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I called her перевод на испанский

2,452 параллельный перевод
I called her after she got back.
La llamé cuando volvió.
She wouldn't pick up when I called her, and, you know, she's been polite.
No ha querido contestar el teléfono cuando la llamé, y, ha estado, ya sabes, educada.
I called her a liar.
Yo la llamé mentirosa.
Well, I called her a backstabber, and then she scratched me, so I...
Bueno, la llamé traidora, luego me arañó, entonces yo...
I called her. She didn't answer.
La llamé y no me contestó.
I called her.
La llamé.
I called her tax attorney about the I.R.S. lien.
Llamé a su abogado de impuestos sobre el derecho de retención de Hacienda.
I called her last night.
La llamé anoche.
- No way, dude, I called her.
- Ni hablar, tío, la llamé ayer.
I called her.
Es a ella.
Yeah, I called her.
- Sí, la llamé a ella.
I called her little miracle.
Me llamaba su milagrito.
I called her later, when they were breaking Meredith's door down.
Yo le llame a ella más tarde, cuando estaban tirando la puerta de Meredith.
I called her a few days ago.
La llamé hace unos días.
I called her boss and asked him to meet us, and I was gonna ask you or Uncle Jamie or someone to come get me.
Llamé a su jefe y le pedí que nos acompañara e iba a pedirte a ti o al tío Jamie o a alguien que fuera a recogerme.
I called her again, but I just couldn't ask her to consummate right away.
La llamé de nuevo, pero no pude preguntarle si quiere consumarlo pronto.
- Tell her I called her many times.
- Dile que la llamé muchas veces.
I called her when we got a lead, and she called me.
Yo la llamo cuando tenemos una pista, y ella me llama.
I'll let her know you called.
Le diré que llamó.
So I called mom and asked if she could pick one up on her way home from work.
Así que llamé a mamá y le pregunté si podía recogerme una de camino a casa.
So now I'm living in a motel in Long Island City, my father-in-law fired me, and Rita won't even talk to me'cause my wife found her number and called her.
Así que ahora estoy viviendo en un motel de Long Island, mi suegro me ha despedido, y Rita no me habla porque mi mujer encontró su número y la llamó.
I called Jenny to tell her I'd be late.
Llamé a Jenny para decirle que llegaría tarde.
I went to thank Sarah in person, because my agent had called me that evening to tell her that she had agreed to let me out.
Fui a darle las gracias a Sarah en persona, porque mi agente me llamó esa noche para decirme que accedía a dejarme marchar.
I even called her to apologize, all right?
Incluso le llame para disculparme, ¿ de acuerdo?
My mom called earlier, and I wanted to text her back, but my battery died.
Mi madre me ha llamado antes y quería enviarle un mensaje, pero no me queda batería.
I mean, I did what I thought was the polite thing... called her the next day.
Quiero decir, hice lo que creí que era lo más correcto... la llamé al día siguiente.
Just don't get angry, but I called Dr. Herman's office and they are able to squeeze her in tomorrow before they close for the holidays.
No te enfades, pero he llamado a la consulta del Dr. Herman y mañana nos han hecho un hueco para ella antes de que cierren por vacaciones.
I called your mom and she gave her permission for you to come with us to Rockin'Rapids next weekend.
Llamé a tu mamá y te dio permiso para ir con nosotros el próximo fin de semana.
No, I haven't called her.
No, no la he llamado.
Okay, he called the Department of Justice and now the U.S. Attorney's calling me, and I don't like lying to her.
De acuerdo, él llamó al Departamento de Justicia y ahora la fiscal me está llamando a mi. y no me gusta mentirla.
I just called and set up an appointment with her.
Simplemente llamé y concerté una cita con ella.
I booked a hotel on Glen Osmond Road, took her to a hotel - I think it's called Eagle On The Hill, right?
Reserve en un hotel en Glen Osmond Road, la llevé al hotel creo que se llama Águila en la colina, ¿ correcto?
When I called, they told me That you had spoken to her just before she died.
Cuando llamé, me dijeron que habías hablado con ella justo antes de morir.
I called a car for her.
le he pedido un coche.
So I cut her down, I put her in her own bed, and called the doctor.
Así que la corte, la puse en su propia cama, y llamé al doctor.
I've called her 10 times already.
La he llamado 10 veces hoy. 6 DE MAYO DE 2007, 10 : 30
I called you to trade her for me.
Te dije que la cambiaras por mí.
I talked to the people in her division, I called his supervisor and he said she was out for a few days so maybe there was a threat.
Hablé con la gente de su división, llamé a su supervisor y me dijo que estaba afuera por unos días, así que quizás había una amenaza.
I called hundreds of times and did not answer so I sent Sotor and Lynch to get her.
La llamé cientos de veces y no me respondió así que envié a Sotor y a Lynch a buscarla.
Ever since I broke up with her.. ... she's called and texted every single day.
Desde que rompí con ella me llama y me envía mensajes todos los días.
- So I called Wendy what's-her-name, and I asked if her babysitter could come over after work.
- Así que llamé a Wendy no sé qué y le pedí que su niñera viniera a cuidar a los niños cuando saliera.
Figure the guys busting my chops so I throw down and tell him his wife's on the hefty side. Think I might have called her a mini cooper in drag.
Imagina a esos tipos destrozando mis costillas me tiro al piso y le digo al fornido que su mujer está a su lado creo que la habría llevado en un mini cooper.
I called all her friends, I checked with the school, I checked her email, I called the airlines to see if she booked a flight. Nothing
- Si, sus amigos, la escuela,... su correo, la aerolínea, nada.
I was leaving her office this morning when I called Matthew.
Me estaba marchando de su oficina esta mañana cuando llamé a Mathew.
I don't know why you called her in the first place.
No sé por qué la llamaste a ella en primer lugar.
So I called dottie this morning And told her she's out.
Entonces, llamé a Dottie ésta mañana y le dije que ella estaba fuera.
I practically called her a liar.
Prácticamente la llamé de mentirosa.
She talked a good talk in her fancy Scottish accent, but she couldn'ee walk the walk. I called her on her shit, caused a massive revolt.
La mandé al diablo y causé una revuelta masiva.
The guy I talked to- - he called Susan by her name, and he said he saw her picture in the newspaper.
El hombre con el que hablé- - la llamó Susan por su nombre, y dijo que había visto su foto en el periódico.
I should have called her and mentioned it.
Debí haberle avisado.
When her husband called, I told him no refunds, no returns.
Cuando su esposo llamó, le dije que no hay reembolso, ni devolución.

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