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He was my father перевод на испанский

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He was my father.
Él era mi padre.
He was my father.
Era mi padre.
The Marquis de Ranreuil, my godfather, before I knew he was my father, taught me a man's value comes not from his birth but what he does with his life.
El Marqués de Ranreuil, mi padrino... antes de saber que era mi padre... me enseñó que el hombre no vale por su cuna, sino por lo que hace.
- He was my father...
- Él era mi padre...
He asked me where my father was, I told him he was on his way.
Me pregunta dónde está mi padre, y yo le respondo que esta a punto de llegar.
So, he sat down to wait with me, and I knew that, the moment my father walked into that room, this guy was going to kill him.
Así que se sienta conmigo y espera. Y supe que en el momento en el que mi padre entrara en aquella habitación, este tipo le mataría.
My grandfather, his father, was very sick... dying of lung cancer. He had this hacking cough.
Mi abuelo, su padre, estaba muy enfermo muriendo de cáncer de pulmón, tenía esta tos seca.
When Alex was a little boy and my father had been dead almost, uh, 20 years... there he was... sitting across the dinner table, looking at me... through me, with those eyes of his on Alex's face.
Cuando Alex era niño y mi padre llevaba muerto casi 20 años allí estaba sentado frente a mí durante la cena mirándome con sus ojos en la cara de Alex.
And he was the only guy I knew who my father didn't tell how to do his job.
Y era el único tipo que conocí a quien mi padre no le decía cómo hacer su trabajo.
My father was a jeweler, and he gave these to me when I was 13 years old as a gift.
Mi padre era joyero, Y él me dio esto cuando tenía 13 años, Como un regalo.
My father would never back down. Not when he felt there was an injustice against poor people.
Mi padre nunca se volvería atrás no mientras sintiera que se cometía una injusticia contra la gente pobre.
My father was a warrior and farmer all his life. He taught me that a tree is like a human being, not a hair of his is to be touched.
Mi padre fue guerrero y granjero toda su vida, y me enseñó que el árbol es como un ser humano, no se le debe tocar ni un pelo.
He told my father it was the only one.
Le dijo a mi padre que él era el único.
Once he had set his eyes on them, there would only be one outcome because my father was well-known to have peculiar ideas of hospitality, and the brotherhood of man.
Cuando los vió, se sabía lo que iba a ocurrir porque mi padre era bien conocido por sus ideas peculiares sobre la hospitalidad, y la hermandad del hombre.
It was a stipulation of my father's will that Wendell be married before he could claim his inheritance.
Esto era un requisito del testamento de mi padre que Wendell estuviera casado antes de que pudiera reclamar su herencia.
My father was a tango fan, he used to fake it at the piano like I do...
[Voz de Emilio de la Peña en off] Mi papá era tanguero, hacía simulacros de pianismo como hago yo, ¿ no?
Just after everything with my father, with you I was thinking I need something else.
Después de todo... lo que ha pasado con mi padre, y contigo he pensado que necesito algo diferente.
My father was really excited, but he was about to find out that his free dinner had a high price.
Mi padre estaba realmente excitado, pero estaba a punto de descubrir que su cena gratis tenía un alto precio.
My father, he was a prisoner of war.
Mi padre fue, er, fue un prisionero de guerra.
I gave it to my father to gut his deer the day he was killed.
Se lo di a mi padre para destripar a su venado el día que fue asesinado.
Drew inherited one quality from my father - he was a tightwad, and he saved every penny he got, no matteno mw he got it.
Drew heredó una cualidad de mi padre : Era tacaño, y ahorraba cada centavo que obtenía, no importaba cómo lo hubiera conseguido.
My father brought that castle to Smallville, stone by stone, But obviously never found what he was looking for.
Mi padre llevó ese castillo a Smallville, piedra por piedra pero obviamente nunca encontró lo que estaba buscando.
He was threatened by my father for the same reasons.
Se sintió amenazado por mi padre por las mismas razones.
Ever since my father was injured I've had to be tough.
Desde que mi padre fue herido He tenido que ser duro.
Any man would cheat on his wife if my father was on a desert island and a spacecraft landed, bringing a great looking alien, he would have to sleep with her.
