Life was good перевод на испанский
473 параллельный перевод
Life was good to Mclver, too, and it was took from him.
También lo era para Mclver. Y se la arrebataron.
Jen-ai, life was good to bring us together. Two people who thought that they had to live without love.
Jen-Ai, la vida hizo bien en juntarnos a los dos... dos personas que creían que vivirían sin conocer el amor.
Well, if this life was good enough for my father, my grandfather, and my great-grandfather, then why does my son not like it anymore?
Si esta vida fue lo bastante buena para mi padre, mi abuelo y mi bisabuelo, ¿ entonces por qué a mi hijo ya no le gusta?
I always knew life was good, but I didn't know it was this good.
Siempre supe que la vida era buena, pero no sabía que tanto.
Our life was good, rich with the shared pleasures of our love.
Nuestra vida era buena. Intensa con los placeres compartidos de nuestro amor.
He made me see that life was good.
Me hizo ver que la vida era bella.
This was such a good life, sun on your face and all that...
Era tan linda esta vida cara al sol.
Yes, but while I was working, Madame was living the good life.
Sí, pero mientras yo me quedaba aquí trabajando, Vd. se daba a la buena vida.
Is it any jollier than the world used to be in the good old days... when life was short and hot and merry and the devil took the hindmost?
¿ Acaso es más alegre ahora que en los viejos tiempos? Cuando la vida era corta y feliz y el diablo estaba al acecho.
Well, I told you it was a good song. If you hadn't written it, the little lady and I would have probably gone on through life slugging each other.
Si no la hubieras escrito, aún estaríamos peleando.
I thought my Leonardo was dead but the heel is living the good life among the rich.
Y va ser muy pronto En cuanto der resultado el aviso.
What good was that? I came back, didn't I? You've bossed me all my life and now you know it hasn't done any good.
Me obligaste a irme una vez, y puedo volver de nuevo.
But it was a good life.
Pero era una buena vida.
Good luck. But this was a far cry from the girl who walked into my life at the Algonquin Hotel five years before.
Pero era muy distinta de aquella muchacha que entró en mi vida cinco años antes en el Hotel Algonquin.
Marrying Chris was the finest thing I've ever done in my no-good life.
Casarme con Chris fue lo único bueno que hice en mi vida.
He was so good the law took a little slice out of his life.
Es tan bueno que la ley le quitó parte de su vida.
One chance in a million was all that chump ever had in his life, and he made it good.
Era poco probable que ese tonto me hallara. Pero lo hizo.
We knew that from the time he roared off the ferry and charged up Market Street to get a good run up the hill our quiet way of life was due for a change.
Sabíamos desde el momento en que salía rugiendo desde el ferry y tomaba impulso por la calle Market para subir bien la colina que nuestro tranquilo estilo de vida estaba a punto de cambiar.
Everything in this office. Every good thing in your life was made possible by McDonald's faith in you.
Todo en esta oficina, casi todo lo bueno en tu vida lo ha logrado la fe de MacDonald en ti.
And this new life could be a lot of fun. All I had to do was hand some papers to a baggage agent, Then the last threat that held me to the past would be good.
Todo lo que tenía que hacer era entregar unos papeles a un agente de viaje y el ultimo hilo que me huina al pasado habría desaparecido, podría ir a donde quisiera, y hacer todo lo que me apeteciera.
Shouldn't expect him to go all through life wondering whether it was good.
No podía quedarse con la duda de si era una buena mano.
Brings back the good old days when we was leadin'a healthy, normal life.
Me recuerda a los viejos tiempos. Teníamos una vida normal, rica.
There was an old woman who did only one good deed in her life. She gave an onion to a beggar. And then she died and went to hell.
Había una anciana que tan solo hizo una buena acción en su vida le dio una cebolla a un mendigo y luego se murió y se fue al infierno
He was a good man... who had a good life.
Fue un buen hombre, que tuvo una buena vida.
We had a good life until this... terrible book was published.
Vivimos muy felices hasta que... se publicó este horrible libro.
It was then that I gained strength, To seek a new life. The good life.
Fué entonces cuando gané fuerza para buscar una nueva vida.
- Savage you was not good enough, when you needed breath of fresh air in your boring social life.
