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Is she in there перевод на испанский

959 параллельный перевод
Is she in there?
¿ Está ahí dentro?
- Is she in there?
- ¿ Está ahí?
She has tandem parking, so after I'm there for a while, I have to pull out. Oh. Which is such a pain,'cause it feels so great just to leave it in there.
Su parking es pequeño, así que cuando pasa un rato, tengo que dar marcha atrás. Y es un incordio, porque es genial dejarlo ahí metido.
When Mlle. Ferrand left there were neither streetcars nor trains. So she is still in Varance.
A la hora en que la señorita Ferrand se fue no había ni tranvía ni tren.
in the marriage there is something magic... he / she has their beautiful side, Chudles Ash
en el matrimonio hay algo mágico... tiene su lado hermoso, Chudles Ash
in Lissa there has been some fishy business going on they took the comtesse away to Breslau she's to appear before a court-martial because of espionage a Prussian hussar officer is involved too your majesty, allow me to ride to Lissa castle in advance
Sí, en Lissa ha pasado algo gordo. La señora del castillo se la han llevado a Breslau. Le van a hacer consejo de guerra, por espionaje.
There she is, in real life.
Ahí está, en carne y hueso.
I would've asked Mom too... but it is more important now because she is no longer here. There isn't a woman in the house anymore.
Se lo habría preguntado a mamá... pero es algo muy importante y ahora no hay ninguna mujer en casa.
There she is, in there.
Ahí está, ahí dentro.
Is, uh, she in there?
¿ Está ahí dentro?
- What is she doing in there?
- ¿ Qué hace ella aquí?
Well probably not. There are so many "richest girls in the world" today. Anyhow, she is one them.
Es normal, muchas mujeres son las más ricas del mundo.
And she's right. There is a killer in you. But you...
Eres un asesino, pero estáis confundidos.
I gave Katherine my picture to put in hers, and she gave me her picture to put in mine, and there it is.
Katherine puso mi foto en el suyo... y yo puse la suya en el mío, y ahí está.
Oh, she sincerely loved me, only she loved me in her own way, there it is.
Ella me quería sinceramente pero a su manera.
Well, there she is, in all her beads and ribbons.
Pues aquí la tiene, con todas sus vigas y remaches.
If God in his divine grace is willing, she'll spend her entire life there.
Si Dios, en su gracia divina, lo quiere así, pasará toda su vida allí.
There is... she's my boss, and it's a very sound policy, my child, to keep in the good graces of one's boss.
Lo hay. Es mi jefa, y es una política sensata, mi querida, mantener buenas relaciones con el jefe.
She said there are times in a woman's life... when something like that is more important than bread.
Decía que podían llegar a resultar más importantes que el pan.
She points out that there are few families in this New Worid... suitable for an alliance, and she is right.
Dice que hay pocas familias en el Nuevo Mundo... adecuadas para una alianza, y es verdad.
Maybe we'd better get along home in case she is waiting there. Come along, dear.
Tal vez nos está esperando en la casa.
And there she is, in the girdle.
Ya está adentro. - ¿ Sí?
And that is, that wherever she goes, there is always in her life a permanent and undefeated rival.
- Y es... que siempre habrá en su vida un permanente e imbatible rival.
Oh, no, there she is, still hiding in the corner.
Ahí está. Aún escondida en el rincón.
There is a woman in the caravan, she is betrothed to Hulagu Khan.
Hay una mujer, la prometida del Hulagu Khan.
No, she does not work at the Hippodrom, but if you really want to know, she's working as a saleswoman for my friend Wellenkamp in his store, that's all there is!
No, no trabaja en el Hipódromo, pero... si quiere saberlo, trabaja de vendedora, con mi amigo Wellenkamp, en la tienda... aparte de eso, nada...
She's to be buried in the cemetery of saint louis. There is a plot of unconsecrated ground there.
Hay un terreno al lado de su hermano.
Do you mean to sit there and tell me... that having mischievously conjured up this ghost or spirit or whatever she is... and placed me in a hideous position... you are unable to do anything about it?
