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Is she safe перевод на испанский

354 параллельный перевод
Mr. Mallory, where's Joan? Is she safe?
- Señor Mallory, ¿ está a salvo Joan?
Is she safe?
¿ Está a salvo?
My daughter... is she safe?
Mi hija... ¿ está a salvo?
- Is she safe?
- ¿ Está ella a salvo?
Is she safe?
¿ Está bien?
Is she safe?
- ¿ Esta a salvo?
She says this house is safe.
Dice que esta casa es segura.
And my own dear Mama, wherever she is, God bless her, and keep her safe from harm.
Mi mamá querida, donde quiera que esté, que Dios la bendiga y proteja.
But before the moment of death, he consoles himself by thinking thank God she is safe.
Yo te aseguro, Irene que para esa gente, las armas más mortíferas son las más misericordiosas.
Ain't she safe where she is?
- ¿ Donde está es seguro?
Why, a pretty murderess is as safe here... as she is in her mother's arms.
Una asesina bonita está tan segura aquí... como en los brazos de su madre.
At press time, it was not understood just her part in it would be, but is safe to say she will be a decided asset to the act.
Su papel no está definido todavía pero sabemos que será esencial en el número.
Mr Povey, the little dear is as safe with me as if she was me daughter. My passion's power and gold.
Povey, esa mujer me excita menos que si fuese mi hija.
Is she safe?
¿ Se encuentra bien?
The baby is safe with her, no matter what condition she's in.
La niña está segura, no importa en qué estado esté.
Your daughter is as safe with my son as she would be with any man.
Su hija está a salvo con él.
Pero debo decirte primero algunas cosas, José.
Calamity said she'd let us know when it is safe.
Calamity me dijo que nos avisaría.
She, uh... she is safe, but she is our prisoner.
Ella está bien. Pero ahora es nuestra prisionera.
She wants to bring them to someone inside. Is it safe to wait around?
Quiere llevárselas a alguien que está dentro. ¿ Es seguro esperar aquí?
She'll be happier wherever she is... and she'll be happier knowing that you are safe and well.
Estará más feliz donde sea que esté... y será más feliz al saber que tú estás a salvo y bien.
She is safe
Ella está a salvo
The one she wrote Cressant is here in my safe.
El que ella escribió está calentita aquí en mi caja fuerte.
She is here, quite safe and happy.
Está aquí, a salvo y feliz.
She is quite safe and if you follow instructions, she will remain safe.
" Se encuentra bien y si siguen nuestras instrucciones, no le pasará nada.
Here she is, safe and sounder than she was before she left.
Aqui está, segura y sólida como estaba antes de irse.
- Well at least she is safe there.
- Al menos estará a salvo. - ¿ A salvo?
She is safe.
Está segura.
She is safe.
Ella está a salvo.
She is an safe place.
En un lugar seguro.
Look, the first thing we do is try to find Donna and make sure she's safe.
Primero debemos encontrar a Donna y asegurarnos de que está bien.
- She is quite safe.
- Está a salvo.
For only when she is married to a loving subject of mine will I be safe, from the assassin, the fanatic and the rebellion in her cause.
Mientras esté casada, amando a un subordinado mío, seré libre de asesinos, fanáticos y de rebeliones por su causa.
When she is my wife I'll see to it that she's kept safe from these enamoured lady-killers
Cuando sea mi esposa veremos la forma de alejarla de ese mentecato enamorado
This is a crucial moment, because they have to swim across open water to get to a safe hiding place so she dare not let his attention wander away from her.
Es un momento crucial, deben nadar en aguas abiertas y esconderse y no puede permitir que pierda interés en ella.
Have no fear - she is quite safe.
No tengas miedo - que es bastante seguro.
When I take up a person, Mr. Lyndon, he, or she, is safe.
Cuando yo protejo una persona, señor Lyndon, él o ella está seguro.
If Marge is safe she'll call.
- Si Marge está a salvo llamará.
If you assure me that she's safe and well, why can't you tell me where she is?
Si está bien, ¿ por qué no me dice dónde está?
- The main thing is that she's safe.
- Lo que importa es que esté bien.
Terri is safe, isn't she?
¿ Terri está bien, no?
Thank god she's safe. Where is she?
¿ Donde está?
She thinks it's safe. Who is she more threatened by, you or your husband?
Ella cree que es seguro. ¿ A quién le teme más, a ti o a tu esposo?
She's a safe hand is Mrs. Poole.
Está segura con Mrs. Poole.
Not only that, she likes it. And she tells me when her boss, the jeweler is shipping stones to Holland where he keeps his stash in a drawer in the safe. Everything.
No sólo eso, a ella le gusta, y me chismea cuándo el joyero va a enviar las piedras a Holanda y cómo las esconde en un cajoncito en la caja fuerte.
um... she is.. um... oh, she is safe right... right, safe a female He-man
um... ella está... um... Oh, ella está a salvo si... si, a salvo Una mujer "He-Man"
She is safe!
¡ Se ha salvado!
Well, I expect she's safe enough where she is.
Debe estar a salvo, donde sea.
She is safe on this ship.
Ella está segura en esta nave.
Tell her that her daughter is getting well, that she's safe and that she wants to see her mom.
Dígale que la niña está bien y que quiere verla.
Espero que esté a salvo en Londres.

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