I thought that перевод на испанский
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I thought that tank was supposed to act as a barrier.
Creí que ese tanque funcionaba como barrera.
- No. I thought that was you.
Creí que habías sido tú.
I thought that might include you?
- Bueno, quiero decir al gobierno británico, o cuál sea el gobierno al que estés apoyando ahora. ¿ Supongo que eso te incluye a ti?
'I thought that would get your attention.
'Pensé que eso atraería tu atención.'
I thought that was you.
Pensé que eras tú.
- I thought that you knew.
- Pensé que sabías.
I thought that log woman was 1096 and not even allowed in this building.
Creí que la mujer tronco era un 10-96. Y ni siquiera se le permitía estar en este edificio.
I thought that entire vintage had been destroyed in the fires at Marseille.
Creía que esa cosecha se había destruido en los incendios de Marsella.
Now, if I thought that the ghost you were seeing were individuals of people you knew and you were possibly involved in some sort of violence in some way or vice versa, then I would be concerned.
Ahora, pensé que el fantasma que viste era una persona que conociste, y que estuviste involucrada en algún tipo de violencia, de alguna forma, o viceversa, entonces yo estaría preocupado.
I thought that meant you were going to kick my ass?
¿ Creí que eso significaba que ibas a patear mi culo?
I thought that was my job.
Creí que ese era mi trabajo.
I thought that maybe we can meet face to face.
Pensé que tal vez podamos encontrarnos en persona.
Oh, sorry, I just thought it was odd that you were...
Lo siento, solo me pareció extraño que estuvieras...
Kids needs to be entertained in order to learn, that's what I thought.
Los niños necesitan divertirse para aprender. Eso es lo que pensaba.
You always thought that I had it easier than you, that I had the run of the house, Mom liked me better.
Siempre pensaste que las cosas se me hicieron más fáciles que a ti que yo tenía el mando de la casa, que le agrada más a mamá. Todo eso. Todo eso es mentira.
I would have thought your pal's death would have made that memorable.
Pensaba que la muerte de tu amigo te haría recapacitar.
That's what I thought, man, but there's still a couple old buildings there, just a bunch of files.
Eso es lo que pensé, hombre, pero todavía hay un par... de edificios hombres allí, con un montón de archivos.
That's what I thought.
Eso es lo que pensé.
- Ben, I thought you did all that.
Ben, pensé que habías hecho todo eso.
- I gotta bolt, but uh, give some thought to that cleaning lady offer.
- Debo irme, pero... piensa en la oferta de la chica de la limpieza.
So now I'm trying to come up with that guy who could potentially be my true love and I thought,
Así que ahora estoy tratando encontrar el tipo... que podría ser mi verdadero amor, y pensé :
She thought that if you put yourself in harm's way, I'd... I'd rescue you, or something.
Pensaba que si te ponías en peligro, te rescataría o algo.
I'm not the man you thought I was, I'm not that guy.
No soy el hombre que creía que era, no soy ese.
It's not a pleasant thought, John, but I have this terrible feeling from time to time that we might all just be human.
No es un pensamiento agradable, John, pero tengo este terrible sentimiento de vez en cuando que nos hace ser humanos.
I've been thinking about it probably the last four months or something and after the three year anniversary I just thought, you know, that was so perfect and why wait.
Lo he pensado en los últimos cuatro meses o algo así. Y después de los tres años juntos sólo pensé... tú sabes, que era tan perfecto y por qué esperar.
I thought I was gonna help you hit that mint car.
Iba a ayudarte a robar el vagón de la moneda.
I thought you were dead. so I guess that's something we have in common.
Te creía muerto. Y yo te creía muerto a ti, así que es algo que tenemos en común.
Come on, I thought I raised you smarter than that.
Vamos, pensé que te había hecho más listo que esto.
I hired that PI because I thought it was something you would do.
Contraté a esa investigadora porque creí que tú harías algo así.
I thought they were fairy tales for children... until I was gifted that film.
Yo creía que eran cuentos para niños hasta que recibí esa filmación.
And coming from someone that I thought I could trust.
Y viene de alguien que creía confiable.
That's why I thought it was, um, important to come and offer you an easy solution.
Por eso pensé que era importante venir a ofrecerte una solución sencilla.
The only difference is that I got involved with some guys that I thought were legit, but they turned out to be gangsters who sold stuff on the black market, namely Langley.
La diferencia es que me involucré con unos tipos que creí honrados, pero resultaron ser malhechores que vendían cosas en el mercado negro. O sea, Langley.
'Cause I thought you said you were gonna take it easy on that for a while.
Dijiste que ibas a dejarlo un tiempo.
- No, I just mean... I thought you already did that.
No, me refiero a que creí que ya lo había hecho.
I thought you might say that.
Creí que podrían decir eso.
When we spoke the other day, you had a way of putting it that I thought was very interesting and succinct.
Cuando hablamos el otro día, tuviste una forma de decirlo... que me pareció muy interesante y sucinta.
I thought... that I was alone.
Creí... Que estaba sola.
I thought you lot worried about things like that.
Pensé que a ustedes les importaban esas cosas.
I never thought you'd fall so low as to listen to gossip of that sort.
Nunca pensé que caerías tan bajo... como para hacer caso a esas habladurías.
I specifically thought that I would never have to hear her having sex. That's one of the reasons I picked her.
Esa es una de las razones por las cuales la elegí.
She thought that I was giving her space. - Mmm-hmm. - So, she got back with me.
Ella creyó que le estaba dando espacio y ahora volvió conmigo.
When I went away, I thought everything that mattered in my life left me.
Cuando me detuvieron, pensé que todo lo que tenía en la vida, lo perdía.
That was the first time that I really thought,
Esa fue la primera vez en que pensé :
I thought it was closer than that!
¡ Pensé que estaba más cerca!
I thought it was that bigfoot. Or whatever it was, you know, that followed us back here.
Pensé que era ese Pie Grande... o lo que fuera, ya sabes, nos había seguido hasta aquí.
I thought I taught you that.
Creí que te había enseñado eso.
That's what I thought you said.
Eso es lo que pensé que dijiste.
I thought it was nice that they used it as inspiration for the monument.
Me pareció bonito que lo usaran como inspiración para el monumento.
I just thought that was the plan.
Creí que ese era el plan.
But when I saw you get on that bus this morning and I realized you were coming here I thought, the perfect place for this to end.
Pero cuando lo vi subirse al autobús esta mañana y me di cuenta de que vendría aquí, pensé... Es el lugar perfecto para que todo acabe.
i thought that was you 98
i thought that you 19
i thought that was 18
i thought that maybe 17
i thought that's what you wanted 31
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought you loved me 27
i thought 2845
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought that you 19
i thought that was 18
i thought that maybe 17
i thought that's what you wanted 31
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought you loved me 27
i thought 2845
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought it was you 92
i thought you were someone else 53
i thought you 107
i thought we were friends 161
i thought about it 224
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought it was you 92
i thought you were someone else 53
i thought you 107
i thought we were friends 161
i thought about it 224