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I called your office перевод на испанский

105 параллельный перевод
I know, but I called your office and nobody answered... and I wanted to call all the hospitals and the police.
Lo sé, pero llamé al despacho y no contestó nadie,... y quise llamar a los hospitales y a la policía.
I called your office so many times.
¡ Cuántas veces le he llamado al periódico!
I called your office.
Llamé a tu oficina.
I called your office and they told me you were over here.
Llamé a su oficina, y me dijeron que estaba aquí.
I called your office. They said you were on your way over here.
Llamé a su oficina y me dijeron que venía en camino.
I call your apartment, I called your office,
Llamé a tu apartamento, a tu oficina.
- Well, I called your office hours ago.
- Bueno, llamé a tu horario de oficina ago.
I called your office today.
Llamé a la oficina de hoy.
I called your office about Mr Izumo.
Llame a su oficina sobre el Sr Izumo.
No. lt's just that I called your office, and they seemed to think that you'd left some time ago.
No. Es sólo que llamé a su oficina, y piensan que renunció hace un tiempo.
- They told me when I called your office.
Si ya lo sé, me lo dijeron en su oficina.
I called your office. They told me you were here.
En su oficina me dijeron que estaba aquí.
I called your office a few months ago, and they acted like you had the plague.
- ¿ Dónde estabas? Te llamé a la oficina. Te consideran un apestado.
I called your office. You've been out all week.
Te llamé al trabajo, llevan cinco días sin verte.
I called your office to tell you what a great time I had. They said that you weren't coming in until later.
Llamé a tu oficina para decirte lo bien que me la pasé y dijeron que llegarías hasta más tarde así que...
I called your office and they said you were headed home.
Llamé a tu oficina y me dijeron que ibas de regreso a tu casa.
Then I called your office and AugeIIo told me everything.
He llamado a la Comisaría y Augello me lo ha contado todo.
Actually, I called your office and they said you might be here.
La verdad es que llamé a tu despacho y me dijeron que podías estar aquí.
I called your office
te llama varias veces de mi oficina
I called your office, your house.
Llamé a tu oficina y a tu casa.
When I called your office, they said you'd gone to get your son.
Cuando llamé a la agencia dijeron que fue a buscar a su hijo.
I called your office and found out where you were.
Llamé a tu oficina y me dijeron dónde estabas.
I called your office - Um, mr. Underlay, this is my husband Russell.
Sr. Underlay, él es mi marido Russell.
I was on my way to the range so I called your office.
Iba en camino al campo de tiro, así que llamé a tu oficina.
- No, I apologize... but, I called your office... and I couldn't get an answer... and I don't really know what I should do.
- Disculpe... pero he llamado a su oficina... sin obtener respuesta... y no sé qué debería hacer.
I called your office...
He llamado a tu despacho....
I called your office, they said you were here.
Llamé a tu oficina y dijeron que estabas aquí.
I called your office, the District Attorney's Office.
Llamé a su oficina la oficina del Fiscal de Distrito.
I-I called your office, but they said you'd already left.
Llamé a tu oficina, pero me dijeron que ya te habías ido.
I called your office, and they said you were already on your way.
Llamé a tu oficina y dijeron que ya estabas de camino.
Oh, well, I called your office and I'd just missed you.
Oh, bueno, Llame a tu oficina Solo te extrañaba.
I called your office, and they said you were here.
Llamé a su oficina y me dijeron que estabas aqui.
- I called your office, I called your cell.
Te he llamado al despacho, al móvil
- Hey, I-I called your office yesterday.
Hey, t-te llamé a tu oficina ayer.
I have called in a specialist. If you get along there, he is waiting in your office.
He encargado un especialista para Ud. Creo que se llevarán bien.
I take it you haven't called at your office.
Veo que no ha llamado a su oficina.
I remember vividly one afternoon when you called me into your office, and said :
Le he tenido antipatía y detestado con gran cordialidad.
I have been calling your office all afternoon. I even called this number.
He estado llamando a tu oficina durante toda la tarde.
Well, in the last three days I've called your office at least a hundred times.
Bueno, le he hablado cien veces en los últimos tres días.
And I called your Commissioner's office from Fresno.
Llamé a la oficina del comisionado desde Fresno.
I've been thinking about that since your office called and I have something to say.
Lo estuve pensando desde que llamaron de su oficina y debo decirle algo.
But, I could be wrong here, if he called might he try you at your office?
Pero si lo hiciera, llamaría antes a tu oficina.
When I couldn't reach you on your cell phone, I called the office -
Cuando no pude localizarte en tu teléfono móvil, llamé a tu oficina...
What can I do for you? Your office called about the results on our Cutter's Hook DOA?
¿ Llamaron desde tu oficina por los resultados de nuestro cadáver?
I remember your so-called late nights at the office.
Recuerdo tus presuntas noches hasta tarde en la Oficina.
Yes, I know, your office has called several times.
Han llamado varias veces de su oficina.
She called me into her office yesterday and asked me if I had any long-term concerns about your abilities.
Ella me llamó a su oficina ayer y me pregunto si yo veia algun problema a largo plazo acerca de tus habilidades.
I just called your office three minutes ago.
Acabo de llamar a vuestra oficina hace tres minutos.
I called the Four Walls office for your home address.
Llamé a la oficina de "Cuatro Paredes," para que me den la dirección de tu casa.
I only get scolded whenever I'm called into your office.
Sólo me regaña cada vez que voy a su oficina.
Your voice sounded so strange that I called the office and heard from Team Leader Oh.
Tu voz sonaba tan extraña que llamé a la oficina y lo escuché de la Líder Oh.

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