From the bar перевод на испанский
1,466 параллельный перевод
It's Carl from the bar.
Soy Carl del bar.
Can I get you something from the bar?
¿ Le traigo algo del bar?
But, Charlie, you were stealing from the bar.
Charlie, estabas robando el bar.
I know you were hanging out with that high school kid from the bar.
Sé que saliste con el chico del bar.
That was that girl Sara, the one from the bar the other night... who I rescued from that kid.
Amigo. Era Sara, la chica del bar... a la que salvé de ese chico.
Sir, can I get you a drink from the bar?
Señor, ¿ quiere que le sirva un trago?
And Ryan gets the money from the bar mitzvah?
¿ Y Ryan se queda con el dinero de su bar mitzvah?
- Yeah, from the bar.
- Sí, desde el bar.
And'it possible that one who has photographed out from the bar, he was not following Sinclair but was following you.
Es posible que quien tomó tus fotos afuera del bar... no estuviera siguiendo a Sinclair... sino siguiéndote a ti.
- I'm starving. Isn't that the chick from the bar?
Me muero de hambre.
I am from the Bar Mitzvah. I had a man!
Ya me celebraron mi Bar Mitzvá, soy un hombre!
Good evening. Can I get you something from the bar? Dear God, yes.
- Buenas noches, les traigo algo del bar?
We're from the bar.
Somos los del bar.
- They are from the bar, aren't they?
- Es la gente del bar, ¿ verdad?
It's that bastard from the bar, isn't it.
Son los cabrones del bar, ¿ verdad?
You ought to have known better than to steal from the Bar H.
Debería saber que no hay que robar del rancho Bar H.
And I assume you'll be contributing the profits from the bar.
Se supone que contribuirás con las ganancias del pub.
You were a two-bit gold digger, fresh off the bus from Hicksville when you met Mitchum at whatever bar you happened to stumble into.
Eras una caza fortunas, salida recién del bus desde Hicksville cuando conociste a Mitchum en cualquier bar al que fue.
Bar her from the hospital.
Que no entre en el hospital.
All of a sudden, I notice this dude eyeballin'me from across the bar.
De pronto, noté que un sujeto me miraba desde el otro lado del bar.
We stole some vodka from the mini bar and replaced it with water.
Robamos vodka del minibar y lo cambiamos por agua.
Peter Jay's. It's a bar around the corner from P.S. 27.
Peter Jay's. Un bar cerca de la escuela n ° 27
I got it from a guy in a bar down the street.
Me la dio un tipo del bar de enfrente.
And the stretto showed the minor key had been hiding in the subdominant from the very first bar.
Y el estreto mostró el tono menor que había estado escondido en el bajo dominante de la primer nota.
You know what I'd like to do, sir? Get that shyster Jimmy Kirby to remove the mirror from his bar.
Conseguir que ese picapleitos de Jimmy Kirby retire el espejo de su bar.
That must be the candy bar left over from last year.
Esa debe ser la barra de caramelo que sobró del año pasado.
I lost £ 15, subjected myself to salmonella from the burger bar, and had something warm and wet masquerading as white wine in a plastic cup.
Perdí 15 £, me arriesgué a la salmonella en la hamburguesería y tomé algo caliente y húmedo disfrazado de vino tinto, en una taza de plástico.
Then finally, after about an hour... I find her car, and it's parked across the street from some bar.
Finalmente, después de una hora encontré su auto estacionado frente a un bar.
He gets off every night at 6 : 00, and he frequents this bar a few blocks from his work by the name of dick's den.
Sale cada noche a las 6 y frecuenta un bar a un par de cuadras de su trabajo de nombre Dick's Den.
Corner table, away from the poseurs, in sight of the bar.
Mesa en la esquina, lejos de los pretenciosos, a la vista del bar.
I could cope with the bloke she picked up in the pub, I could cope with the bloke from France but to choose Tom over me!
Podía entender que se ligara tipos en el bar, o lo del francés. ¿ Pero cómo podía elegir a Tom antes que a mí?
If only frontrunners can debate... ... why not bar the rest of us from the ballot altogether?
¿ Si sólo los favoritos pueden debatir por qué no nos excluyen al resto de la votación totalmente?
Do you know this bill in the California legislature to bar illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses?
¿ Sabes que hay una Ley en el parlamento de California para prohibir a los inmigrantes ilegales sacar el carné de conducir?
It's porridge and jam from the canteen.
Es una esponja del bar.
Bar's down the road from the warehouse where I was working.
El Bar está en la carretera, al lado del almacén donde trabajaba.
They were hanging from the iron bar of the swing.
Estaban colgados de la barra de hierro de un columpio
I don't know where the girl in the red fox fur is from, but you can find her in Bernstein's Fish Grotto with a fresh one every week.
No sé de donde es la chica con la piel de zorro rojo. Pero puedes encontrarla en el bar Bernstein con uno nuevo cada semana.
From now on, call the bar, ask for Mikey.
A partir de ahora, llamas al bar y preguntas por Mikey.
Are you talking about that office above the bar just right across from City Lights?
¿ Se refiere a la oficina que está sobre el bar frente a City Lights?
Hey, that's the guy from the bar.
Ese es el tipo del bar.
Kim from the pub said you were having people round on Saturday.
Kim la del bar dijo que ibas a tener gente el sábado.
I ran a bar in Netanya, but I don't mind starting from the bottom
Yo tuve un bar en Netanya pero no me importa empezar desde abajo
I'm going around from one bar to the next
La busqué en todos los bares.
Miss Betty Lazinski... a waitress at the White Coffee Pot Restaurant... was released from the hospital today... and talked with Channel 12 News.
La Srta. Betty Lazinski camarera del bar "El Pote Descafeinado" ha salido hoy del hospital haciendo unas declaraciones para el noticiario
Am I swine, Harry, that in an otherwise empty joint the owner must make a show of relocating further away from me?
¿ Soy un cerdo, Harry para que, en un bar por lo demás vacío el dueño haga aspavientos al sentarse más alejado de mí?
Worked it from her at this very bar in idle chatter... having a sister who whored at the Yellowbird in Gunnison, and only then alleged the supposed owed $ 11.
Se lo sacó en este mismo bar durante charla casual que tiene una chica que se prostituye en el Jilguero de Gunnison y sólo entonces mencionó los supuestos $ 11 debidos.
They come to see me at my bar, right across the street from the hospital.
Vienen a verme a mi bar, justo cruzando la calle del hospital.
Last night... I was at a bar across the street from my hotel.
Anoche estuve en un bar frente a mi hotel.
She's probably in the room, drinking from the mini bar.
Estará en su habitación, bebiéndose el mini bar.
Three people from that room passed the bar exam.
Tres personas en esa habitación pasaron el examen de acceso.
As I have just recently fired all of the "Yummy Bartenders," from now on, the bar is serve yourself.
Como acabo de despedir a todos los barmans superguapos, desde ahora, la barra es self-service.
from the bottom of my heart 69
from the very beginning 50
from the future 31
from the heart 21
from the start 66
from the past 16
from the beginning 207
from the hospital 23
from then on 61
from the store 18
from the very beginning 50
from the future 31
from the heart 21
from the start 66
from the past 16
from the beginning 207
from the hospital 23
from then on 61
from the store 18