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Dad took off, and me and mom figured the most logical thing to do would be to lie to your face forever.
Papá se largó, y entonces mamá y yo pensamos que lo más lógico era mentirte el resto de tu vida.
I started to climb up, but then I heard something and I thought he was coming back, so I took off.
Empecé a escalar, pero entonces oí algo y pensé que volvía, así que me largué.
That's what I keep telling myself, but he took off to London.
Es lo que me sigo diciendo, pero se fue a Londres.
I took off my belt, and grabbed her neck.
Me saqué el cinturón, y la agarré del cuello.
The flak I took off of players three months prior to the tournament was horrendous.
El fuego antiaéreo que despegó de jugadores tres meses antes del torneo fue horrendo.
I took off when you asked for my help.
Me fui cuando me pediste ayuda.
He took off ahead.
Iba delante.
Listen, I was gonna tell you a few weeks ago, but you were struggling, and-and the last time I told you I wanted to make a change, you took off to London.
Iba a contártelo hace semanas... pero estabas pasándolo mal y la última vez que te conté... que quería hacer algunos cambios, te fuiste a Londres.
I heard someone call my name, and I took off.
No. Escuché a alguien llamarme y me fuí.
All right, so here's the I.D. we took off Roman.
De acuerdo, esta es la identificación que conseguimos de Roman.
She took off.
Se fue.
It's strange that Underbite took off.
Es extraño que Underbite salió corriendo.
It microphone and took off.
Ella se quitó el micrófono.
She freaked out, took off.
Se asustó, se quitó.
Oh, and Del's like the guy they cut out of the company before it took off.
Oh, y Del de como el hombre que cortan de la empresa antes de que se quitó.
She just took off, and now I can't find her, I can't get ahold of her.
Simplemente se fue, y ahora no puedo encontrarla, no puedo ponerme en contacto con ella.
The phone number we took off Spencer York... we triggered the thing.
El número que le quitamos a Spencer York... Disparamos la cosa.
I just took off.
Solo me fui.
Neighbors are telling our uniforms she took off with Penelope.
- Los vecinos han dicho... a nuestros agentes que se fue con Penélope.
Just as I was going in, the engine revved and the truck took off.
Cuando estaba a punto de entrar, el motor se puso en marcha y el camión se fue.
Simon? He took off.
¿ Simon?
She took off from here yesterday.
Se fue rápidamente de aquí ayer.
Anyway, while you were talking to the wall, Louise snuck in and took off with your gardening shears.
- En fin, mientras estabas hablándole a la pared, Louise se ha colado y ha cogido tus tijeras de podar.
After many mahem and surprise revelations. Revelations. Teams took off to tokyo.
... los equipos viajaron a Tokio.
Teams took off to tokyo. At the detour, blind date couple At the detour, blind date couple jeff and jackie toasted to an
En el "Desvío", la reciente pareja Jeff y Jackie brindaron por una rápida ventaja.
Took off the neck brace...
Se quitó el cuello ortopédico...
and I touched the sheet, and he nearly took my ear off.
y toqué la hoja, y casi tomó mi oreja.
Went to give it to him and he took my head off.
Fuimos a dar xi a él y él tomó mi cabeza.
Today... the boss took the day off, so I...
Sabes, hoy el jefe se ha tomado el día libre. Yo...
They said you took the day off yesterday.
Dijeron que ayer se tomó el día libre.
She gave me a life, took me off the streets when I had nothing.
Ella me dio una vida, me sacó de las calles cuando no tenía nada.
Then one day, my mom took them off and said it was time to be a big girl.
Entonces un día, mi madre las quitó y me dijo que era hora de ser una chica mayor.
Caroline took everything but the damn doors off the hinges. So what?
¿ Entonces qué?
Only took a couple of years, cancer to devour my mom, me to flip my humanity off, but you finally spit it out.
Sólo tomó un par de años, un cáncer que devoró a mi mamá, yo apagué mi humanidad, pero tú finalmente lo soltaste.
Oh, so they're gonna kick me off the bench because I took a selfie, a private photo, that someone else hacked into and distributed to the public?
Oh, por lo que son a patear me fuera del banco porque tomé una Autofoto, una foto privada, que alguien hackeó y distribuido al público?
It turns out his breathing improved so much they took him off the iron lung.
Resulta que su respiración mejoró muchísimo le quitaron al pulmón artificial.
I almost took you off the map.
Casi te sacó del panorama.
Took time off to travel.
Se tomó su tiempo para viajar.
It appears that the real Harper Rose took this semester off for mental health reasons.
Parece que la Harper Rose real se tomó este semestre libre por razones de salud mental.
He took the max withdrawal from a bank off the 5 in Valencia- - $ 5,000 cash.
Ha cogido el rescate de Perry de un banco fuera de cinco en Valencia... Cinco mil en efectivo.
Yeah, well, somebody took their eye off the ball.
Tag, ¿ qué hiciste? Nada grande.
I took the doors off, so it's extra terrifying.
Quité las puertas, para que sea más aterrador.
Barlow took it off you when you were asleep.
Barlow te la quitó cuando dormías.
No, and DHS took us off the case.
No y Seguridad Nacional nos ha echado del caso.
She took off my undies.
Se quitó mi ropa interior.
The lock's not picked, so they either stole a key from a guard or took one off the victim.
La cerradura no está forzada así que, o robaron una llave a un guardia o se la quitaron a la víctima.
Hester, you took your neck brace off, and you look, um, amazing.
Hester, te has quitado tu collarín, y tienes un aspecto increíble.
When's the last time you took a day off?
¿ Cuánto se tomó el último día libre?
He said I took after Mom, but you... you... you were a chip off the old block.
Dijo que yo salí a mamá, Pero tú... Tú - eras un chip del viejo bloque.
Blonsky took the only way off this Roman candle.
Blonsky tomo la única salida de esta bengala.
God, it took me six months to get off my probation. Hmm. Who do you know?
Dios, a mí me llevó seis meses en dejar la condicional. - ¿ A quién conoces?
off we go 156
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28
officially 347
offices 24
offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
off the grid 28
officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28