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I looked down перевод на испанский

591 параллельный перевод
When I looked down from my hospital room. I noticed that the sunroof was left open so I came down here to get some money.
Pasé al ver que la ventana estaba abierta, así que bajé a buscar dinero.
I looked down, and I noticed some papers on the floor.
Miré para abajo y vi unos papeles en el piso.
When I looked down, ages afterwards, it seemed, she was lying on the floor.
Cuando miré hacia abajo tras lo que parecieron años, ella estaba tirada en el piso.
I looked down. In the darkness, I saw her white face.
Miré hacia abajo, en la oscuridad.
I looked down and seemed to be standing in a swimming pool...
Miré hacia abajo y me parecía que estaba en una pileta...
I saw the blood dripping, and i looked down at my hands like this, and then, sudden-like, i ran.
Vi cómo corría su sangre, luego me miré las manos, y de repente, salí corriendo.
I looked down at my hands.
Me miré las manos.
I looked down from the top into the rocks. And there it was.
Miré hacia abajo, donde están las rocas, y allí estaba.
When I looked down- - ages afterwards, it seemed- - she was lying on the floor.
Cuando miré hacia abajo, estaba tendida en el suelo...
- Just give us the knife. And then I looked down, and there was Clarence and Terence, so badly slashed I couldn't tell Terence from Clarence
- Danos el cuchillo. - ¡ Y entonces vi a Clarence y a Terrence, tan maltratados que no se podía distinguir a Terrence de Clarence,
And then I looked down from our bridge and saw our captain's palm tree.
Luego miré hacia abajo desde nuestro puente y vi la palmera de nuestro capitán.
As I looked down at the license, the whole plan came to me.
Al ver aquel trozo de papel, vi todo el plan ante mis ojos.
Then as the ship pulled out of the dock I looked down and saw all of these cups.
Luego mientras el barco salía del muelle miré hacia abajo y vi todas esas tazas.
I lay in bed this morning with my eyes closed... and I looked down a list of men that's too long by half... and I asked myself what the hell I can show at the end of it... except for wear and tear.
Jock... Me encontraba en la cama esta mañana con los ojos cerrados... y repasé una lista de hombres que la mitad ya es muy larga... y me pregunté a mí misma qué diablos había conseguido al final de todo... más que un desgaste y una lágrima.
Three times I looked down the street.
Tres veces me ha mirado por la calle.
I looked down at her and thought with hatred of Riago... our Apache scout, who led us to this place.
La miré y pensé con odio en Riago, el explorador apache que nos trajo a este lugar.
I looked down during the number. He's not in his seat.
Miré desde el escenario y no estaba.
When I looked down again, I saw a sort of garden.
Cuando volví a mirar para abajo, vi algo parecido a un jardín.
To the bastards that have looked down on me my earnest sincerity with a bloody, mighty rule, I'll show them!
Para esos bastardos que me han ignorado hasta ahora... mi honesta sinceridad... con mi sangriento poder e influencia... será vista por todos.
I looked for you down at the burlesque, I couldn't find you.
Fui a buscarte al teatro de revista y no te encontré.
I said it so quickly, in such a strange way, that everyone looked at me. Charbonnier bent down to see me better.
Mi respuesta es tan contundente que todo el mundo se gira... y Charbonnier se inclina para verme.
I made her lie down when I looked in after the theater.
La obligué a acostarse, cuando vine después del teatro.
So I said, casually, of course, not meaning a thing, I thought the weather looked kind of threatening and that consequently steel would go down.
Así que, por casualidad creí que el tiempo estaba revuelto y que por ello el acero iba a bajar.
I would have taken it down, only I couldn't find a pencil. I looked.
Lo habría apuntado yo misma pero no encontré ningún lápiz.
I'd gotten over that funny feeling I had, when she looked at me which I put down as just my jangled nerves.
Había superado el sentimiento extraño que tuve cuando me miró. Se lo adjudiqué a mis nervios.
- Lucky I found the address wrote down or I might never have looked you in the face again.
Porque vi la nota y he llegado a tiempo.
