Even for us перевод на испанский
1,083 параллельный перевод
I had the feeling that even for us, children of the bourgeoisie, there was no escape.
Tuve la sensación de que incluso para nosotros,... hijos de la burguesía,... no había escapatoria.
Even for us, a half million years is almost too long to wait.
Aun para nosotros, medio millón de años es mucho tiempo de espera.
That's awful far, even for us.
Están muy lejos, incluso para nosotros.
But it's too loud even for us.
Está muy alto, incluso para nosotros.
The thing is, for months, we have done nothing but being harassed and now it's time for us to get even.
La cosa es que, por meses, no hemos hecho nada, pero hemos sido molestados y ahora es la hora de la venganza.
For us it's also a documentary about the stagnant state among even the foremost...
Para nosotros es también un documento sobre el estancado estado inlcuso entre los primeros...
Look, even supposing you're right, I will not ask the Thals to sacrifice themselves for us.
Mira, aún suponiendo que tengas razón, no pediré a los Thals que se sacrifiquen por nosotros.
It's all right for us men. But even poor women are women.
A los hombres no nos importa, pero una mujer aunque pobre, sigue siendo una mujer.
I don't think they could see us even if they were looking for us.
No creo que nos puedan ver, aunque nos estén buscando.
No small number even for two of us.
No son pocos, incluso para los 2.
Even with the way the war is going for us now?
¿ Y si tenemos en cuenta lo que pasa en la guerra?
It's even too late for us.
Es demasiado tarde.
You want him ta come lookin'for us, And you ain't even seen'im?
Quieres que venga por nosotros y ni siquiera lo has visto?
We can't have him watching us, even for the wrong reason.
No podemos dejar que nos vigile, aunque sea un error.
Even those of us who've worked for them.
Incluso a aquellos que han trabajado para ellos.
The Redshirts want to attack us! But we'll be there and if it's needed we'll even die for our empire!
Pero estaremos presentes y si es necesario moriremos por nuestro imperio!
That poker game was even unluckier for Petrosian than it was for us.
Esa partida ha sido más desafortunada para Petrosian que para nosotros.
To us, killing is murder, even for revenge.
Para nosotros, matar es asesinar, hasta por venganza.
Mr. Spock, except for our handguns, we haven't changed. Not even our clothing, yet these people see and hear us as the Clantons.
Sr. Spock, excepto por nuestras pistolas no hemos cambiado nuestra vestimenta pero estas personas nos ven como si fuéramos los Clanton.
I believe that for many of us... there are idealistic motives which are even more important.
Creo que para muchos de nosotros... hay motivos idealistas que son incluso más importantes.
Comedy that Despotism is playing with us, is as dangerous for him as well as the tragedy was for Stewarts and Bourbons and even if we wouldn't consider this Comedy for what it is, it would still be a Revolution.
La comedia que el despotismo con nosotros está jugando es igual de peligroso para él como la tragedia era para los Stewarts y los Borbones incluso si no considerásemos esta comedia por lo que es sería todavía una Revolución.
You give us half of what you took us for at poker and we'll call it even.
Danos la mitad de lo que nos has ganado al póquer y quedaremos en paz.
Motoki's even better than Yazawa and he's only been working with us for six months
Motoki es incluso mejor que Yazawa y eso que sólo lleva seis meses con nosotros.
None of us would want to be responsible for his death. Or even be capable of it.
Sé que ninguna de nosotras querría ser responsable de su muerte ni sería capaz de causarla.
No, even though the good days is gone for all of us, there's still good pickings to be made. Especially for the likes of you... at your age.
Aunque aquellos días ya se fueron, hay quien se gana la vida, sobretodo las que son como tú.
Without hope, clothes or even daily bread, I stand, with my wife and children crying, and I see no future for us in Europe.
"Sin esperanza, ropa incluso sin el pan diario, resisto, con mi mujer y mis hijos llorando, y no veo futuro para nosotros en Europa."
Following the Christian faith nowadays is even more dangerous for us
Y las cosas han empeorado. Ser cristiano hoy en día es incluso más duro.
