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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ N ] / Neither have you

Neither have you перевод на испанский

745 параллельный перевод
Neither have you.
- Ni tú tampoco. Pero da gusto verte.
Neither have you.
Usted tampoco.
Neither have you, Madame.
Ud. Tampoco, Garance.
Neither have you.
Mejor para ti.
And neither have you.
Y a ti tampoco.
Neither have you friends.
Ni tampoco amigos.
I have never done a day's work in my life honest or dishonest, but neither have you
No he tenido en mi vida, ni un día de trabajo honesto o deshonesto, pero usted tampoco
You've never been sober and neither have your friends.
Nunca has estado sobrio, ni tus amigos lo han estado tampoco.
But, Mother, I've never met Tom Ransome, and neither have you.
Pero, mamá, no conozco a Tom Ransome, ni tú tampoco.
Neither have you.
Tú tampoco.
I have neither home nor family ; I'm just a penniless rōnin. It's not possible for me to provide for you.
En ese momento... sé que querré casarme contigo para el resto de mi vida, Otsu.
I'll tell you just one thing, Friede, as soon as I have the spaceship ready to launch again, I'll fly back to earth - and neither Helius nor Manfeldt will stop me -!
- Yo sólo te digo una cosa, Friede. A la que vuelva a tener la nave lista para despegar, forzaré el regreso a la Tierra... ¡ y ni Helius ni Manfield me lo impedirán!
You'll have neither the time nor the strength with work here.
No tiene ni el tiempo, ni la fuerza para hacer eso.
I'd like to point that neither you nor your superiors have done anything to recover my six-cylinder, which is absolutely essential to me.
Quiero señalar que ni usted, ni sus superiores, han hecho nada por recuperar mi seis cilindros, asunto que resulta de vital importancia para mí.
- You won't have no body neither.
- Entonces, vendrá el forense.
Unless you give me your solemn word that you will neither see nor have any communication with this man again,... you will leave my house at once as you are with nothing but the clothes you have on.
A menos que me des tu solemne palabra de que nunca tendrás ningún tipo de comunicación con ese hombre dejarás mi casa enseguida sólo con lo que llevas puesto.
Will you give me your word neither to see nor to have any communication with this man again?
¿ Me darás tu palabra de no volver a ver a ese hombre otra vez?
I give you my solemn word that I shall neither see nor have any communication with Captain Cook again.
Doy mi palabra solemne... de que no tendré nunca comunicación con el Capitán Cook.
I give you my solemn word that I will neither see... nor have any communication with Captain Cook again.
Doy mi palabra solemne de que nunca tendré...
And I won't have you meditating neither.
Y tampoco permitiré que medites.
Have you met Marguerite She's neither tall nor petite With eyes that glow, skin like snow And lips in a cupid's bow
¿ Conocéis a Margarita ni grande ni pequeñita, las de los ojos deslumbrantes y boquita de piñón?
You're not playing? Me neither, I prefer to have a bit of fresh air.
Tengo la impresión que el mar está agitado, ¿ eh?
She had never seen a man shave before. - Neither have I. - You haven't?
No te pido que la apagues, pero mi esposa tiene estas migrañas.
Neither have I, and well maybe I'm takin'a lot for granted, but I watched you with that baby.
Ni yo tampoco. Quizás estoy dando mucho por sentado, pero la vi con el bebé de la otra mujer.
"When I have a child," she said, " neither you nor anyone else could ever prove it wasn't yours.
"Cuando tenga un hijo", me dijo, " ni tú ni ninguna otra persona podrá probar que no es tuyo.
And neither of you said anything to him about my buying the house, have you? No, Ellen.
¿ Guardasteis el secreto sobre la casa?
And neither you'd have mauled another, like me that night!
- No. Y ni siquiera esa noche habrías vapuleado a alguien como yo.
You haven't? No. Neither have I, but here we go.
Pues yo tampoco, pero aquí vamos.
Neither was I. Now tell me, where have you been keeping yourself?
- También yo.
- Neither have you.
- Ni tú.
Neither you nor my father Need have any anxiety.
Ni ustedes ni mi padre han de tener ninguna inquietud.
Neither have you, Joe.
Y tú tampoco, Joe.
Not you have neither art idea.
No tienes ni idea de arte.
You should have gone, neither Andrea or Togo new him.
Tenías que ir tú. Ellos no le conocían.
So you made sure that if you couldn't have his love... neither should Ruth.
Por eso le mataste. ¿ A quién más le has contado esto?
And you don't have to go on... lying to me no more neither.
Y no debes seguir... mintiéndome tampoco.
Neither have i, and i'm a good deal years older than you.
Tampoco yo y tengo más años que tú.
- Well, I haven't changed, and neither have you. How do you like everything?
No he cambiado, ni tú tampoco.
You have neither the power nor the right to do this thing.
No tienes potestad ni derecho de hacer esto.
He may have got away but none will succeed, neither you nor your little count nor any fake maestros!
¡ Ni tú, ni el conde, ni los falsos maestros de música os saldréis con la vuestra!
You don't have the right to speak to me like that you neither.
No tienes derecho a hablarme así. Tú tampoco.
To shoot a story like that, you need smarts, that neither I, nor you, nor she have!
Para hacer una historia así, hace falta un cerebro que yo no tengo, ni tú, ni ella!
Unfortunately you have neither dowry or useful connections.
desgraciadamente tu no tienes dote o conexiones utiles.
I should have neither hatred nor affection for anyone, and yet, I'm fond of you. I can't help it.
La verdad es que no debería sentir afecto ni odio por nadie y, sin embargo te he cogido cariño.
We'll have a pact, you and I. Neither of us quit.
Tendremos un pacto, tú y yo. No abandona ninguno. ¿ Qué dices?
But neither of the children have been legally adopted by you.
Pero legalmente, no los ha adoptado.
No, neither you nor those have fired that night.
No, ni usted ni éstos dispararon noche en la calle.
And I shall prove to you that this man who stands before us is neither Giacomo nor Jester, but your deadly enemy, the leader of the rabble who have sworn to have your head, The Black Fox himself!
Probaré que este hombre no es ni Giacomo ni bufón, sino su enemigo mortal, el líder de la canalla que anda tras su cabeza, ¡ El mismísimo Zorro Negro!
I couldn't have lived with tha on my conscience, and neither could you.
No habría podido vivir con esto sobre la conciencia. Ni tú.
You didn't make the world, and neither did I. And if we had, I'm not sure we'd have made it any different.
Nosotros dos no creamos el mundo... y de haberlo hecho, dudo que fuera diferente.
You will have neither more nor less than you had when you came.
Tendrán ni más ni menos lo que tenían cuando vinieron.

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