I looked for you but they told me I can find you down here.
En la central me han dicho que estaría aquí.
I had landed myself in the driveway of some big mansion... that looked run-down and deserted.
Había llegado hasta la entrada de una mansión... que parecía desierta y abandonada.
I looked in. They're hanging upside down like in a slaughterhouse.
Colgaban como en un matadero.
I looked down again at the docks of Gibraltar.
Miré otra vez hacia los muelles de Gibraltar
I came out and stood on the steps of the summerhouse, looked down at him.
Salí y me paré en la escalera de la glorieta.
I'd appreciate it if you came down to Police Headquarters about 9 : 15. And looked over our picture gallery.
Agradecería que pasara por la comisaría a las 9 : 15.
Just stood up there and looked down at me... hoping I'd drown.
Se quedó allí de pie mirándome... esperando que me ahogara.
So I got myself all decked out in my highest heels and my lowest cut dress... and I walked down to that supper table... and those boys looked at me as if I was stark naked.
Así que me arreglé bien, me puse tacones altos, mi mejor vestido... y bajé a sentarme a la mesa, y esos muchachos me miraron como si no me conocieran.
When I was riding down the street, everybody looked at me as though I was some kind of a wild animal or something.
Cuando venía por la calle, todos me miraban como si fuera un animal salvaje.
I've looked up and down this boat and I can't find Mr. Holden.
He registrado todo el barco y no logro encontrar al señor Holden.
And then I fell asleep because the next thing I remember was awakening and I looked up, and there was Morton looking down at me, and he was yelling.
Y me quedé dormido porque lo próximo que recuerdo es que Morton me miraba y gritaba.
One Sunday I was strolling along the hilltops and looked down on the red and pink roofs.
Un domingo, caminando por las colinas, miraba la ciudad con sus azoteas rosadas y rojas...
I could have looked down my nose at you too. Showin'yourself off in a nightclub for so much a night.
Yo también podría mirarte por encima del hombro, por exhibirte en un club por unos dólares la noche.
Well, i'm going down and have it looked at.
Bueno, voy abajo, tengo que examinarlo.
... There she was, just walkin'down the street She looked good, she looked fine Before I knew it, she was walkin'next to me I knew we was falling in love...
He looked eagerly but maintained that he saw nothing... although I designated minutely the course of the creature... as it made its way down the naked face of the hill.
Miró con entusiasmo, pero afirmó que no vio nada aunque le señalé minuciosamente el trayecto de la criatura, mientras descendía por la cara desnuda de la colina.
They looked down on me because I was tall.
Me miraban con sorna porque era alto.
In England, I looked up to God and royalty and down upon everybody else.
En Inglaterra, solo miraba hacia arriba a Dios y a la realeza los demas estaban todos por debajo.
- Cousin Martha, I always figured you looked down... on the Texas side of the family.
- ¡ Prima Martha! Siempre pensé que despreciabas a la parte tejana de la familia.
I couldn't see as well as before. But... it looked as if he pushed a cushion down over her face.
Ya no podía verse tan bien como antes, pero me pareció que ese hombre llevaba algo parecido a un almohadón entre las manos.
I just looked down, and my palm was full of blood.
Simplemente bajé la vista y vi mi mano ensangrentada.
The weirdest thing. I went down to see him, and I must have been dreamin'...'cause I thought he looked at me and said, "Could I have my old room back now?"
Fui a verlo y debí haber estado soñando... porque me pareció que me miró y dijo :
I had it all double-checked, sent it down to the lab, and all they could find was some things that looked like glove smudges.
La hice revisar dos veces, la envié al laboratorio y sólo encontraron algo parecido a huellas de guantes.
I looked all over down here, and I don't see them anywhere.
He buscado por aquí abajo en todas partes y no las veo.
If we'd met in a different life, we might've took a walk down a shady street and looked at the ladies through the window panes. Or I might've carved a Sunday roast and given you the biggest portion.
De habernos conocido en otras circunstancias... quizá hubiésemos podido conquistar juntos a unas damas... o comer buen pavo asado los domingos, cediéndote la mejor tajada...

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