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His e перевод на испанский

4,540 параллельный перевод
I was going through his e-mails, his computer files. Trying to find proof of his connection to father's death.
Revisé sus correos y sus archivos, intenté conectarlo con la muerte de mi padre.
Alex's brain receives the information and decides what to do with it based on his emotional cognitive abilities like any man would.
El cerebro de Alex decide qué hacer con ella con sus emociones e intelecto, como cualquier hombre.
We got into his e-mail account.
Nos metimos en su cuenta de e-mail
To feed his ego, and bolster his business interests.
HAROLD GRAY ALCALDE DE NUEVA YORK - Alimentar su ego, e incrementar los intereses de su negocio.
Without his even knowing it, - Tom learned a very important - Human law having to do with transfer and trade.
Aun sin saberlo, Tom aprendió una muy importante ley humana sobre Transferencia e intercambio.
He just says douchey things in his e-mails, quotes a lot of movies... and says things like, "You betcha" and "Gotcha."
Él sólo dice cosas idiotas en sus emails, cita un montón de películas... Y dice cosas como : "Te pillé" y "Te agarré."
For example, what is enthralling about the story of a bankrupt landowner who kills his wife and step daughters, each a year apart?
¿ Por ejemplo, que tiene de apasionante la historia de un terrateniente en bancarrota que mató a su esposa e hija adoptiva, hace un año?
But fearing that a judge might rule his actions to be a violation of civil rights, he chose not to stop and question the individual.
Pero temiendo que un juez pudiera decidir que sus acciones suponían una violación de los derechos civiles, decidió no detener e interrogar al individuo.
And you still have feelings for her, despite taking a lover whose charm and wit is only matched by his unbridled passion in the boudoir.
Y todavía tiene sentimientos para ella, a pesar de tomar un amante cuyo encanto e ingenio sólo es igualada por su pasión desenfrenada en el tocador.
I texted his picture to a friend of mine who works the psych E.R. at Sanbridge.
Yo envié un mensaje a su foto a un amigo mío que trabaja en el psiquiátrico E.R. en Sanbridge.
Choi Young Do used his perfect looks and unlimited charms to trip me.
Choi Young Do solía usa su perfecta apariencia e ilimitados encantos para hacerme caer.
Mr. Park shows this strength in his memory skills and spatial intelligence.
El Sr. Park muestra estas fortalezas en sus habilidades de memoria e inteligencia espacial.
It was no wonder that his terrifying condition was creeping upon me, the wild influence of his fantastic yet impressive superstitions.
No es de extrañar que me contagiase de su atemorizante condición de su extraña influencia de fantástica e impresionante superstición
Jack in his home run trot now, and the home crowd here at Forbes recognizing something special when they see it.
Jack termina su carrera e incluso la multitud de Forbes reconoce algo especial cuando lo ve.
A background check revealed that his work history and identity had been falsified.
Una verificación de antecedentes reveló que su historial de trabajo e identidad habían sido falsificadas.
"He had cut himself loose... " and was drifting faster and faster towards his fate.
Se había desatado e iba a la deriva cada vez más y más rápido hacia su destino ".
On his short list was also dog crap, car alarms... indecipherable parking signs, double baby strollers... ass-crack fashion, men's cologne... bubble gum, bicycles, hamsters... garbage trucks, neighbors, metal hangers, TV remotes... greeting cards, flip-flops, fliers for cheap haircuts, fat people... pigeons, The Weather Channel, smell of urine, new mothers... credit card offers, blocked phone numbers... big umbrellas, F train, J.F.K., B.Q. E...
En su corta lista también decía : Caca de gato, alarmas de autos, señas indescifrables de estacionamiento, coches de bebé dobles, moda con raja de nalga, colonia para hombre, chicle, bicicletas, hámsteres, camiones de basura, vecinos, ganchos metálicos, controles de TV, tarjetas de felicitaciones, chancletas, volantes para cortes baratos, gente gorda, palomas, Canal del Clima, olor a orina, madres nuevas, ofertas de tarjetas de crédito, números bloqueados, sombrillas grandes, tren F, JFK, vía Brooklyn-Queens,
They snatched his wife and kid right out of his house on Lake Lanier.
Habían secuestrado a su esposa e hijo, en las afueras de su casa en Lago Lanier.
If Nick Fury thinks he can get his costumed thugs and S.T.R.l.K.E. commandos to mop up his mess, he's sadly mistaken.
Si Nick Fury cree que sus matones en mallas y comandos S.T.R.I.K.E. van a limpiar lo que él ensucia, se equivoca.
He will be joined by Secretary of Defense Laird... and has even sought the help of renowned scientist Bolivar Trask... his special advisor to combat this mutant issue.
Lo acompañará el Secretario de Defensa Laird... e incluso solicitó la ayuda del renombrado científico Bolivar Trask... su asesor especial en el combate al problema mutante.
A man in his 60S, claiming to be none other than Father Christmas, broke into Battersea Dogs Home, where the reindeer are being housed, and tried to catapult them over the fence.
Un hombre sesentón, que asegura ser nada más ni nada menos que el Padre Navidad, irrumpió en el hogar de gatos y perros Battersea, donde los renos se encuentran alojados, e intentó catapultarlos por encima de la verja.
