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Is she still alive перевод на испанский

280 параллельный перевод
Is she still alive?
- ¿ Todavía vive?
Is she still alive?
- ¿ Todavía está viva? - No.
- What news do you bring? I saw Princess Resia. - Is she still alive?
Calma, no tengáis prisa, todos tenéis muchas posibilidades de acabar muertos.
Is she still alive?
¿ Vive aún?
Tell me, is she still alive?
Dime, ¿ ella sigue viva?
Is she still alive?
¿ Sigue viva?
And Miss Smith, is she still alive?
¿ Y la Srta. Smith, sigue viva?
- Is she still alive?
- ¿ Ella sigue viva?
is she still alive?
¿ Ella aún vive?
Is she still alive?
sigue viva?
is she still alive?
¿ Sigue con vida?
Is she still alive?
¿ Sigue vivo?
Is she still alive?
¿ Aún está viva?
- Is she still alive?
- ¿ Sigue viva?
I think she is still alive.
Creo que aun vive.
Your sister is very ill... come right away, if you want to see her while she is still alive... come today...
Su hermana está muy enferma. Venga pronto si quiere volver a verla con vida. ¡ Venga hoy mismo!
If that peacock is still alive, She's getting the stuff somewhere.
Si vive, irá a por él.
She is still alive, Master.
Ella aún está viva, amo.
She seems to think Shoji is still alive I know how it is
Sé como son estas cosas
Is she still alive?
¿ Todavía vive?
- Yes, he! - And the queen... is she still alive?
No me des falsas esperanzas.
About the father there was nothing, so naturally she hopes he is still alive.
Pero no había nada de su padre, así que espera que siga con vida.
She is an orphan Why, Jurand is still alive
- Pero si Jurand está vivo.
I only know she is still alive.
Sólo sé que vive.
Ella aún está con vida y bajo la custodia de la organización CONTROL.
The legend is that she's still alive.
La leyenda dice que todavía está viva.
That is, of course, if she's still alive and kicking.
- Si todavía está viva, claro.
If he's still alive why is she still waiting for me?
Si aún está vivo, ¿ por qué ella me sigue esperando?
That is, if she's still alive.
- Eso es, si está viva.
Surely she is still alive, madame? Alive, but bedridden.
No ha muerto, pero no vive.
So she is still alive?
todavía está viva?
She is still alive?
¿ Todavía está viva?
She says the gods revealed to her that Yuna is still alive.
Dice que su hija sigue viva de acuerdo al oráculo.
I do have one regret, and that is that I wish... that my sister Marilyn were still alive... so that she could see Corinne and Tracy having fun.
Sólo lamento una cosa, y es que ojalá... mi hermana Marilyn siguiera viva... para que pudiera ver a Corinne y Tracy pasándoselo bien.
I know my uncle, Randall Goedler, left a vast fortune, so I inquire about his widow, discover she's still alive, and that the only obstacle between me and the money is Miss Letitia Blacklock of Chipping Cleghorn.
Sabría que mi tío, Randall Goedler, había dejado una gran fortuna, por lo que buscaría a su viuda, averiguando que está viva, y que el único obstáculo entre el dinero y yo, fuera Miss Leticia Blacklock, de Chipping Cleghorn.
Barbara McDermott, Carol's sister, the one she insists is still alive.
Barbara McDermott. Hermana de Carol. - ¿ Así que insiste en que está viva?
And she who scorns you is still alive? She who incited all of Europe against you, and who has threatened your sacred life so often?
Tus palabras descargan sobre mi corazón todo el peso de mi honor mancillado.
The poor child believes her father's still alive. She thinks her father is still alive.
la pobre niña cree que su padre todavía vive.
The question is, Hastings she will be the Lady Carrington was it still alive in this stopping?
La pregunta es, Hastings, ¿ en este momento seguía viva Madame Carrington?
Am I crazy to think that she's still alive? Your sanity is not in question. However, your evaluation of the available information is biased.
¿ Estoy loco por creer que siga viva? pero su evaluación de los datos disponibles es subjetiva.
She is still alive.
Todavía vive.
You are not still thinking she is alive?
¿ No seguirás pensando que todavía está viva?
Let's just keep working it like she is still alive, huh?
Supongamos que aún está viva.
And I always think, if she had known her father is still alive - After her sister died, she just was without any hope.
si hubiera sabido su padre aún está vivo - ella simplemente no tenía ninguna esperanza.
If it be determined later that her husband be still alive, she may face a most severe penalty, which is to be hanged by the neck until dead.
Si posteriormente se demuestra que su esposo sigue con vida, encurrirá la pena más severa, que es la de ser colgada por el cuello hasta la muerte.
I know she believes her partner is still alive.
Yo sé que cree que su compañero está aún con vida.
She is still alive...
Aún está viva...
Even if she is alive, we can still protect Angel.
Incluso si está viva, podemos proteger a Ángel.
Even if she is still alive, who could she possibly hurt?
Incluso si sigue viva ¿ a quién podría lastimar?
She is still alive!
¡ Está viva!
All she can do now is throw herself in the sea! Not as long as I'm alive! I'm still willing.
yo que tu me tiro al mar yo te puedo aliviar en el dolor casate con mi hijo y seras feliz

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