Even though перевод на испанский
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And even though he could barely see his own hand in front of his face,
Y a pesar de que apenas podía ver... su propia mano frente a su cara,
- Even though he's a traitor?
- ¿ Aunque sea un traidor?
Your argument and..... how Xoan went to sea, even though the sea was rough that day.
Vuestra discusión y que Xoan se echó a la mar, a pesar de que la mar estaba picada aquel día.
Even though you're partly responsible for it.
Aunque tienes cierta parte de culpa.
♪ even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy and no good ♪
Y aún así el vecindario Cree que soy mala y una basura
Even though Arthur told you to apologise. Mm-hm.
A pesar de que Arthur te dijo que te disculparas.
- I still liked the hug even though you used it to threaten me.
Me ha gustado el abrazo incluso aunque lo hayas usado para amenazarme.
Good, she's abbreviating, just like we practiced, even though she hates it.
Bien, saludo corto, como lo practicamos, aunque lo odie.
And even though this man ran far and fast enough to get away...
Y aunque este hombre corrió lejos... y lo suficientemente rápido como para escapar...
I knew that even though I still loved Cindy, we lived in two separate worlds that were not uniting.
vivíamos en dos mundos separados que no se unían.
♪ Even though I'm crazy as a loon ♪
# Aunque estoy más loco que una cabra #
I just am trying so hard to be nice to her, even though she's so disgusting and desperate.
Sólo estoy tratando de ser tan amable con ella, A pesar de que es tan repugnante y desesperada.
I'm always a negro, Even though I have papers.
¡ Sigo siendo un negro, aún con papeles!
When I think of Boris, I can't really remember him at all, even though he kissed me.
Cuando pienso en Boris, no puedo recordarle en nada, incluso aunque me besara.
I know I fucked up, even though I didn't smoke dope or drink, which is true.
Sé que metí la pata, aunque no fumé hierba ni bebí. Créeme.
I ain't given up yet, even though you've ignored me for years.
'APUESTAS THETA'LONDRES aunque me has ignorado durante años.
Even though you don't like me and all that but you keep on saying such kind words toward me.
A pesar de que no te agrado y todo eso... tu sigues diciendo esas palabras tan amables hacia mi. Shokichi, me estas lastimando mucho,
Even though he's Japanese.
A pesar de que es Japones.
Even though a sense of justice is needed there's no way you could ever hit back on your boss even if he's stupid.
Aunque se necesita un sentido de justicia... no hay manera de que puedas volver a golpear a su jefe aunque sea estúpido.
And like even though, like, the war is over, I wanna, sort of, be of value, you know, to you?
Y, aunque termine la guerra ¿ seguiré teniendo algún valor para ti?
And even though he may be beyond repair... you have got to try.
Y aunque sea imposible repararlo, deben intentarlo.
Even though she rejected your tenure?
¿ Incluso aunque rechazase su candidatura?
- Even though, yes, my client is technically a criminal.
- Aunque, sí, mi cliente es técnicamente un criminal.
So I've been analyzing information on Jason's laptop, and even though it's encrypted, I recovered a few of the algorithms, and turns out they're for gaming software.
He estado analizando la información del portátil de Jason, y a pesar de que está encriptada, he recuperado algunos algoritmos, y resulta que son software para juegos.
Even though I know it will push you back into the arms of Ray, and it makes me shake my head,
A pesar de que sé que va a empujar de nuevo en los brazos de Ray, y me hace mover la cabeza,
Mm-hmm. Even though it's the name they chose.
A pesar de que es el nombre que ellos mismos eligieron.
Dear Cristina, I keep writing you these letters, even though you've never written back, because I like to think that you're reading them.
Querida Cristina, te he estado escribiendo estas cartas, incluso esperando que no me respondas, porque me gustaría pensar que las lees.
Even though you're now like ancient. You are still...
Aunque ya eres viejísimo sigues siendo...
Now, you've got to convince your family to do something, something you haven't quite convinced yourself about, even though you know in your heart it's the right thing to do.
Debes convencer a tu familia de hacer algo... de lo que ni tú mismo estás convencido del todo... aunque en tu corazón sabes que es lo que debes hacer.