¿ Pretende decirme tan tranquila que... habiendo conjurado este fantasma, o espíritu, o lo que sea... y tras colocarme en una posición aviesa... es Vd. Incapaz de hacer nada para remediarlo?
But he pursued her closely and professed to be devoted to her, and there is no doubt that she fell passionately in love with him.
Él la cortejó y le declaró su devoción por ella. Ella se enamoró apasionadamente de él.
When it comes that time in the evening when he wants her f ull-sized he just waves his hand and there she is.
Cuando llegara el momento de quererla a tamaño natural unas palmadas y ya está.
- She was. - Is there a portrait of her in the house?
- ¿ Hay algún retrato de ella?
In her condition, Mr Conway, there is no telling what she might do with the bairn.
En su estado, Sr. Conway, quién sabe qué puede hacerle a la niña.
She was in Land's End point, that much is certain, well I found the bow of my boat tied to the warf there.
Llegó a la punta de Land's End. Eso seguro, porque encontré la proa de mi barco atada al muelle.
If there is an exception in this world it is she, nobody can compare to her.
Si hay una excepción en este mundo es ella, que no tiene comparación posible.
Is she sleeping in there?
¿ Está ella... durmiendo allí?
There is only one woman... and she's here in this room... at this moment.
Hay una sola mujer... y se encuentra en este cuarto... en este instante.
Yes, everything she took is there... in her bag
Todo lo que ha cogido está en su bolsa. - ¡ Devuélvalo inmediatamente!
I always keep her hanging in the window so when you walk by you can see she is still there.
Lo dejo siempre en el escaparate para que cuando pase vea que aún está aquí.
If you left her the way she is... and the tide came in, would there not be... ( Whispers )... an accident?
Si no se alejara y subiera la marea... ¿ no cree que se produciría un accidente?
- There she is. - Gun crew, over there in that draw.
Ahi están, Ahi hay un pelotón de ataque,
So she is in there?
¿ Está aquí?
She and Frankie had an argument, and she's almost out of her mind. Is he in there?
Tuvieron una discusión y está como loca. ¿ Está ahí?
So what happened about this milk bottle was, my mother-in-law is in the kitchen, she begins poking'her head over my shoulder here and there. Then she tells me how I waste money, I can't cook and I'm raisin'my baby wrong.
- Bueno, el problema de la botella de leche es que mi suegra empezó a mirar todo lo que yo hacía y me decía que yo tiraba el dinero, no sabía cocinar y no criaba bien a mi bebé.
Paps he had a daughter and he married her she said of love to his great fame nobody plays with the Sheriff of Wichita and me it is a beautiful town there in Wichita prevailing law and order
Tenía una chica y se casó con ella. Ella añadió amor a su gran fama. Nadie juega con el sheriff de Wichita.
There is something in what she says, you know.
Tiene razón, ¿ no crees?
Now, she's in there, and she knows where it is.
Ella está ahí, y sabe donde está el oro.
There, all she has to do is throw a lighted match in the doorway... drive on back down the mountain, telephone their doctor... to say that Nathaniel's had a stroke.
Lo único que ella tiene que hacer es lanzar una cerilla encendida,... regresar, llamar al doctor... y decirle que NathanieI ha tenido un ataque.
Unhappily for Mary Summers, however, there is more to her story, for she subsequently found herself in one of those institutions she had come to fear.
Pero para Mary Summers, me temo... que la historia continúa,... porque se verá encerrada en uno de esos psiquiátricos... que llegará a temer.
There she is, the one in the middle.
Ahí está. Es la del medio.
She must be somewhere here in the store, there is no other way out.
¡ Casi lo mata!
I ask you because you're this kid's mother,... and since he speaks wonders of you... and the truth that since my Virgin is out there in Spain, she won't hear me,... so I'm asking you to help me find him,... then I'll make myself your son, and this kid, let him make himself son of my father.
Se lo pido a usted porque es la mamá de éste, y como él dice que si usted es lo esto, y que si usted es lo otro... y la verdad que como mi Virgen se ha quedado allá en España no me oirá, y le pido que sea usted la que me ayude a encontrarlo, pues yo me hago hijo suyo, y éste que se haga el hijo de mi padre.

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