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He won't mind перевод на испанский

292 параллельный перевод
He doesn't mind our being extravagant about anything else but he won't let us change one single thing about his precious little house.
No le molesta en absoluto nuestro carácter derrochador pero no nos dejaría cambiar nada de su preciosa y pequeña casa.
He won't mind.
No le importará.
I don't think it's necessary, but if he doesn't mind and won't catch cold in his head.
No me parece necesario, pero si a él no le importa y si no le da un resfrío en la cabeza.
- He won't mind waiting.
- No le importará esperar.
Well, he won't mind you going on a little trip with me.
No se molestará si haces un corto viaje conmigo.
Minagawa says he won't change his mind no matter what
Minagawa dice que, pase lo que pase, no cambiará de opinión.
Maybe he won't mind that.
Tal vez eso no le importe.
- He won't believe you either. He's out of his mind.
Está fuera de sí.
I know, but Palmer won't mind. He looks like a swell guy.
Lo sé, pero a Palmer no le importará.
He won't mind that in a little while.
Pronto no le importará.
I know he won't mind waiting a little longer.
Sé que no le molestará esperar un poco más.
Oh, he won't mind, seeing as how tonight's corned-beef night.
Ah, no le importará, porque hoy toca carne ahumada.
Then you won't mind answering a few questions.
- No he hecho nada. - Entonces, no te importará responder.
If you speak to him nicely, he won't mind moving them.
Si se lo dice, las sacará rápidamente.
I am going to run again and I won't change my mind.
He decidido presentarme para otr periodo y nadie me hara cambiar de opinion.
- He'll mind himself Won't you Hondo?
- Se estará quieto, ¿ verdad, Hondo?
You sure he won't mind?
¿ Y él no se molestará?
No, he won't mind.
No, no se molestará.
I'll wake him up, but he won't like it. He won't mind.
- Pero no le va a gustar.
Y no será barato, recuerde.
He's somewhere now he won't mind about that.
Donde él está ahora nada de eso le importará.
I'll make up my mind at once, whether he gets well or whether he won't
En cuanto veo a alguien sé si se curará o no.
I'm sure he won't mind waiting until Nina's finished.
Estoy seguro que no le importa esperar a que Nina haya acabado.
- Won't he mind being turned out of his room?
- ¿ No le molestará que me quede aquí?
He won't mind. I can try at any rate.
No veo por qué no.
- He won't mind if we use his car.
- Podemos usar su coche.
And he won't pay any mind to you
E / amor no obedece, es un / oco Yno te hará caso a ti tampoco
And he won't pay any mind to you
- Así es e / amor
He won't mind.
A él no le importará.
He won't mind talking if he doesn't like the verdict.
A él no le importará confesar, si no le gusta el veredicto.
- He won't mind. Dino!
- No le importará. ¡ Dino!
- He won't mind.
- No le importará.
He won't mind.
No, a él no le va a molestar.
I'm sure he won't mind.
Seguro que no le importa.
Well, I don't know the major, but I'm quite sure he won't mind me drinking to his health.
No conozco al mayor, pero seguro que no le importará que brinde por él.
Of course, that won't make no never mind when he catches up to them that done it.
Por supuesto, eso no tendrá relevancia... cuando atrape a los que lo hicieron.
But he makes it so difficult for me! My associates ask me what he wants to be, and I have to tell them that he hasn't made up his mind because I just won't tell them that he wants to be a... a folk singer.
Pero me lo pone muy dificil, mis socios me preguntan qué quiere ser y yo les respondo que aún no ha tomado una decisión porque no me atrevo a decirles que quiere ser cantante de folk.
Why not use Bill's phone? He won't mind.
- no le molestará.
- Cousin Henry won't mind us being one day late... but he'll draw the line at two. - I can't leave you here, Robert.
No quiero dejarte aquí.
Why don't you just mind your own business. Anyway, he won't get here before tonight.
Ocúpate de tus propios asuntos, de todas formas, no llegará hasta la noche.
Well, if he's staying here, he won't have to mind about the work.
Pues si se queda aquí, no le importará el desorden.
- He won't change his mind.
- No es cierto que se arrepentirá.
But I'm sure he understands... that you have a full schedule and won't mind.
Pero estoy segura que comprende.. que Ud. tiene muchas responsabilidades y no le importará.
He won't mind, and we'll forget about him.
A él no le importará, y nosotros nos olvidaremos de él.
Let's hope he won't change his mind.
Esperemos que no cambie de opinión.
He won't have a job anywhere, Never mind London, if he goes on at this rate.
No encontrará trabajo en ningún lado, menos en Londres, si sigue de esta forma.
I'm sure you won't mind. I told your butler not to bother.
He dicho al mayordomo que no se moleste.
He surely won't mind!
Se adaptará, ¡ a ciencia cierta!
He's got something on his mind. And he won't come out with it.
El chico lleva algo en la mollera que no se atreve a soltar.
He wants to know if you won't change your mind about security.
¿ El presidente? ¿ El ministro?
I won't. I got my mind right.
He aprendido la lección.

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