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How much was it перевод на испанский

869 параллельный перевод
How much was it, Jeanie?
¿ Cuánto es?
How much was it?
- ¿ Cuánto era?
How much was it again?
¿ Qué cantidad era?
How much was it?
¿ Cuánto fue?
- How much was it, Grange?
- ¿ Cuánto fue, Grange?
Miss, how much was it?
Señorita, ¿ cuánto era?
- How much was it? - 900.
- ¿ Cuánto te ha costado?
How much was it?
¿ Cuánto habíais ganado?
How much was it?
¿ Cuánto costó?
That bag, how much was it?
Este bolso... disculpa, ¿ cuánto cuesta?
How much was it you wanted?
¿ Cuánto quieres?
You know how much it was.
Sabes cuánto era.
If I was weak, if I was blind I just want you to understand how much courage it takes to love.
Si fui flojo, si fui ciego sólo quiero que hoy comprendan el valor que representa el coraje de querer.
- How much was it?
¿ Por cuánto ha dicho?
Well, how much would it come to if it was 8 cents a day?
¿ Alcanzaríamos con 80 céntimos al día?
I don't know how much truth there was in it.
No sé si sería cierto.
And at first it didn't seem like so much and then I began to see how beautiful it was.
Primero, no parecía gran cosa, después he comenzado a ver lo bonito que es.
How much would you say it was?
¿ Y cuál diría que es la suma?
- It's for the young lady who was here today. - Oh. - How much?
¿ Cuánto?
How much money was it?
¿ Cuánto era?
I do a little trapping now and then. So I was wondering how much it would cost to send my pelts into Omaha by telegraph.
Pongo alguna trampa de vez en cuando y me preguntaba cuánto costaría mandar mis pieles a Omaha por telégrafo.
I didn't know how much it was going to cost.
No sabía cuánto acabaría costando.
When I ask you again how much it was, you tell me it ´ s $ 19.
Cuando le pregunte de nuevo el precio, dígame que cuesta $ 19.
You know nothing about Marriott, how much money he had, or what it was for.
No sabes nada de Marriott, ni cuánto dinero tenía, ni para qué era.
I was thinking how much fun it would be to stay out here always, just like this.
Pensaba que sería divertido quedarse aquí para siempre, simplemente así.
it was how much you love her, Miss Sylvie. You needn't worry about that, now.
No te preocupes.
How much was it?
- 29.65.
He also said "He was curious to know how much whiskey it would take... "... to build up your nerve to come out. "
También dicen que sienten curiosidad por saber cuánto whisky necesitas para armarte de valor.
Honestly, I was thinking just today how much fun it would be to go to Italy.
- Sinceramente, hoy pensaba... Io divertido que sería ir a italia.
- How much did you say it was? - 84 dollars.
- ¿ Cuánto dijo que era?
I don't care how much you hated rails, if he went bad, it was your fault.
No me importa lo que pensaba de Ralls, ni cuanto le odiaba. Si se volvió avaro tuvieron los dos la culpa.
Then I.I just can't believe it myself, no matter how well it was documented no matter how much evidence there was, no matter what they said in the court or in the newspapers, it wasn't true to me even while it was happening
Simplemente no puedo creerlo, no importa lo bien documentado que esté. No importan las pruebas, no importa lo que haya dicho en el juicio o en los periódicos ; no era verdad para mí incluso mientras sucedía.
- How much was in it?
- ¿ Por qué, cuánto llevaba?
Well, how much was it?
¿ Cuánto ha sido?
He kept writing about how much he missed it while he was in the service.
Me escribía diciéndomelo mientras estaba en el servicio.
Only way I could ever tell how much a thing was worth was by how bad I wanted it.
Solo se medir el valor de una cosa por las ganas que tenga de poseerla.
And I called it The Lodt Generation... not knowing at the time how much it was about my Cynthia.
Le llamé La generación perdida... sin saber entonces a qué grado trataba de mi Cynthia.
You know how women are.. I thought you love me very little, I was forcing you to love me more and... And you forced it that much that it couldn't resist...
Ya sabes como somos la mujeres, sentía que me querías poco y, te estaba dando cuerda para que me quisieras más y... me diste tanta que se reventó.
If I had stayed, the way it was going, how much longer could we just have moments, just see each other out here?
Si me hubiese quedado, tal como estaban las cosas, ¿ cuanto tiempo más íbamos a conformarnos, con sólo vernos aquí?
That would depend upon how much it was diluted.
Depende de su concentración.
But, of course, I can't say how much it was.
Pero no puedo decir cuánto había exactamente.
Mr. Donahue, it was awfully sweet of you to come back and tell me how much you admired my work.
Agradezco infinitamente que haya venido.
So she said I loved her and that I would have left you. The more I was with her, the more I realised how much I love you. I tried to tell her, but it was hard.
Le dije que la quería, que te dejaría,... pero luego supe que te amaba a ti,... y busqué la forma de decírselo,... y cuando se lo dije, ocurrió lo que ocurrió.
How much did you unload it for while I was inside?
¿ Lo vendiste mientras estaba preso?
When your father died I learned how much it was to take care of it and it took me years to learn about the needs of our fields.
Cuando murió tu padre conocí lo mucho que pesa esta finca, y me costó años el llegar a saber las necesidades de nuestros campos.
How much did you say it was?
¿ Cuánto ha dicho usted que vale?
Sure. It was how much?
Claro. ¿ Cuánto era?
How much money was it?
¿ Cuánto dinero ganó?
How much money was in it?
¿ Cuánto dinero había?
Tell everybody how much I was so thrilled about it.
Di a todo el mundo que estoy contentísima.
It was seven miles to McAllen... and I knew how much taxis cost in the United States.
Eran siete millas a McAllen... y yo sabía lo que costaban los taxis en Estados Unidos.

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