Cualquier hombre que engaña a su mujer si mi padre estaba en una isla desierta y una nave espacial aterrizó, traer un extranjero de gran apariencia, tendría que dormir con ella.
How would it look if I was with you while he takes care of my father?
¿ Cómo se vería si estuviera contigoes mientras él se ocupa de mi padre?
If anyone was abused, it was my father, what he had to put up with being married to her.
Si alguien fue abusado, esa persona fue mi padre. Las cosas a las que tuvo que renunciar para casarse con ella.
It's a case that my father prosecuted when he was an a.d.a.
Es un caso que mi padre procesaba cuando era fiscal.
'Cause my father was partially paralyzed when he came back from the war.
Porque mi padre estaba parcialmente paralizado cuando volvió de la guerra.
my father died when he was just a year older than i am right now.
Mi padre murió cuando tenía un año mayor que yo ahora.
When my father was trying to sell the house, he would take me along with him to help keep it clean.
Cuando mi papá trataba de vender la casa, me llevaba con él para que lo ayudara a mantenerla limpia.
I wasn't half as concerned about being with my dead father... as I was that he had become an international shoplifter of CDs and designer clothing.
No me inquietó tanto estar con mi padre muerto... como comprobar que se había convertido en un ladrón internacional de discos y de ropa fina.
My father, he caught me drinking From his bottle of rum when I was, like, 12.
Mi padre, me atrapó bebiendo de su botella de Ron cuando tenía como 12.
Yeah, he was a real hero, my father was.
Sí, era un verdadero héroe, mi padre.
You know, by the time he was born, My father was hardly even around.
Sabes, para cuando nació, mi padre casi nunca estaba.
Before he vanished under as of yet unexplained circumstances, my father was the best pilot on the face of the Earth.
Antes de que desapareciera bajo circunstancias inexplicadas, mi padre fue el mejor piloto sobre la faz de la Tierra.
After you left, my father sat down and started talking and he was remarkably lucid.
Cuando te fuiste, mi padre se sentó y comenzó a hablarme y estaba asombrosamente lúcido..
My father was the keeper of the Eddystone Light And he slept with a mermaid one fine night Out of this union there came three
Mi padre era el guardián de la luz de Eddystone y durmió con una sirena una noche de su unión surgieron tres una marsopa, un pargo, y la otra era yo.
When I was 11, my sister bought our father a "world's greatest dad" coffee mug. And frankly, the man coasted until the day he died.
Cuando tenía 11 años mi hermana le trajo a nuestro padre una taza de "el mejor papá del mundo" y francamente, el hombre no se superó hasta que murió.
My father's last request is to see the house whats he was born in.
El último deseo de mi padre es ver la casa donde nació.
I know, but... I mean, I wasn't raised by my father, and I spent my whole life obsessing over who he was.
Sí, lo sé, pero, mi padre no me crió y pasé mi vida obsesionada acerca de quién era.
My father went to yale, And I've wanted to go there ever since I was a little girl.
Mi padre fue a Yale,... y yo he querido ir allí desde que era pequeña.
Because if the test of a man is how he treats those he has power over, it was a test my father failed.
Porque si la prueba de un hombre se trata de cómo trata a las personas sobre las que tiene poder en esa prueba mi padre falló.
Her father, Colin, was my best friend at University until he died of pancreatitis in the Pyrenees.
Su padre, Colin, fue mi mejor amigo en la universidad hasta que murió de Pancreatitis en el Pyrenees.
"My late father?" "Yes, he was an honest gentleman."
"(... ) Lui, c'était un fort honnête gentilhomme"
Because... he was like my father.
Es porque... era como mi padre.
Well, he was like I'd always imagined my father to be like, if he'd lived.
Bueno, era como siempre imaginé que sería mi padre, si hubiera vivido.
My father was 66 or seven before he went on an aeroplane.
My father was 66 or seven before he went on an aeroplane.
My father was an immigrant. When he found out, he sent me to rehab.
Mi padre era un inmigrante... y al darse cuenta, me encerró en un centro de rehabilitación.
My father won a bet, but he was about to lose a war.
Mi padre ganó una apuesta, pero estaba por perder una guerra.
The shop belonged to my father. He was killed in the attack.
El dueño de esa tienda era mi padre, lo mataron en ese atraco.

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