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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ I ] / I called earlier

I called earlier перевод на испанский

279 параллельный перевод
I called earlier from the embassy.
He llamado antes desde Ia embajada.
I called earlier about that little black velvet strapless you had in the window.
Yo llamé a preguntar sobre el vestido sin tirantes de su escaparate.
I called earlier.
Ya le avisaron.
I called earlier and they said the visiting room closes at 3.
Llamé antes y me dijeron que la sala de visita cierra a las tres en punto.
Hi, it's me. I called earlier, too, hold it. But I didn't leave a message.
Llamé antes y no estabas pero no dejé ningún mensaje.
I called earlier.
Llamé esta mañana.
I called earlier about the letter issue.
Telefoneé antes por el asunto de la carta.
El motivo por el que te llamé antes era para avisarte de que... Stan me ha invitado a cenar.
This is Jackie Cassidy. I called earlier.
Habla Jackie Cassidy, yo llamé antes.
I called earlier. Someone said Mrs Newman would be here.
Llame mas temprano. alguien me dijo que la Sra. Newman estaría aquí.
Why wasn't I called earlier?
¿ Por qué no se me llamó antes?
I called earlier about getting the yogurt tested?
Yo llamé hoy para examinar un yogur.
I called earlier You gave me the address.
LLamé temprano y usted me dio la dirección.
I called earlier, and, uh, there was no answer.
Llamé, nadie respondió.
I called earlier.
Llamé antes.
Um, I called earlier today About a delivery I received. No name on the card.
Llamé hoy más temprano, por el envío, no tiene nombre la tarjeta.
I called earlier, about an appointment.
Yo llamé antes por el turno.
I called earlier this afternoon.
Llamé por teléfono esta tarde. - ¡ Mi hijo!
- Hi, I called earlier about the credit card.
- Hola, llamé antes por una tarjeta.
I guess I should have called you earlier.
Supongo que debería haberle llamado antes.
When I called you earlier, they said you were doing a hysterectomy. - Wha  s a hysterectomy?
Cuando he llamado, me han dicho que estaba haciendo una histerectomía. ¿ Qué es eso?
By the way, I called management. They want us to take our vacation at an earlier date.
El director quiere adelantar las vacaciones
I called you earlier and you gave me a false description.
Te llamé antes y me diste una descripción falsa.
I called you earlier.
Te he llamado antes.
Oh, I'm sorry, but John called earlier about the rug men.
Lo siento. John llamó antes por los hombres de la alfombra.
I had called earlier, I'd given orders that I would be dining in my room tonight.
Había pedido que me sirvieran la cena en mi habitación.
Yes, I called you earlier.
Sí, te había llamado antes.
You called me a bit late I'm afraid. An hour earlier I could have saved him.
Me temo que me llamaron un poco tarde.
Say, I called you a little earlier on the house phone, but you seemed to be out someplace.
Le llamé hace rato a su habitación, pero parece que salió.
But I believe you were covering up for once, years earlier, when you were in America, having looked after a little white baby called Daisy, whose death, though you could do nothing to prevent it,
Pero Creo que intentaba esconder que años antes estuvo en América... donde trabajó como niñera de una niñita llamada Daisy. No pudo evitarlo.
My name is Beck, I called you earlier.
Mi nombre es Beck. He hablado antes con usted.
Relax, I called him earlier ;
Puedes estar tranquila, mamá.
Hello, I'm the one who called earlier.
[Fisher] Earlier in the evening, I was called out to a homicide.
A primera hora de la tarde, fui reclamado a la escena de un homicidio.
I called him to ask if he could come back home earlier
Llamé para preguntarle si podía regresar a casa más temprano.
- Did your girlfriend tell you... that I called earlier?
- ¿ Su novia le dijo que llamé hace un rato?
But you called him earlier at the mechanic's, I heard you.
Te oí. ¡ No lo puedes negar!
Remember I called you earlier about that chess book? Yes, Kathy.
¿ Recuerdas el libro sobre ajedrez?
She had called earlier, and all I needed was for her to call again.
Me había llamado antes, y necesitaba que volviera a hacerlo.
I guess you should have called. I did call, earlier, when...
Supongo que deberías haber llamado.
I didn't mention it earlier, but, actually, I prefer to be called Maestro.
No lo mencioné antes, pero, de hecho, prefiero que me llamen Maestro.
I wish you'd called earlier. I could've given you tickets for tonight.
Si me hubieras llamado antes, te habría dado los de hoy.
I meant to stop by earlier, but I got called into surgery.
Quería haber pasado antes, pero he tenido una operación.
Yes, I called you earlier.
Sí, te llamé antes.
I called to you earlier.
Lo llamé antes.
When I called you earlier, Francoise asked me to exempt some butcher's boy she likes.
Esta mañana, François me habló con precipitación de un joven carnicero que le gustaba que tenía que reformar.
I called them earlier to wait for me.
Les llamé para que me esperaran.
I called you earlier... you claimed the deaths were caused by super natural shock as opposed to other opinions.
Dijo que las muertes fueron causadas por un shock sobrenatural, a diferencia de otras opiniones.
Hofy called earlier. I told her you were asleep.
Hofy llamó antes, le dije que estabas durmiendo.
I called you earlier.
Detective Jefe Inspector Barnaby.
I lost my wallet earlier tonight and Tepper here called me over to pick it up.
Perdí mi cartera esta noche, y Tepper aquí me llamó para recogerla.

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