I know that much перевод на испанский
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I know that much.
Eso lo sé.
I wouldn't be here I know that much.
Yo no estaría aquí Lo sé bien.
Yeah. You got big fucking teeth, I know that much.
Tienes unos dientes enormes, eso sí lo se.
If you're into whores, I know some that are way cheaper and have much better taste in furniture.
Si te vas de putas, conozco algunas que son más baratas y tiene mejor gusto para los muebles.
I know, but that just sounds so much better.
Lo sé, pero eso suena mucho mejor.
You know, in all my world travels, the one spell that I've never found is how to break somebody from loving too much.
Sabes, en todos mis viajes por el mundo, el único hechizo que nunca encontré es para hacer que alguien deje de amar demasiado.
Shows that I know what Tansy likes, but it's not too much.
Demuestra que sé lo que le gusta a Tansy, pero no es demasiado.
She thinks she knows so much about the game and so much about people in general. I don't know who told her that. But she needs to shut up before she schiewz everything all up.
Cree que sabe tanto del juego y tanto con respecto a las personas en general, no sé quien le dijo eso, pero necesita callarse antes de que lo arruine por completo.
Castle, look, I know how much the holidays mean to you and I know that you love Christmas, but I can't make it tomorrow.
Castle, mira, sé lo mucho que éstas vacaciones significan para ti y sé que te encantan las navidades, pero no podré ir mañana.
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all that you do, you and Detective Beckett.
Solo quería hacerle saber cuando aprecio todo lo que hacen, usted y la detective Beckett.
I just want you to know how much that means to me.
Solo quiero que sepas lo mucho que eso significa para mí.
I don't know how much altitude that bird's gonna get.
No sé cuanta altitud conseguirá ese pájaro.
I just think that, well, we've been through so much together, all of us, and we should give each other something really personal this year, like, um, I don't know, a story or a secret.
Sólo pienso que, bueno, hemos pasado por tanto juntos, todos. y deberíamos darnos algo realmente personal este año, como... no sé, una historia o un secreto.
You know, how much I hate that!
Sabes, lo mucho que lo odio.
Though I do not know how much money you have lost today, do you think it'll amount to the hurt that this child received today?
Aunque no sepa cuanto dinero perdió hoy... ¿ piensa que compensa los golpes que recibió esta niña hoy?
You know a hell of a lot, but what you don't know is how much I did need to do that.
Sabes mucho pero lo que no sabes es cuánto necesitaba hacer eso.
At the end of the day, people only see what they're prepared to see, that much I know.
A fin de cuentas la gente solo ve lo que está preparado para ver. Eso lo sé.
You know, I can't answer that question, to be honest with you, but he's been pretty much of a fake tool lately.
No puedo responderte eso para serte sincero pero últimamente se ha vuelto alguien muy tenso.
And the fact that you might never sing again might be too much for you to bear, but I just want you to know that even if you never even speak again, I will do everything in my power to fill our lives with as much music and love and happiness as I can possibly manage.
Y el hecho de que no podrías cantar de nuevo podría ser demasiado para que puedas soportarlo, pero sólo quiero que sepas que incluso si nunca hablas de nuevo, haré todo lo que esté en mi poder para llenar nuestras vidas la mayor cantidad de música
I don't know that much about it, but my guess is, Rodney went up there to fight.
No sé mucho, pero supongo que Rodney fue allá a pelear.
So tell me, how is it that you know so much about me and I know nothing about you?
Así que, dime ¿ cómo es que sabes tanto de mí y yo no sé nada de ti?
To be honest with you, I don't even know that much about the chap, but...
Para ser honesto con usted, yo ni siquiera se mucho acerca de la grieta, pero...
That much I do know.
Eso ya lo sé.
That's good,'cause I know how much you like to talk.
Eso es bueno, porque sé cuánto te gusta hablar.
You know, I wasn't that much older than you.
Sabes, yo no era mucho mayor que tú.
I don't know how. I mean, who could know that much?
No sé cómo. ¿ Quien puede saber tanto?
Hey. A big change for us. And your mother and I would like you to know how much we appreciate the love and support that each one of you has given us on our journey.
Es un gran cambio para nosotros y su madre y yo queremos que sepan cuánto apreciamos el cariño y el apoyo que cada uno de Uds. Nos brindó en nuestro viaje.
