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He was angry перевод на испанский

989 параллельный перевод
Well, because it is you, he was angry but you are from our blood
Está enfadado por ti, pero eres de nuestra sangre.
Oh he isn't really. He was angry with my father.
Estaba enfadado con mi padre.
He was angry because I wouldn't pay any attention to him.
Estaba enojado porque yo no le prestaba atención.
He was angry, but he- -
Estaba enfadado, pero, él...
He'd shut himself away, he was angry with it.
Se había cerrado, estaba enojado con el mundo.
He said a lot of things when he was angry about his blindness.
Decía muchas cosas cuando se sentía furioso por su ceguera...
- He was angry.
- De indignación.
Bu when he saw it yesterday, he was angry.
Pero ayer cuando lo vió se enfadó.
But I think he's sorry he was angry with you.
Pero creo que lamenta haberse enfadado contigo.
I know what Rick said about wanting to see you shot. But he was angry then.
Cuando Rick dijo que quería matarle estaba furioso.
When he died he was angry with me.
Cuando murió, estaba enfadadísimo.
Yes, that one in the book, so he was angry and...
- Sí, el del libro, él se ha cabreado y...
I knew he was angry about that paper I lost.
Sabía que estaba molesto por eI papel que perdí.
What made you think he was angry?
¿ Por qué cree que estaba enojado?
I suppose he was angry because Father filed a complaint.
Supongo que estaría enfadado porque mi padre presentó una denuncia.
And he was angry, and his heart swelled with vengefulness.
Y se enfadó, y su corazón se inflamó de ansia de venganza.
Joseph was shot by an angry mob And knew he'd soon be dead
José recibió un disparo de una turba enfurecida Y sabía que pronto estaría muerto.
Heizaburo was angry and sad, but above all he felt lonely and deserted.
Heizaburo estaba enfadado y triste, pero sobre todo se sentía solo y abandonado.
I was angry because you dared write such things to me, but I didn't laugh.
Estaba enfadada porque escribiste esas cosas, pero no me he reído.
Oh, he was very angry and kept threatening me all the time.
Estaba colérico y no dejaba de amenazarme.
"Dear Mr Blake, when you called me a poor sport, I was too angry to argue, but now I've had a chance to cool off and I'd like to prove to you that you are wrong."
" Querido Sr Blake, cuando me llamó pobre incomprendida, estaba demasiado enfadada para responderle, pero ahora he tenido la posibilidad de reflexionar y me gustaría demostrarle que está equivocado.
And when he was really angry, he'd say,
Y a veces, cuando se ponía furioso, me decía :
And once, long after when he'd forgotten and was angry it saved my life.
Y una vez, mucho tiempo después cuando se había olvidado y estaba enojado me salvó la vida.
The king was very angry, but I think he'll be lenient.
El Rey estaba furioso. Pero será indulgente, creo.
Yes. Why was he so angry with me?
- Sí. ¿ Por qué se enfadó conmigo?
Was he angry?
¿ Se ha enfadado el maestro?
Mr. Dilling was very angry, he shouted :
El Sr. Dilling estaba furioso. Gritaba :
Was he angry?
¿ Estaba enfadado?
He's angry because he was beaten up by Tom Hanson.
Está furioso porque le pegó Tom Hanson.
He was very angry.
- Estaba furioso.
Quiet, guys, don't be angry, maybe he was right.
No os enfadéis. Puede que tuviera razón...
I was so angry with myself for letting you come back here.
Me he avergonzado de haberte dejado volver.
Ted said he made a drama, He was very nervous... angry.
Ted dijo que hiciste una escena,... que te pusiste muy nerviosa y enfadada.
- He was very angry.
Se enfadó mucho.
Was he very angry?
¿ Se enojó mucho?
He was very angry.
Él estaba muy enfadado.
I understood how angry he was with Vicki.
Comprendía lo enfadado que estaba con Vicki.
He was still very angry at her.
Él aún estaba muy enfadado con ella.
He was furiously angry because he was made to undo his spell.
Estaba enojado, furioso, por haber tenido que deshacer su hechizo.
Oh, he was very angry.
- Oh, se enfadó.
Why was he so angry?
¿ Por qué estaba tan enojado?
He asked me if I was angry.
Me preguntó si estaba enfadada.
Yet even while I was angry at him I was proud that he had gotten the unattainable Anne.
Pero aunque estaba furiosa con él me sentía orgullosa de que conquistara a la inaccesible Anne.
They sat on the terrace and many of the fisherman made fun of the old man but he was not angry.
Se sentaron en la Terraza y muchos de los pescadores se rieron del viejo,... pero él no estaba molesto.
He was so angry, he started calling Ruthy names.
Se puso muy furioso y llamó de todo a Ruthy.
Oh? Was he angry?
¿ Ah, se enfadó?
First, I was angry with him, and then when he didn't recognize me, it was a silly game with a silly accent.
Primero estaba enfadada con él, y luego, cuando no me reconoció, fue un juego tonto con un acento tonto.
Honor! My grandfather was a clergyman, and he'd have been very angry to have thought any of his family had taken up with Molly Seagrim's leavings.
Mi abuelo era clérigo y se hubiera enojado si alguien de su familia hubiera estado con ese desperdicio de Molly.
Once or twice I thought that he would die because he was so angry.
Alguna vez he pensado que se murió del enfado.
He gave me so angry that I decided not to punish me for insider, and not told anyone that she was engaged.
Me dió tanta rabia, que como castigo decidí no darme por enterada, y no le dije a nadie que estaba prometida.

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