I even allowed myself to indulge in the fantasy that both of us loving her, and doing what was best for her together would make her seem actually like our child after awhile. But I see no such fantasy has occurred to you.
Incluso me he permitido fantasear sobre nuestro amor... y hacer juntos lo que es más conveniente para ella... pero veo que ese tipo de fantasía nunca se le ocurrió.
What have any of us done - for that matter, even me?
¿ O qué hemos hecho nosotros?
There was no way for us to meet. Even here, the odds would be slim.
Aún así, no habría sido muy probable.
That way, you fool, there will be even less for us.
Así, tonto, habrá menos para nosotros.
Well, I'm afraid that listening to me is almost too high a price to pay for even a superb lunch as that which Lady Franklin has given us.
Bueno, me temo que escucharme a mí es un precio demasiado alto a pagar incluso para una comida tan exquisita... como con la que nos ha obsequiado la Sra. Franklin.
Won't even see one for us.
No nos durará ni una carrera.
And even more urgent, for some of us, is to send cables.
Y aun mas urgente... para alguno de nosotros, es enviar mensajes. Precisamos de algun medio.
They are informing us, that the breakthrough shouldn't be delayed not even for a moment.
Ellos informan que la ofensiva no se puede dilatar mas, ni por un momento.
The entire cast... all the performers, except one... acting away like crazy for us without getting paid for it... - without even knowing they were movie actors.
Todo el reparto... todos los actores menos uno, actúan como locos para nosotros sin recibir paga, sin saber siquiera que eran actores en una película.
It means it's hardly even worth it for us to travel to the Soviet Union.
ca que para nosotros no vale Ia pena v!
I'm surprised anybody would even want to work for us.
¿ Aceptaron trabajar para nosotros?
Even our old enemy Rochefort spying for us.
Incluso nuestro viejo enemigo Rochefort espiaba para nosotros.
I've already drawn the samovar out on the porch, and I even put two wicker chairs together so it's more comfortable for us to count the stars!
Ya he puesto a calentar el samovar en el porche. E incluso puse dos sillas de mimbre juntas para estar cómodos mientras contamos estrellas.
They didn't even list us overdue for a week.
Nos dieron por desaparecidos una semana después.
And probably even more dangerous for us, not to speak about the commanders.
Y probablemente incluso más peligrosa para nosotros, y eso sin hablar de los comandantes.
Do you think I'm emotionally crippled for life? Do you think we're a one million army of emotionally crippled people, wretches who wander around, shouting to each others with words we don't understand and that make us even more scared?
¿ Piensas que estoy emocionalmente incapacitada de por vida? inválidos vagando alrededor gritándonos los unos a los otros con palabras que no comprendemos y que nos causan aún más terror?
Even a dumb mug like Louis is too quick for us.
Incluso un tonto como Louie es demasiado rápido para nosotros.
Not even for a moment I have thought that you would be returned so soon you are contradicting yourself you had thought of us
Ni por un momento sospeché que volverías tan pronto Todo son contradicciones Lo habías pensado
You'll congratulate us even more when you see what we've got for ya.
Nos va a felicitar aún màs cuando vea lo que le traemos. Sí.
Even when she asks us for something so horrible, it is for her own good.
Aunque nos pida algo tan horrible... es por su propio bien.
Do you really think... that even bin is good enough for us?
¿ Piensan... piensan que una caja es suficientemente buena para nosotros?
He made an impression on the old woman and didn't even invite us for a beer!
¡ Ya apantalló a esa vieja y ni siquiera una cerveza nos invita! ¡ Vamos!
Even if we do kill off any bacteria that could hurt us, what about all the other things in our air that we take for granted?
Aún si matáramos las formas virales o bacteriales que pudieran afectarnos, ¿ qué de las otras cosas en nuestro aire que damos por sentadas y que respiramos libremente?
He even put it back together for us.
Cumplió todas las instrucciones.
even for me 84
even for you 239
even for him 23
even for a moment 21
even for a second 21
for us 582
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
usual 64
even for you 239
even for him 23
even for a moment 21
even for a second 21
for us 582
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
usual 64
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
used to 118
use me 43
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your words 42
use your head 124
used to 118
use me 43
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21