Is it too much to ask that I should know where you are?
¿ Es demasiado pedir querer saber dónde estás?
I know you probably don't want me saying too much, but I was thinking outside right now that if anyone says I love God yet hates his brother, then he's a liar.
Sé que no quieres que diga mucho... pero afuera estaba pensado... " Si alguno dice : Yo amo a Dios, y aborrece a su hermano, es mentiroso.
I don't mean that you're not very Christian. I don't know much about you at all.
No me refiero a que no seas muy cristiano.
I don't really know what I thought was gonna happen in 12 years, but I guess you don't really change that much when you're older.
Realmente no sé lo que pensaba que iba a pasar en 12 años, pero supongo que realmente no cambias tanto cuando eres adulto.
But people get a very satisfactory knowledge of language from that, I mean, so much so that you have to do pretty complex tests to see what they don't know.
Pero se obtiene un conocimiento muy satisfactorio del lenguaje con este método, al punto de que se deben formular pruebas bastante complejas para ver qué es lo que no sabe la persona.
Sé que hay muchas cosas que te interesan, sólo tienes que encontrar la manera de perseguir algo y ganarte la vida con ello.
I dont really know that much about music.
No sé mucho sobre música.
- You want to know how much I spent? Is that going to tell you how much I love her?
¿ El monto significará cuánto la amo?
I miss Ian very much and I know that his dad must be really sad right now, and I hope he feels better soon.
Extraño a Ian mucho y sé que su papá debe estar muy triste en este momento, y espero que se sienta mejor pronto.
- I don't know why you set so much store by that kid.
No sé por qué te juegas tanto por ese chico.
I don't know much about that subject.
No sé mucho acerca de la materia.
I mean we care very much about artists and so we think that there is a solution to there's, you know, a way that the technology can be adapted to-to-to benefit you know, all of the, the parties
Quiero decir que nos importa mucho acerca de los artistas y por lo que pensamos que no es una solución a hay, ya sabes, una forma que la tecnología puede ser adaptado que a beneficiarse ya sabes, todo el, las partes
That much I do fucking know.
Eso lo sé muy bien.
Not that I know very much about that particular emotion.
No es que sepa mucho sobre esa emoción en particular.
It's an honour, sir, and an honour to meet you too, Mr Poirot, although I don't know that there's very much to interest you here.
Es un honor, señor, y un honor conocerlo, señor Poirot, aunque no sé si aquí habrá mucho que le interese.
I also know you were Hesselbo's advisor for a while, but that you and him disagreed too much politically.
También sé que consideraste ser asesora de Hesselboe.
That much I do know about her.
Eso sí lo sé de ella.
Well, that much I know.
Bueno, eso lo sé.
Yeah, so, you know, I'm just curious, you know, how can... how can you take that much and they don't know nothing?
Sí, ya sabes, soy curioso. ¿ Cómo... cómo puede ser que te lleves tanto y no sepan nada?
I'll have you know that I own pretty much the greatest auto body shop in town, all right?
Yo tengo el mejor taller de reparaciones de autos del pueblo.
D'you know, I never realised how much I enjoy hearing that said out loud.
¿ Sabes? Nunca me había dado cuenta de cuánto disfruto oírlo en voz alta.
Mr. Khan, my wife might think that I don't know her. ... but I do know her this much.
Señor Khan, mi esposa puede pensar que no la conozco, pero sí la conozco mucho.
And I know that Francis spoke to you about this not too long ago, but lately we haven't heard much from the State Department, so I was wondering if you could help.
Y sé que Francis habló contigo sobre esto hace poco pero no tuvimos noticias del Departamento de Estado y quería saber si podías ayudar.
I mean, she literally walked in this morning... you know, you know how much I like Kate, but it's the thing about her that's annoying, where you're like...
Quiero decir, literalmente, ella entró esta mañana - ya sabes, ya sabes cuánto me simpatiza Kate, pero es lo que hay en ella, lo que es molesto, donde está como -
i know 63170
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know you 1720
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know you 1720
i know how you feel 379
i know you're tired 50
i know it 1515
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19
i know what i saw 201
i know you're tired 50
i know it 1515
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19
i know what i saw 201