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Is she single перевод на испанский

210 параллельный перевод
Is she single?
¿ Es soltera?
The young lady with the Uzi, is she single?
La joven con la ametralladora... ¿ es soltera?
- Is she single?
- ¿ Es soltera?
Is she single?
- ¿ Qué?
They say that the best thing after being single he / she is a good wife.
Dicen que lo mejor después de estar soltero es una buena esposa.
She hasn't sold a single box of matches and is too scared to go back to the shack.
No ha vendido una sola caja de cerillas y no se atreve a volver a la cabaña.
Yeah. Oh, palming herself off as single, is she?
¿ Se hace pasar por soltera?
She is flying a powerful, single-motored monoplane with a cruising range of over 6,000 miles.
Pilota un poderoso avión monomotor que puede superar los 9000 kilómetros.
Miss Eloisa, the teacher, is very cute, she's very nice, she's very smart... but she's still single. Even though it's spring, she never makes a multiplication error.
La señorita Eloísa, la maestra, es muy mona, es muy buena, es muy lista, y aún está soltera ; a pesar de lo cual, y aunque sea primavera, multiplica sin equivocarse.
She is a single and really nice.
Es soltera y muy linda.
One of them is Macklin's secretary, and she's single.
Una de ellas es la secretaria de Macklin, y es soltera.
Just as every single action in her life has been, every single movement of her act is fraught with danger. She risks her pretty neck!
Cada movimiento de su número, como cada acto de su vida es peligroso y dañan su precioso cuello.
Is she going to stay single forever?
¿ Va a permanecer sola para siempre?
" Anita G., born April 2, 1937, unemployed, no fixed abode, single, with no prior convictions, appears before the Braunschweig Court as she is duly suspected of having had the intention to take and carry away movable property,
" Contra Anita G, desocupada, nacida el 24 / 4 / 1937, sin domicilio, soltera, sin antecedentes penales, se inicia el proceso ante el tribunal de Brunswick por sospecha de robo de bienes muebles, es decir por sacar del armario un saco de lana
She is looking for a single guy.
Busca a un soltero.
After she said goodbye to her parents this morning she got ready to leave when all in a sudden she had a dangerous crisis of the appendix Notwithstanding that, suppressing her suffer, she insisted that the ceremony should pass as planned But as this ceremony is the matter of a single day, whereas the marriage is a matter of a whole life
La admirable novia quiso asistir a su boda soportando el dolor, pero ya que la ceremonia es cosa de un día, y el matrimonio es para toda la vida, la familia decidió
No, she is the chosen one of their God of the Single Eye.
No, es la elegida por su dios de un solo ojo.
As I was saying, she is devoted to me, you see ; she is still single!
Te decía, ella es... muy afectuosa y todavía soltera.
And of course, it is quite improper for a single lady to be nursing in a hospital... where she might meet other sorts of men, even doctors.
No es correcto que una mujer soltera sea enfermera en un hospital... donde podría conocer toda clase de hombres, incluso médicos.
Is she single?
¿ Está soltera?
Since she is single, is a bit...
Desde que está sola, está un poco...
If you please, Miss, gypsy says there is another young single lady in room, and she'll not go on until she's seen thee.
Por favor, miss, la gitana dice que hay otra dama en este lugar, y que no se irá hasta que la haya visto.
A female calf, born in the spring, can mate in the autumn when she is not even fully grown, and bear her first single baby the next spring.
Un borrego hembra, nacido en la primavera, puede aparearse en el otoño, cuando aún no está completamente desarrollada, y tener a su primer bebe la siguiente primavera.
Peters specialty, is the beguiling of single woman with private means by playing on their religious and charitable feelings. Helena Rosenbloom had been engaged in charitable work for ten years when she met Shlessinger.
... la especialidad de Peters es la de engañar a mujeres solteras manipulandolàs por sus sentimientos religiosos y su caridad Helena Rosenbloom, ha sido seducida y llevada a realizar trabajos de caridad por diez años cuando ella conoció a Shlessinger...
Forget that she's deaf. Do you know how tough it is for a single girl without a family to make it in New York?
¿ Sabes lo difícil que es sobrevivir aquí para una chica soltera y sin familia?
- Madeline says she has not received a single letter from you since you arrived at the hall and she is distressed at your abominable neglect.
- Madeline dice que no ha recibido ni una carta de usted desde que llegó aquí y está angustiada por su negligencia abominable.
I don't think she is a multiple sneezer because she sneezed again later and it was also a single.
