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Her husband перевод на испанский

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I'm supposed to notify her that her husband's died.
Debo notificarle que su marido murió.
Just let mom know, among other things, she's still grieving her husband.
Simplemente deja que mamá sabe, entre otras cosas, ella todavía está en duelo a su marido.
Regina slept with her husband, stole her grandmother's wedding ring, Filed a lawsuit against her, then sent her a scrapbook rubbing her nose in it.
Regina se acostó con su esposo, robó el anillo de bodas de su abuela, inició un juicio en su contra y le envió un álbum para restregárselo por la cara.
She's saying that her husband shot an intruder, who shot back...
Ella dice que su marido disparó un intruso, que disparó de nuevo...
She's just buried her husband.
Ella acaba enterrado su marido.
Her husband died!
¡ Su marido murió!
Her husband said they were saving up to buy a house.
Su marido dijo que estaban ahorrando para comprar una casa.
Please, tell me you did not imply to Suzuki's wife that her husband shot himself.
Por favor, dime que no le insinuaste a la esposa de Suzuki que su marido se suicidó.
Uh, you know, the whole Harper Lee thing, that was just'cause I love her husband... you know, Bruce Lee.
Uh, ya sabes, todo el asunto de Harper Lee, eso fue sólo porque me encanta su marido... ya sabes, Bruce Lee.
Her husband's running for president.
Su marido del candidato a la presidencia.
Her husband is a commercial real estate broker,
Su marido es un corredor de bienes raíces comerciales,
She reconsidered what she wanted from an extramarital outlet, moved on from cuckolding her husband to the more visceral enjoyment of bedding a blue-collar stud.
Ella reconsideró lo que quería de una salida fuera del matrimonio, pasado de los cuernos a su marido al disfrute más visceral de acostarse con un perno de cuello azul.
Now that her husband is leaving her and you killed her new boyfriend, she's ready to talk about your affair.
Ahora que su marido la deja y mataste a su nuevo novio, ella está lista para hablar de su asunto.
Uh, her husband is on plastics, although maybe not her husband.
Su marido está en plástica, aunque tal vez ya no sea su marido.
The night her husband came in...
La noche en que su marido entró...
Her husband has given permission for her to be taken off the ventilator and her organs harvested.
Su marido ha dado permiso Para que ella sea retirado del ventilador Y sus órganos cosechados.
Her husband had access to that gear.
Su esposo tenía acceso a ese equipo.
Her husband's dead.
Su marido murió.
See what she knows about her husband stealing from the company.
Ver qué sabe sobre que su marido robaba de la compañía.
We had more in common than her and her husband.
Teníamos más en común que ella y su marido.
The last thing she wants is her husband finding out that one of his boys is not his.
Lo último que quiere es que su marido descubra que uno de sus hijos no es suyo.
She knows her husband didn't make it.
Ya sabe que su esposo no lo logró.
Mrs. Smithyman the shopkeeper was just getting over her husband's suicide.
La señora Smithyman, la tendera estaba superando el suicidio de su marido.
But it was a long time ago, and her husband is missing, and there's nothing to talk about.
Pero fue hace mucho tiempo y su marido ha desaparecido y no hay nada de qué hablar.
And why would she do all that unless she herself was involved in her husband's murder?
¿ Y por qué debería ella hacer todo esto a no ser que estuviera involucrada en el asesinato de su marido?
Her husband showed up.
Su marido se presentó.
Her husband?
¿ Su marido?
Her husband was ready to kill her.
Su marido estaba dispuesto a matarla.
Vivian couldn't tell her husband who she was meeting.
Vivian no podía decirle a su marido que iba a reunirse.
The only person who's been in since your lot cleared the place out was poor Mrs. Slauson, looking for her husband.
La única persona que ha estado desde que su gente despejó el lugar fue la pobre señora Slauson, en busca de su marido.
It's a wife's duty to keep her husband from drink, lest his drunkenness infect the family.
Es el deber de una esposa mantener lejos a su marido de la bebida, no sea que su borrachera infecte a la familia.
And how could she have known that we'd arrest her husband just before he took that second drink, before he drank the antidote?
¿ Y cómo iba a saber que arrestaríamos a su marido justo antes de que tomara esa segunda copa, antes de beber el antídoto?
Her husband is part-owner of her company.
Su marido es copropietario de su empresa.
I mean, like, that woman's lost her husband.
Quiero decir, como, esa mujer pierde su marido.
Four weeks before her husband was killed, she withdrew ã100,000 in cash.
Cuatro semanas antes de que su marido fuera asesinado, retiró 100.000 en efectivo. Espera. No empieces a sacar conclusiones.
A woman who stood by her husband during his worst moments.
Una mujer que estaba junto a su marido durante sus peores momentos.
Her husband is running for president.
Su marido es candidato a la presidencia.
Alicia Florrick was was willing to forgive her husband when he stumbled.
Alicia Florrick se estaba dispuesto a perdonar a su marido cuando tropezó.
Besides, if she was going to murder her husband, she'd wait til after the sale, wouldn't she?
Además, si iba a matar a su marido, esperaría después de la venta, ¿ no?
Why would she murder her husband, make it look like an accident and then put herself on camera?
¿ Por qué asesinaría a su marido, hacer que parezca un accidente, y luego ponerse ante las cámaras?
And whatever her goddamn husband has been telling them.
Y cualquiera que sea su maldito marido ha sido diciéndoles.
Asked if her hero husband might've been suicidal, when he shot up Meat Cute.
Le pregunté si su esposo mostraba brotes suicidas cuando sucedió lo de Meat Cute.
Ah, yes, when we last left Petra, you'll recall her new husband had dropped a bomb on her.
Ah, sí, la última vez que fuimos Petra, Te recuerdo su nuevo marido había dejado caer una bomba en ella.
And while the husband is usually our best bet, the fact that our victim just pissed off the world's most elite intelligence agency probably makes her work a better place to start.
Y mientras el marido suele ser nuestra mejor apuesta, el hecho de que nuestra víctima simplemente cabreado agencia de inteligencia de élite del mundo probablemente tiene en su labor una mejor lugar para empezar.
To pay her ex-husband less?
Para pagar a su ex marido menos?
She is still getting over the loss of her husband.
Ella aún sigue superando la perdida de su esposo.
With her ex-husband.
Con su exmarido.
Courtney's ex-husband's suing her for breach of fiduciary duty.
El exmarido de Courtney la demanda por quebrantar su deber fiduciario.
Yeah, I've spoken to Susan Greenburg's husband, Mitchell, and he says he can get you a killer lawyer who'll... ( Chuckles ) I'm not saying send her to jail but he can definitely get you full custody of the kids.
Sí, he hablado con el marido de Susan Greenburg, Mitchell, y dice que puedes contratar a un buen abogado que podrá... no digo mandarla a la cárcel pero puede darte la custodia total de los niños.
She's trying to get revenge on my husband because he won't lay with her anymore!
¡ Quiere vengarse de mi marido... porque él ya no quiere acostarse con ella!
Her previous husbands had died and the first husband's daughter held a grudge, accused her of all sorts.
Sus maridos anteriores habían muerto, y la hija del primer marido le guardaba rencor, la acusó de todo tipo.

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