Fresh meat перевод на испанский
422 параллельный перевод
There's plenty of buffalo sign out here, so I'll be riding out to pick up fresh meat.
Estas tierras están llenas de bisontes. - Iré a conseguir carne fresca.
Only the king shall be entitled To a little fresh meat on Thursdays and Sundays
Solo el rey tendrá derecho, a un poco de carne fresca los jueves y domingos.
It's alive, all right but they're fresh meat anyway.
De verdad está viva pero aún es carne fresca.
Well, Ma, I bet you wish we were there... to do some plowing and laying in fresh meat.
Bueno, mamá, seguro que querrías que estuviésemos ahí para que arásemos algo y poder poner carne fresca.
Fresh meat for the officers and hash for the men. That's his notion. Hash, hash!
Carne fresca para Ios oficiales y... esta porqueria para Ia tripulación, ésa es su idea.
Now we'll have fresh meat.
Ahora tenemos carne fresca.
- Dare we invest a bullet in some fresh meat? - l have exactly three shots left.
Tenemos que matarlo para tener carne fresca.
Fresh meat!
Carne fresca!
We're going out to see if we can find some fresh meat.
Salimos a ver si encontramos algo de carne fresca.
- Nice fresh meat they got.
Tienen buena carne.
Man, that's really fresh meat, huh?
Caray, sí que es carne fresca, ¿ eh?
Fresh meat, green vegetables, fruit, and some fuel.
Carne, verdura fresca, frutas... Y combustible.
" Then why don't you try fresh meat?
" ¿ Por qué no prueba darle carne fresca?
There'll be the pigs to mark, fresh meat to shoot.
Habrá cerdos para marcar, carne fresca para disparar.
I could sure use some fresh meat.
Un poco de carne fresca me vendría bien.
First do it, your work, my friend! Come on and eat tomorrow, fresh meat.
Primero haz tu trabajo, mi amigo, y mañana comerás carne fresca.
Fresh meat, look
Carne dulce, mira
Fresh meat, look Fresh and prepared
Carne dulce, mira Fresca y preparada
How do you think the enlisted men feel when they see us eating fresh meat?
¿ Sabes cómo se siente la tropa cuando nos ve comer ternera fresca?
All right, sir, I acted like a fool, but how do you think the enlisted man feels when he sees us eating fresh meat?
Seré tonto, pero ¿ cómo se sienten las tropas viéndonos comer carne fresca?
- If I had my gun, we'd have fresh meat for dinner.
Si tuviera mi pistola cenaríamos carne fresca.
We have chickens, fresh eggs, fresh meat everything fresh, everything you want.
Tenemos pollos, huevos frescos, carne fresca todas cosas frescas, todo lo que quieras.
Such nice fresh meat...
Qué carne tan sana...
That red hen's the first fresh meat this squads seen in 2 months, boy.
Esa gallina roja es la primera carne fresca esta escuadrones vistos en 2 meses, muchacho,
I wish he'd bring us some fresh meat.
Ojalá nos trajera carne fresca.
You mean like that story about the lion cub who's tame until he gets his first taste of fresh meat, right?
¿ Es como la historia del león domado hasta que prueba la carne por primera vez?
Fresh meat!
Carne fresca.
- Good, fresh meat.
- Con la mejor carne.
With no bread and no fresh meat, there's no strenght for my brave kids.
Sin pan ni carne fresca sucumbirán.
Meanwhile our fine neighbours feast their bellies full on fresh meat and swill down flagons of fine wine.
Mientras tanto, nuestros vecinos llenan sus panzas con carne fresca... y se refrescan con jarras de vino de calidad.
- Uh, fresh meat.
Está bien.
- lt looks like fresh meat.
- Parece carne fresca.
So... I'll fight for a little while, support you youngsters, and then you'll have hot borscht with fresh meat in it, prepared with all my skill.
Lucharé un poco apoyándolos a ustedes, jovencitos y entonces tendrán un borscht caliente con carne fresca, preparado con todo mi destreza.
We brought you some fresh meat!
¡ Le traemos carne fresca!
Fresh meat!
¡ Carne fresca!
as the country became more industrialized and the population shot up, the government decided that if some new way of getting lots of fresh meat from Australia and New Zealand wasn't found, well then, the whole country was finished.
Mientras el país se volvía más industrializado y la población crecía, el gobierno decidió que si alguna nueva manera de tener embarques de carne fresca desde Australia y Nueva Zelandia no era hallada, bien entonces, el país entero estaba acabado.
Having paralysed their prey with a sting, some wasps pack them into cells with the eggs so their young have fresh meat when they hatch.
Habiendo paralizado sus presas con un aguijón, algunas avispas las guardan en celdas con huevos de forma que las crías tienen carne fresca cuando nacen.
You must give them half an ounce of fresh meat each, finely chopped, once a day as the weather grows cold.
Debe darles media onza de carne fresca a cada una, finamente picada, una vez al dia, cuando el clima es más frio.
Fresh meat coming in.
Llega carne fresca.
Come, Madame Raven, there'll be fresh fox meat for lunch.
Venga, Madame Cuervo, habrá carne fresca de zorro para comer.
You gotta see that the backyards are tidy. and the milk's fresh. and the meat's pure.
Debes cuidar que los patios están limpios... y la leche fresca y la carne pura.
First soup, then meat with fresh vegetables, and this much milk.
En primer lugar sopa, a continuación, carne con verduras frescas, y leche.
- And the meat was still fresh?
- ¿ Y la carne aún está fresca?
Fresh vegetables and fruit and more meat are in the spring house there.
Tenemos vegetales, fruta y mas carne, alla en la caseta.
" Cy's Pet Shop will deliver fresh, red, juicy horse meat...
" La tienda de Cy reparte carne de caballo fresca, jugosa...
I don't think this meat is fresh.
Me parece que la carne no es fresca.
When you eat our rations and steal meat for German girls... then fresh airfeels good.
El que se harta de comida ajena y regala la carne a las alemanas... lleva bien Io de tomar aire.
One layer of sliced fried eggplant one layer of ground meat seasoned with local herbs like mint, marjoram, little bit of cinnamon another layer of eggplant layer of fresh tomatoes one layer of white sauce, some grated cheese and the whole thing baked in the oven.
Tiene una capa de berenjenas muy fina,... una capa de carne picada sazonada con hierbas locales,... menta, champiñones, un poquito de canela. Otra capa de berenjenas, otra de tomates frescos,... bechamel y todo cubierto con queso y gratinado al horno.
¡ Carne fresca!
And their favorite food is fresh, juicy, raw human meat.
Y su comida favorita es la fresca, jugosa carne humana cruda.
I'd want meat fresh vegetables, eggs beer.
Me gustaría carne vegetales frescos, huevos cerveza.
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