No es estornudadora múltiple porque estornudó otra vez más tarde y también fue uno.
She is single?
¿ Está sola?
I had Jamie every year to this party when she was single... and this is the thanks I get.
Jamie venía todos los años a esta fiesta cuando era soltera... y este es el agradecimiento que recibo.
She is, indeed, single. She is also highly intelligent.
Es, de hecho, soltera También es muy inteligente
I will destroy you... and then I will possess she whom you love the most... and there is not a single thing in the world you can do to stop me.
Te destruiré y entonces la poseeré a ella, a quien más amas y no hay nada en el mundo que puedas hacer para detenerme.
Such anxious days she stayed awake, longing, that she might yet be awake with you for one hour. Is Isolde cheated, is Tristan cheating her of this single, eternally brief, last earthly happiness?
Tantos días de angustia he vivido anhelante, para sólo este momento permanecer contigo :
Every single time I'm off catching some bad guy, I can't help but think Is Lois okay, or is she slowly being boiled in oil? "
Cada vez que estoy atrapando a algún malvado, no puedo dejar de pensar "¿ Lois estará bien, o estará siendo hervida en aceite?"
She has never married, but is a single mother supporting a growing 12-year-old son.
Nunca se casó pero es una madre soltera y tiene un hijo de 12 años.
D'you think I want to listen to cousin Marigold brag about how married she is and how single I am?
¿ Piensas que quiero ver a la prima Marigold vanagloriarse por estar casada... y gozar que yo este soltera?
That's right, Hilda is single completely by choice because she refuses to settle for any of the losers she's been dating.
Es verdad, Hilda es soltera por voluntad propia, porque ella se rehúsa a casarse con los perdedores con quienes ha salido.
Amanda Beckett is single and on the night of this party- - a party I'll be attending, a party she'll be attending.
Amanda Beckett está sola y en la fiesta de esta noche... una fiesta a la que iré yo, una fiesta a la que irá ella.
Funny thing is, you know now that she's gone I can't seem to remember a single mistake.
Lo curioso es que desde que no está, no puedo recordar un mínimo error suyo.
I'd have told you that Lisa is an angry, unhappy, punishing woman, and in 10 years ther e's never been a single moment that has suggested to me she has any aff ection f or you at all.
Te hubiera dicho que Lisa es una mujer agria, infeliz y agotadora, y en 10 años no ha habido un solo momento que me haya mostrado algún tipo de afecto hacia tí.
And remember, girls, she is s-s-single.
Acuérdense, niñas, ella está soltera.
It is the single defensive maneuver that she is capable of.
Ella es una Leviatán ella es capaz de una simple maniobra defensiva.
She by a single bullet to the head, he, we don't know how, because his head is never found.
A ella, con una bala en la cabeza y a él, no sabemos porque nunca hallaron su cabeza.
- If you wanna know if she's single, the answer is yes.
Si quiere saber si ella está sola, la respuesta es sí.
Who could forget the theme song from that great sitcom "lnsects and the Single Girl." [UPBEAT music playing] Meet Cindy, who is a single girl She`s living inside her cute little world
Quien podría olvidar el tema de esa gran comedia "insectos y la chica soltera." Conoce a Cindy, que es una chica soltera Ella esta viviendo en su pequeño hermoso mundo
Is she single like you?
¿ Está soltera como tú?
They're colorful, because she is single. And the back is naked!
con colores diferentes porque es mujer soltera... y desnuda por detrás.
There is not a single subject that she doesn't have an opinion about. - Well, that certainly sounds like a nightmare. - lt's mind-boggling.
No hay tema en este planeta sobre el que ella no opine.
But a 34-year-old woman with a job and a great home because she's single, is considered tragic.
A una mujer de 34 años, con casa y trabajo por ser soltera, se la considera trágica.
Jenna is a threat to me because she has kids and I have kids, so we're, like, single parents, and if people feel for single parents and she's tugging on people's emotions right there GERVASE : and that can sway somebody not to vote for Jenna, and that's a threat for me.
Jenna es una amenaza para mí porque tiene hijos y yo también, así que somos padres solteros, y si la gente se compadece por los padres solteros y ella se lleva toda la atención van a ser votos que pierda en la final y eso es una amenaza para mí.
But she is single.
- Es un viajante muy dedicado. - No está solo.
Can you believe that this woman is still single considering what an amazing catch she is?
¿ No es increíble que esta mujer siga soltera a pesar de que es un gran partido?

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