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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ J ] / Just come with me

Just come with me перевод на испанский

1,300 параллельный перевод
- Just come with me. Come on.
- Ven conmigo.
Would you just come with me?
¿ Podrías venir conmigo? Vamos.
If you'll just come with me.
Si vienen conmigo.
If you don't believe me just come with me to dinner tonight and she'll tell you.
Si no me crees ven conmigo a cenar y ella te lo dirá.
Just come with me.
Sólo ven conmigo.
I'm sorry.. No, don't say anything. Just come with me.
Lo siento.. no, no digas nada, sólo ven conmigo.
Just come with me back to...
Vuelve conmigo a...
Just come with me and stand here.
Sólo ven conmigo y estancia aquí.
Just come with me.
- sólo acompáñeme.
- Just come with me, please.
- Sólo acompáñeme, por favor.
Susan, just come with me.
Susan... ven conmigo.
- Just come with me. Just ten minutes.
Ven conmigo, solo diez minutos.
Just shut up and come with me.
Cállate y ven conmigo.
Well, I'm just concerned if the client chooses to come with us, Richard might become petty and not release the file.
- Me preocupa que si el cliente elige venir con nosotras, quizá Richard no nos dé el archivo.
I made Wesley come with me just to get a couple of things.
He venido con Wesley para coger un par de cosas.
And maybe things like this just come tumbling out of my mouth because I happen to be head over heels in love with you.
Quizás estas cosas se me escapan de la boca porque resulta que estoy locamente enamorado de ti.
Eric. Just the young man I was looking for. Why don't you come with me?
Te estaba buscando, acompáñame.
Just let me come with you.
Sólo déjeme ir con usted.
- You wanna mess with me again? You just come on back.
- ¿ Quieren jugar de nuevo conmigo?
Just come back to my house in Fort Lee and make love with me one more time.
Vamos a mi casa de Fort Lee, y hagamos el amor otra vez.
If you're trying to admit something to me or to yourself,... I want you to just come out with it.
Si estás tratando de admitir algo para mi o para ti mismo, quiero que simplemente lo confieses.
So, why don't you just come home with me?
Entonces ¿ por qué no vienes a casa conmigo?
Just come on outside with me for a minute. Come on.
Sal afuera conmigo un momento.
I want you to come with me just for the day!
¡ Quiero que vengas conmigo, sólo por el día!
Susan, my wife. She'd come home every evening and she'd just eat me up with her eyes.
Susan, mi mujer, volvía cada noche a casa, y me comía con los ojos.
It's just a formality but since you're the sole surviving member, I need you to come with me to the station
Sólo es una formalidad pero puesto que eres la única superviviente... necesito que me acompañes a la comisaría.
If you don't want me to come up with a way to integrate you into my brilliant plans and use you to my advantage, then I'll just kill you now and be done with it!
Si no quieres que yo encuentre una forma para integrar en mis planes brillantes y usarla a mi favor, te voy a matar ahora y acabar de una vez!
Come to Australia with me, Paige, just for the hell of it. Why not?
Ven a Australia conmigo, Paige, sólo porque sí. ¿ Por qué no?
So just before you come in here and start accusing me maybe you should just look in the mirror with Robert standing next to you.
¿ De acuerdo? Entonces antes de venir a acusarme quizá debas mirarte en el espejo con Robert parado junto a ti.
You told me not to come because this was just gonna be some boring party with your mom's friends.
Me dijiste que no viniera porque iba a ser una fiesta aburrida con los amigos de tu mamá.
Sólo quería saber si querrías venir a Babylon conmigo.
I've just been with a father who's lost his son... after one of the most senseless killings I've ever come across.
Acabo de estar con un padre que ha perdido a su hijo... Después de uno de los más insensatos crímenes en que me he encontrado.
I shouldn't have forced you to come with me... when what I really wanted was just - just to do something for myself.
Cuando lo que yo queria era solo - solo hacer algo por mi misma.
Believe me, if I see a pig, I'll want to eat it, but to just go spear just because you want to come back with one on your stick and be, like "Rah, rah"?
Pero salir de cacería solo para volver con una presa en tu lanza y que todos te admiren.
vamos cariño, solo quiero tener una linda comida tu, yo, los niños ya lo sé, porque no cenamos filetes mañana otra vez?
Just come up with me
Sólo sube conmigo.
I was just going to the park. Will you come with me?
Iba hacia el puerto quieres venir conmigo?
Come with me. We're going to start the dancing in just a moment.
Vamos a empezar el baile enseguida.
Just let me come to grips with only one, of the likes you.
Sólo búscame a alguien como tú.
- Just, you know... Come here. Why don`t you sit on the sofa with me?
Ven. ¿ Por qué no te sientas en el sofá conmigo?
Come along with me We'll dance until morning till it's just you and me And maybe if the music is right
- Acompáñame- - bailaremos hasta la mañana hasta que tú y yo nos cansemos y quizá si la música está bien te veré mañana tan tarde en la noche e iremos a bailar, nena, entonces verás -
Come on, just sit down with me.
Vamos, ven a sentarte conmigo.
I've just been wracking my brains, you know, trying to come up with something original.
Me estoy matando tratando de idear algo original.
Let's just go down. Come with me.
And right after I come into my house I instantly switch the TV on, just as Robinson did with his surviving desk.
Y tan pronto entro a casa enciendo y me tiro frente al televisor al igual que Robinson lo hizo con su balsa.
You've got to come with me I don't think the instructor would want that... Tarnat. Just put it back in your pants and calm... down.
Tarnat, ponlo de vuelta en tus pantalones y cálmate
Es la primera vez que surge con alguien en quién me haya interesado.
So that is three fines that you can avoid if you just... drop the attitude and come with me.
Son tres multas que podéis evitar si... cambiáis de actitud y venís conmigo.
So if you just let me do my job... I promise I'll take another look at that hijack scene... see if I can't come up... with something a little less crummy.
Así que si me deja hacer mi trabajo le prometo que miraré la escena del secuestro otra vez a ver si se me ocurre algo menos porquería.
I'll just come up with another plan.
Ya se me ocurrirá otra cosa.
When I talked to her on the phone, just before she passed, she kept saying that she wanted me to come back and be with her friends, like you.
Cuando hable con ella por teléfono, justo antes de que pasara, ella siempre decia que queria regresar y estar con sus amigos, asi como tu.

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