His ex перевод на испанский
2,374 параллельный перевод
I don't wanna talk about it. I got naked in his hot tub, and he and his ex-wife walked in on me.
Me desnudé en su jacuzzi, y él y su ex esposa llegaron.
What kind of idiot goes to his ex-fiancee's wedding?
¿ Qué clase de idiota va a la boda de su ex-novia?
It's him. So he used to beat his ex-girlfriend, and he sent himself that text from Claudia's phone.
Asi que solía pegarle a su ex-novia, y se envió a sí mismo ese mensaje del teléfono de Claudia.
What's his ex-girlfriend's name--Kasey?
¿ Su ex-novia llamada Kasey?
- Is his ex-wife missing?
- ¿ Su ex está desaparecida?
His ex had the same job.
Tu ex tenía el mismo trabajo.
Simms left work at about 6 : 30 last night, after having an argument with his ex-wife by cell phone.
Simms salió de trabajar anoche sobre las seis y media, después de tener una discusión con su ex-mujer por el móvil.
There were two calls to his ex, actually, 15 minutes apart.
Hubo dos llamadas a su ex, de hecho, con quince minutos de diferencia.
I was trying to figure out where Simms was last night, and I remembered that he'd made two calls to his ex, but only the first was from his job.
Estuve intentando averiguar dónde estuvo Simms anoche, y me acordé de que anoche hizo dos llamadas, a su ex, pero solo la primera fue desde su trabajo.
Bunch of calls to a foot doctor, cable company, few to his ex-wife.
Un montón de llamadas a un médico para los pies... a la compañía de cable... y algunas a su ex-esposa.
His ex has been getting calls from a cell in town.
Su ex ha estado recibiendo llamadas de un móvil desde la ciudad.
If he sees his ex-wife with her new boyfriend, it's gonna destroy him.
Si ve a su ex mujer con su nuevo novio, va a destruirlo.
Turns out it's a building where his ex-wife Rebecca lives.
Resultó ser un edificio donde vive su ex esposa, Rebecca.
So are we. Well, how about the property he asked his ex to sign over to him? Anything on that?
¿ Sabemos algo sobre la propiedad que pidió que le cediera su esposa?
A-after he spoke to his ex, he told me to take him out to this abandoned warehouse on the other side of town.
Después de hablar con su ex, quiso ir a una bodega abandonada al otro lado de la ciudad.
So Sam drove up to New York to secure the property in Queens from his ex-wife and then went to the docks to meet with someone.
Así que Sam vino a Nueva York a pedirle la propiedad de Queens a su esposa y luego fue a los muelles a encontrarse con alguien.
He said I had nothing to worry about because his ex-wife had signed over the property in Queens.
Dijo que no me preocupara, porque su ex esposa había traspasado la propiedad en Queens.
His ex-wife never signed.
Su ex esposa nunca firmó.
I'm his ex-girlfriend and he was the worst.
Soy su ex novia y fue lo peor.
Paul was divorcing his sister and sleeping with his ex-girlfriend.
Paul se estaba divorciando de su hermana y acostándose con su ex-novia.
So Jeff killed Cooper just because he thought he was seeing his ex-wife?
Entonces, ¿ Jeff mató a Cooper sólo porque pensó que estaba viendo a su ex esposa?
I wanted him to think that I was fine with whatever was going on with his ex in that sin shack across the street.
Quería hacerle pensar que yo estaba contenta con lo que estaba pasando con su ex en esa choza del pecado de enfrente.
I mean, I'm not really upset about his ex-wife being there, even though she is an obsessed man-eater who does not know when to quit.
En realidad no estoy disgustada sobre su ex mujer estando ahí, aunque sea una obsesa devora-hombres que no sabe cuando rendirse. - Es solo que nunca me ha importado tanto un tio de esta manera desde... - Si.
Kevin and his ex are not making love in the hot tub.
Kevim y su ex no están haciendo el amor en el jacuzzi.
Dougie, her husband, has a charge of burglary for breaking into his ex's apartment and stealing back the engagement ring.
Dougie, su marido, tiene un cargo de allanamiento por forzar el apartamento de su Ex y robar el anillo de compromiso.
The ex-husband also wants to consider his ex-wife's love?
¿ Un ex-esposo preocupándose por el romance de su ex-esposa?