On the negative, threat of prosecution, prison, public humiliation, discrediting of his charities, um, deportation of his wife and children.
Por el lado negativo amenaza de juicio, prisión humillación pública, desprestigio a sus entidades deportación de su esposa e hijos.
Colin just broke up with his fiancà © e.
Colin acaba de romper con su prometida © e.
Don't you find his change at the end slightly contrived and frankly, sophomoric.
Encuentro el final un poco contraído e francamente inmaduro.
When in the movie did Eee Tee extend his neck to float out of a pit?
¿ Cuándo alargó E.T. el cuello en la película para salir de un agujero?
But he could not let his wife and son die.
Pero él no podría dejar a su esposa... e hijo morir.
E immediately when I heard the first words out of his mouth, thought, "This guy does not want attention."
E inmediatamente cuando escuché las primeras palabras de su boca, pensé : "Este tipo no quiere mucha atención".
'In many cases, if not most cases, I simply went on the show'and did his same routine.' But then I would get the MC sometimes saying,
En muchos casos, por no decir en la mayoría, simplemente fui al show e hice su misma rutina.
Earned his G.E.D. and tutored other inmates towards theirs.
Tomó una graduación de la escuela secundaria y ayudó a otros presos.
At this point in the story, the old man fell silent and pushed away his saddle of lamb.
En este punto de la historia el anciano guard贸 silencio e hizo a un lado su costillar de cordero.
A man broke into their home and systematically tortured and butchered his wife and child... using similar tools to the ones that killed these guys.
Un hombre irrumpió en su casa y torturado sistemáticamente y descuartizado su esposa e hijo... utilizando herramientas similares a la Los que mataron a estos muchachos.
Look, I will provide the documents and information to secure his conviction.
Yo le ofrezco documentos e información que garantizarán la condena.
- Have you still got his rifle?
- ¿ Todavía tienes el rifle?
Scout takes his to go. But Amber cuddles up for a little mother-daughter sushi date.
Scout quiere el suyo para llevar, pero Amber se acerca para una cena de madre e hija.
He was bullied and threatened by the SEC. To rat out his boss over some back dating stock crap.
El fue amenazado e intimidado por la SEC para delatar a su jefe sobre algunas mierdas de acciones.
Isn't it your duty to at least call his family and inform?
¿ No tendrías primero que llamar a la familia para preguntarles e informarles?
Noa gets up on his own in the morning, and he does his homework.
Noa se despertó sólo en la mañana, e hizo su tarea.
Well, that about women and children was not about you, but about one of his apostles.
Bueno, eso de mujer e hijos no se refería a usted, sino a uno de sus apóstoles.
He tried to escape, and upon being restrained, broke the arm of one man, the nose of another, and made his way back to his own team.
Trató de escapar, y tras ser inmovilizado, rompió el brazo de un hombre, la nariz de otra, E hizo su camino de regreso a su propio equipo.
I ask you to empty your pockets and go there to see his friend.
Te pido vaciar tus bolsillos, e ir allí a ver a tu amigo.
The man had his last drink and torched the house.
El hombre toma su último trago e incendia la casa.
Ismail took out his knife and injured one.
Ismail sacó su cuchillo e hirió a uno.
Dream scribes are responsible for noting and interpreting Mr. Profoundus's words, based on what he says to make his dreams wonderful new games are created.
Los Escribas de Sueños son los responsables de anotar e interpretar las palabras del Sr. Profundus. Según lo que dice durante sus sueños, se inventan nuevos juegos.
Yeah, some kid keeps e-mailing about wanting to interview you for his college newspaper.
Sí, hay un chaval que no para de mandarme correos acerca de querer entrevistarte para un colegio universitario o alguna mierda así.
He couldn't keep his soaring vision of the cosmos to himself, despite the fact that the penalty for doing so in his world was the most vicious form of cruel and unusual punishment.
No podía guardarse su elevada visón del cosmos para sí, a pesar del hecho que la pena por hacerlo en su mundo era la forma más terrible de castigo cruel e inusual.
While Bryson and his men are choking on the smoke, we'll bust down the door, take him out, grab our guns and be on the way home.
Mientras Bryson y sus hombres se ahogan con el humo derribaremos la puerta, lo sacaremos, tomaremos las armas e iremos a casa.
Maybe he dropped his parking ticket and was trying to grab it.
Quizás se le cayó el ticket del parking e intentaba cogerlo.
One of his testicles got crushed and infected, so they'll have to cut them off.
Tenía uno de los testículos aplastado e infectado, así que se los tendrán que amputar.
It's based on his life, starring his family and ad-libbed by his friends.
Está basada en su vida, protagonizada por su familia e improvisada por sus amigos.
I'm stuck here every day, but... I'm sure Tom wants to spend it with his wife and child.
Yo estoy aquí todos los días, pero... seguro que Tom quiere pasarlo con su esposa e hijo.
He's very good at keeping secrets, even lying to hide his symptoms.
Es muy bueno guardando secretos, e incluso mintiendo para esconder sus síntomas.

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