Un salvaje fue suficiente cuando necesitaste aire fresco en tu asfixiante vida social.
It was a perfectly good oak leaf, but without life and without colour.
Era una perfecta hoja de roble, pero sin vida y sin color.
As I was about to say with our steady hands at the helm I am confident that the good ship Battledore will continue to buffet her way through storm and tempest providing a safe haven for those who are in peril on the sea of life.
Como iba a decir con nuestras firmes manos al timón confío en que el buen navío Battledore continuará azotando el camino entre tormentas y tempestades dando un puerto seguro a aquellos que peligran en el mar de la vida.
It was the only time in my life I tried to be good and selfless.
La quiero y siempre la querré. - ¿ También viviste en esa casa?
Well... I was content, I had a good life... and now look where I am.
así... l fue contenido, I tuvo una vida buena... y mira ahora donde l am.
They even filmed the interior of a food store to show how good and comfortable life in the Third Reich was.
Con motivo de tan señalada ocasión,... filman incluso en un mercado. Obviamente para mostrar lo bien que se vive en el III Reich : la abundancia.
Your father was certainly a good man,... but was unlucky not to find anyone to show him that the game of life isn't necessarily rigged.
Tu padre, sin duda, fue un hombre bueno, pero tuvo la mala suerte de no encontrar a nadie que le demostrara que la vida no es una mera trampa.
And I learned what the good life was.
Y conocí lo que era la buena vida.
How two Kozlik brothers hunted on the imperial road, how the neighbour, whose life was saved by piety, turned this to good account.
Cómo dos hermanos Kozlik cazaban en el camino Imperial, cómo su vecino, cuya vida fue salvada por la devoción, llevó esto a buen puerto.
The only good idea you ever had in your life was getting rid of me and you couldn't even do that properly, could you?
La única buena idea que has tenido en tu vida era deshacerte de mí y que ni siquiera pudiste hacer eso bien, ¿ verdad? Ja ja ja.
My mother was a hustler lt was a good life
Mi madre era una estafadora. Era una buena vida.
I was busy with my work to make a good life.
Estaba ocupado con mi trabajo para tener una vida mejor.
While my father was alive, it wasn't bad... I had a good life.
Mientras que estuvo mi padre no estaba mal... llevaba una buena vida.
- I s'pose, how good civilian life was.
- ¿ Quizá de lo bueno que era antes del ejército?
You've ever henry heard in the whole of your lily life. She was such a good composer
Wasn't the sort of life I'd choose for myself, but it was good for him.
No es la vida que habría escogido para mí pero fue buena para él.
I was living the good life, and now look at me,
Vivía la buena vida, pero mírenme ahora.
Her husband was a good sort considering his shady life.
Su marido era de buen talante, a pesar de su mala vida.
|'d stake my life there was some good news in that letter.
Estoy seguro de que ahí hay alguna buena noticia.
Life was so good in Berlin.
La vida es tan linda en Berlín.
One day you'll conclude that your life was like any other... with moments both good and bad.
Algún día llegarás a la conclusión que has vivido como otros, con buenos y malos momentos.
My life here was good.
Yo viví bien aquí... A menudo fui feliz.
The biggest thing in her life, outside of never wanting to grow up and having a good time, was gonna be her comeback.
Lo más importante en su vida, aparte de no querer crecer y poder divertirse, era volver a ser una campeona.
My aim was good enough to save your life.
Mi puntería era lo suficientemente buena para salvar tu vida.
Pandora's jar. It was filled with all the essences, both good and evil... of life itself.
El Ánfora de Pandora con las esencias de la vida las buenas y las malas.
was good 23
good 48980
good night 12775
good morning 12476
goodbye 8643
goodnight 1676
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
goody 261
good morning to you 106
good 48980
good night 12775
good morning 12476
goodbye 8643
goodnight 1676
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
goody 261
good morning to you 106
goodness 671
goodspeed 27
goodweather 34
good job 2434
goodie 48
goodwin 111
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good afternoon 2327
good morning to you too 27
goodspeed 27
goodweather 34
good job 2434
goodie 48
goodwin 111
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good afternoon 2327
good morning to you too 27
good to see you 2547
good for you 2168
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good girl 941
good call 326
good work 1533
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17
good for you 2168
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good girl 941
good call 326
good work 1533
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17