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He was alone перевод на испанский

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Good, good. And he was alone, and the door was locked?
Bien, bien. ¿ y el estaba solo, y la puerta estaba cerrada?
He was alone in his apartment on the 35th floor.
- Él estaba solo en su departamento en el piso 35.
He was alone.
Él estaba solo.
He was alone on the dyke.
estaba solo en el dique
He was very ill and he was alone.
Estaba muy enfermo y solo.
When he was alone, then he could..
Cuando estaba solo, no podría..
So he was alone?
¿ Estaba solo?
He was alone at the bar.
Él estaba solo en el bar.
He was alone at his place when Elliott was shot.
Estaba solo en casa cuando dispararon a Elliott.
We were all alone and he was being really nice...
Estábamos solos y él fue tan dulce...
( Cragen ) How long was he alone with Lucy?
- Veinte minutos.
Claims he was home alone.
Dice que estuvo solo en casa.
He was barely able to make sounds, let alone speak.
Apenas podía emitir sonidos, mucho menos hablar.
All he tried to do was take care of me and show me he loved me. But, no, I had to drive him away because I don't like being vulnerable even when I'm normal, let alone with my ankles in stirrups and my cootchie on display.
El solo queria cuidar de mi y demostrarme que me quiere, pero fui y le eche de aqui porque si no me gusta sentirme vulnerable en situaciones normales, aun menos con las piernas en alto y con el chichi al aire.
He was sitting alone for an hour.
Estuvo sentado solo durante una hora.
Well, his wife was a teacher at Denton Senior and he thought the girl would be safer with him than standing alone.
Su esposa era maestra en Denton Senior y pensó que la chica estaría más segura con él que ahí sola.
He was all alone.
Estaba solo.
Maybe Dibbs wasn't acting alone. Maybe he had a partner he was supposed to meet at the motel.
- Tal vez no actuaba solo y debía reunirse en el motel con su socio.
According to the trainer, he left him a couple of minutes alone in his room... he checked back in, he was gone.
El entrenador lo dejó solo unos minutos. Cuando regresó, no estaba.
I think it was more a loss of rapport with the younger generations... with the new societym the post-WW II world... which cut him off... from what he regarded as life... rather than from Germany alone.
Creo que fue una falta de entendimiento con las generaciones mas nuevas... con la nueva sociedad, o pos-ll Guerra Mundial... que lo aisló... de aquello que el estimaba como la propia vida... mas que la Alemania solita.
I was alone in the ICU when he woke up
Yo estaba sola en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos cuando el despertó.
"l heard it was a Chinese fellow, and he acted alone"
Oí que fue un chino, y que actuó solo
Was he alone?
¿ Estaba solo?
I'm sure that when he was born he was left alone too often, he lacked someone's warm breath.
Estoy segura de que cuando nació, pasó demasiado tiempo solo. Le faltó alguien que le respirara cerca.
But by blood, and blood alone, he was guilty.
Pero por sangre, y sólo por sangre, él era culpable.
And by this, and this alone, he was made free.
Y por esto, y sólo por esto, se hizo libre.
He alone was forsaken, crucified on the Oross for the forgiveness of sins.
Solo ÉI fue abandonado, crucificado en la Oruz para el perdón de los pecados.
He gets embarrassed talking about it. You see, we were both locals, and growing up, Ralph was this peculiar young man. Always alone, mysterious.
Mire, los dos éramos del pueblo, y al crecer, Ralph se convirtió en un joven especial siempre solo y misterioso.
I was alone against the crowd and perspective of one of crowd
He estado luchando contra aquellos que son pobres.
I was alone in the ICU when he woke up
Estaba sola en Terapia Intensiva cuando se despertó.
Because he was just so alone, and...
Porque se veía tan solo y
Jeff Clark's greatest challenge was how he internalized all that emotion and all that drama and all that adrenaline surfing that place alone year after year after year.
El mayor desafío de Jeff Clarck fue cómo internalizó... todo ese drama y toda esta adrenalina surfeando a solas año tras año tras año.
In other words, he was then... utterly alone in the world
En otras palabras, en ese entonces, ‚ él estaba...
He wasn't alone, was he?
Él no estaba solo, no?
He was trapped 700 feet below the surface of Manhattan, and he knew he was gonna die. Alone.
Estaba atrapado 700 pies debajo de Manhattan, y sabía que iba a morir solo.
Truth be known, he was not alone in his thinking.
Lo cierto es que no era el único que pensaba así.
He was distraught, and I left him alone so I could go and do research.
Estaba confuso, y lo dejé solo para ir a hacer mis consultas.
I just want you to know I shouldn't have left you alone with the patient until he was stable.
Solo quiero que sepas que no debería haberte dejado sola con el paciente hasta que estuviera estable.
Was he alone?
Estaba sólo?
Louise, was he alone?
Louise, estaba sólo?
I spotted him through the curtain when the doctor came out, and he was just lying on that bed all alone, and he had his eyes open and was just staring at the ceiling.
Le vi a través de la cortina cuando el médico salió, y estaba tendido en la cama, solo, y tenía los ojos abiertos y sólo miraba al techo.
He was sitting there all alone, in the dark, downing spray whipped cream.
Estaba sentado solo, en la oscuridad, comiendo crema batida.
If we'd known he was in trouble, we would have left him alone.
Si hubiéramos sabido que estaba en problemas, lo hubiéramos dejado solo.
- Was he left alone in the vault at any time?
Stacy, ¿ se quedó solo en la bóveda algun momento?
Was he alone?
- ¿ Estaba solo?
Yeah, I tried to make it work, but, um, living alone was just too fucking lonely.
Sí, he intentado que funcione, pero, uh, vivir solo era jodidamente solitario.
In these last few months I got a taste of what it was like to keep my mom's secret... and I've never felt more alone.
Estos últimos meses he podido saborear lo que es esconder un secreto como lo de mi madre y nunca me he sentido más sola
He was out all alone in the middle of the night.
Estaba afuera, solo en el medio de la noche.
- He was just so... alone.
- Estaba tan.... solo.
He was following him... waited till George was alone, hit him back at the salon.
Le siguió, esperó a que estuviera solo y se lo cargó en la peluquería.
They say he acted alone, but recently, I've learned there was a witness... who saw two people robbing the store.
Dicen que actuó solo, pero me he enterado de que un testigo... vio a dos personas robando en la tienda.

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