So there's no use of you saying such words to his ex-wife. Please apologize.
Así que pida perdón por decir que estaba intentando usar a su lamentable ex mujer.
his ex, who had it in for him, and an ex-con.
una es su ex mujer y el otro es un convicto.
Smells his ex in the walls or something. Do I give a shit?
Huele a su ex en las paredes. ¿ Me importa?
His ex-wife, she was so jealous of me with the children, and she called me up at 4 : 00 in the morning and cussed me out.
Su ex esposa, estaba tan celosa de mí con los niños, y me llamaba a las 4 : 00 de la mañana y me maldecía.
He's even eroticized the very bed in which his ex-wife is now sharing with her new husband.
Incluso ha dotado de erotismo a la misma cama que su ex-mujer comparte con su nuevo marido.
'Cause right now Elliot is in Malibu with his ex-wife.
Por que en éste momento Elliot está en Malibu con su ex esposa.
He just wants to talk to his old girlfriend.
El solo quiere hablar con su ex novia.
His old girlfriend is here?
, Su ex novia está aquí?
"Then finally, add one battle-scarred, haunted, " formerly drunken Irish asshole, who screws up his life like other people breathe. "
"Luego finalmente, añadan un irlanés, cicatrizado, espantado, ex-borracho y boludo, que arruinó su vida tanta veces como la gente respira"
But why? I mean, what was so special about his former mother-in-law's safety deposit box.
¿ Qué hay de especial... en la caja de seguridad de su ex-suegra?
A down-at-heel theatre producer tries to convince his former lover, who's now a Hollywood star, to return to Broadway, to revive his career.
Un productor teatral venido a menos intenta convencer a su ex amante, que ahora es una estrella de Hollywood, para que vuelva a Broadway y resucite su carrera.
The man that we're going after- - his name is Kieran Ryker- - ex-CIA, very dangerous.
su nombre es Kieran Ryker... ex-CIA, muy peligroso.
As you already know, that man there, the vice president... is the former director of the C.I.A. And the man most instrumental... in the drone attack that killed young Issa. As he prepares to become president... he's going to want to use you, to be seen with you... his American hero, more and more.
Como ya sabes, ese hombre, el Vice Presidente ex Director de la CIA y responsable del ataque teledirigido que asesinó al joven Issa y que se prepara para convertirse en Presidente querrá usarte, que lo vean contigo su héroe estadounidense, cada vez más seguido.
Jonathan Gaines, former sec chairman turned wall street tycoon, was gunned down tonight by an outraged investor in his Manhattan penthouse, shocking wall street and investors across the country.
Jonathan Gaines, ex presidente de sec un magnate de wall street, fue asesinado a tiros por un inversor enfurecido en su casa en Manhattan. Esto conmocionó a wall street y a inversores en todo el país.
A previous Hartnell resident did acid, convinced himself that his trip was never gonna end and he was gonna die of sleep deprivation.
Un ex-residente en Hartnell hizo ácido, se convenció a sí mismo de que su viaje nunca iba a terminar y que iba a morir por privación del sueño.
Focus of his investigation was Sudanese ex-Governor Tahir Khaled.
El foco de su investigación fue el ex gobernador sudanés Tahir Khaled.
On the revote cochran blinded sides his old alliance. and * * * * * * * coward
En la nueva votación, Cochran traicionó a Ozzy y su vieja alianza y votó con la ex-tribu Upolu.
So far, it's not looking like one of his former clients.
Hasta aquí, no se ve como uno de sus ex clientes.
His former secretary came with a mini cassette player and put on "Yesterday" by the Beatles.
Su ex secretaria vino con un mini reproductor y puso "Yesterday" de los Beatles.
He's talking to his friend, the ex-con.
Está hablando con su amigo, el ex convicto.
This morning I got an email from Renaud saying that my ex-associate was on his way to PAX for some other game he's working on.
En la mañana recibí un email de Renaud diciendo que mi anterior socio viene en camino a PAX por otro juego en el que está trabajando.
His guys are ex-army.
Sus tipos son exmilitares.
His job application says he has an ex-wife and a six-year old son.
Su solicitud de empleo dice que tiene una ex-esposa y un hijo de seis años.
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extreme 42
excuse you 68
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