Now, there is a man in this town who needs a haircut... Huh... and even though he knows the reputation of the two barbers, he chooses to get his hair cut by the bad barber.
Hay un hombre en este pueblo que necesita un corte... y aunque conoce la reputación de los dos barberos... elige cortarse el cabello con el mal barbero.
And even though you were flirting with Crane
Y a pesar de que estabas coqueteando con la grúa
Even though the form was signed and filed by the non-profit, you were the one who filled it out.
Aunque el formulario fue firmado y presentado por una ONG usted fue quien lo completó.
You see, the novel shows a dream of a small group of people and however, even though the dream never becomes a reality, it will thrive there.
Lo ven, la novela cuenta del sueño de un pequeño grupo de personas, y... a pesar de que el sueño nunca se hace realidad, sin embargo, ellos prosperan allí.
Even though I don't do it anymore, sometimes I still help them chase the bad guys away.
Aunque ya no lo soy, a veces, aún los ayudo a perseguir a los malos.
I know now why Mom asked for Charlie, even though he was out of her life.
Ahora sé por qué... Mi mamá preguntó por Charlie, a pesar de que estaba fuera de su vida.
Even though we can't see him.
A pesar de que no lo podamos ver.
Anyway, this is the area where they say they saw the creature attacking the animal control officer, even though he claims to not have seen whatever it was that was attacking him.
De todos modos, esta es la zona donde dicen que vieron a la criatura atacando al Oficial de Control de Animales, a pesar de que él afirma no haber visto lo que fuera que estaba atacándolo.
And you can't help but feel, I don't know, validated, even though I know we shouldn't need that validation.
Y no puedes evitar sentirte validado, incluso cuando no deberías necesitar esa validación.
So I propose, even though we are not married, Lagertha and I will share the earldom and rule together as equals.
Así que propongo, aunque no estemos casados, que Lagertha y yo compartamos el condado y gobernemos juntos como iguales.
Even though Las Vegas Metro found the murder weapon in his home?
A pesar de que Metro Las Vegas encontrado el arma del crimen en su casa?
But even though it was in a past life, it feels like something's missing.
Pero aunque fue en una vida pasada, se siente como que falta algo.
- even though Teddy doesn't know it yet. - Why the fuck wouldn't you just tell us that from the start if all you wanted us to do is rubber-stamp your agenda?
- A pesar de que Teddy no lo sabe todavía. - ¿ Por qué diablos no lo haría sólo nos dicen que desde el principio si todo lo que quería que hiciéramos es refrendar su agenda?
Even though he had the Spock haircut, you know, somehow he could brush it off to the side a little bit, and he looked a little, a little hipper, yeah.
A pesar de que tenía el corte de pelo Spock, ya sabes, Alguna manera de que pudiera cepillo a un lado un poco, Y se veía un poco más, un poco más a la moda, sí.
Even though I was doing very well in school...
A pesar de que yo estaba haciendo muy bien en la escuela...
Even though he's half alien, it's like...
A pesar de que él es la mitad alienígena, es como...
Even though you're getting everything you want, aren't you, Marty Kaan?
Aunque estás logrando todo lo que quieres.
First of all, maybe I am a shiny star at the company, because even though I've only been here for a very short while, I truly feel like this is my home and you people are my family.
Primero, puede que sea la estrella, porque aunque empecé hace poco, realmente los siento como mi familia.
I can never make myself assured even though I can make it through to the scripture I can never feel assured
Nunca he podido realizarlo aunque puedo lograrlo mediante la escritura jamás me he sentido seguro.
We're working on something, though, to even the odds a bit.
Estamos trabajando en algo que iguale las posibilidades.
Even though it was written, the man broke that fate and changed time.
Pese a que estaba escrito, el hombre quebró ese destino y cambió el tiempo.
Even though you think that I don't, I do.
Aun cuando creas que no lo hago.
though 17618
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thought i'd stop by 16
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thought 125
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even better 478
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even more 72
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even if 79
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even more 72
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even if 79
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even me 139
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even today 54
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even for me 84
even if that's true 36
even after all these years 30
even at night 30
even me 139
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even if you do 18
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even in death 43
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even if that's true 36
even after all these years 30
even at night 30
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even if i was 18
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even you 303
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even if i was 18