así que aunque consideres que haces una película contra la guerra no es así porque tiende si no a glorificarla o al menos a resaltar la sensación que hace que la gente quiera participar de esta clase de cosas.
His task was no longer to make propaganda or even a documentary.
Su tarea ya no era hacer propaganda, ni siquiera un documental.
Many filmmakers, even if they remain active, create their testament movie at an earlier point in their career, and then they go on working, but not necessarily renovating themselves.
Muchos productores, aunque sigan activos crean su película legendaria en un punto temprano de su carrera y luego continúan trabajando pero no necesariamente se renuevan.
Couldn't even hold that job at the drug store.
No pudiste ni mantener el empleo en esa tienda.
Even you.
Incluso tú.
Without my boy genius even seeing a single daily.
Sin que mi muchacho genio vea un solo crudo.
White drapes, white phone, even white carpet.
Cortinas, teléfono y alfombra.
So, you see, I got to be very careful with her image. I don't even let her date, Pat.
Así que, como ves, debo cuidar su imagen.
Even from outside, you can hear if someone never hits the space bar.
Incluso desde afuera, escuchas cuando no tocan la barra espaciadora.
Do you even know what that word means?
¿ Sabes lo que significa esa palabra?
Even better!
- ¡ Todavía mejor!
He was even more pissed than Ashley's dad, if you can believe that.
Más furioso que el papá de Ashley, aunque no lo crean.
You'll even love again.
Incluso volverás a amar.

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