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Not gay перевод на испанский

3,368 параллельный перевод
Amy, I'm not gay.
Amy, no soy gay.
And you're not gay.
Y no eres homosexual.
You know, the more times you say you're not gay...
Sabes, cuanto mas lo digas...
I'm not gay! Oh.
¡ no soy homosexual!
Aren't you going to say, "She's not gay"?
¿ No vas a decir, "Ella no es gay"?
It's game on, not gay mon.
Es juego listo, no hombre gay.
She's never had a normal boyfriend that's not gay, you know?
Nunca ha tenido un novio normal que no sea gay, ¿ sabes?
- I'm... I'm not gay.
- No soy gay.
- She's so not gay.
- No es gay.
You know I'm not gay, right?
Sabes que no soy gay, ¿ verdad?
You're not gay at all.
No eres nada gay.
Is she gay, is she not gay?
¿ Es gay o no es gay?
I'm not gay. What are you talking about?
No soy gay. ¿ De qué estás hablando?
And if she doesn't, if she's not gay, then what?
¿ Y si no lo hace, si no es gay, entonces qué?
- hey, we're not gay.
- Hey, no somos gay.
Because for one thing, she is not gay.
Porque para empezar, no es gay.
I'm not gay.
Yo no soy gay.
She's not gay.
Ella no es gay.
I know but she says she's not gay so much...
Lo sé pero dice que no es gay tantas veces...
I mean, I'm not gay gay.
Bueno, no soy gay, gay.
I mean, I'm not gay or anything.
Digo, no soy gay ni nada.
Ben, my mother is not gay, okay?
Ben, mi madre no es gay, ¿ vale?
Everyone knows that she's not gay, and even if she is gay, who cares?
Todo el mundo sabe que no es gay, y aunque lo fuera, ¿ a quién le importa?
You're not gay just because your mother is gay.
- No eres gay solo porque tu madre sea gay.
I'm not gay.
- Yo no soy gay.
And my mother is not gay.
Y mi madre no es gay.
I am not gay.
No soy gay.
Uncle Sam is not gay.
El tío Sam no es gay.
In addition to mentioning that I'm gay in his introduction, maybe George should have mentioned that I am Ricky's mom and I'm going to be Amy's mother-in-law, because Amy is not gay.
Además de mencionar que soy gay en su introducción, quizás George debería haber mencionado que soy la madre de Ricky y voy a ser la suegra de Amy, porque Amy no es gay.
And I'm going to tell everyone I am not gay.
Y le voy a decir a todo el mundo que no soy gay.
Oh, and by the way, hey, I am not gay!
Y por cierto, ¡ no soy gay!
And I am not thinking I'm gay.
Y no pienso que pueda ser gay.
Kids do stuff like this. Obviously, if we're going to have a baby, our lives are going to change a lot. I thought rent-a-belly turned out not to be in the gay family way.
Creía que lo del vientre de alquiler había quedado fuera de la familia gay.
I hate it when you pretend not to know gay stuff so you seem less gay.
Odio cuando haces como que no conoces cosas de gays para así parecer menos gay.
Mom, I did this as a favor for you, but I'm not walking down the aisle with a guy dressed like a gay hit man.
Mama, hice esto como un favor para ti, pero no caminaré hasta el altar con un tipo vestido como un asesino homosexual.
I don't care if she's gay or not.
No me importa si es gay o no.
It's not about gay, Victor.
No es por ser gay, Victor.
Please tell me that you did not tell Kathleen that you think Anne is gay.
Por favor, dime que no le has dicho a Kathleen que piensas que Anne es gay.
That's not two gay moms, that's one gay mom.
Eso no son dos madres gays, solo una.
I did not have the courage to be gay at the time and I got married and my husband beat the crap out of me and I was still gay and I still am.
No tenía el coraje de ser gay en ese momento y me casé y mi marido me pegó una paliza y seguía siendo gay y lo sigo siendo.
Gay guys having kids is- - it's relatively new, so our community has not yet learned how to modulate baby gifts.
Hombres gay teniendo niños, es... relativamente nuevo, y nuestra comunidad no ha aprendido todavía cómo controlarse con los regalos para el bebé.
And just so you know, the guy stewardess was angry gay, not happy gay.
Y solo para que lo sepan el "aeromozo" era un gay rabioso, no un gay feliz.
Not that I have anything against gay guys.
No es que tenga nada en contra de los gays.
Don't people have something better to do than talk about who's gay and who's not?
¿ No tiene la gente algo mejor que hacer que hablar de quien es gay y no?
Wait, if people think I'm gay because my mother is gay, which she's not, then people must think that Ricky is gay because his mother is gay.
Espera, si la gente piensa que soy gay porque mi madre lo es, que no lo es, la gente debe pensar que Ricky es gay porque su madre lo es.
We were talking about whether or not Amy Juergens is gay, which I think she is, and I said I can't deny that I've thought about kissing a girl and Grace said she's attracted to me.
Hablábamos sobre si Amy Juergens es gay o no, yo creo que sí, y dije que no podía negar que he pensado en besar a una chica y Grace dijo que le atraigo.
He's the one who opened his big mouth and told us his ex-wife was gay. It's not like we just made it up.
Él es el que abrió su bocaza y nos dijo que su ex mujer era gay.
You may not be, but I think you're afraid you're gay.
puede que no lo seas, pero creo que tienes miedo de serlo.
I'm not going to have people guessing whether or not I'm gay.
No quiero a gente adivinando si soy o no soy gay.
Yeah, but it's... The Fourth of July is not a gay holiday!
- Sí, pero es... - ¡ El 4 de Julio no es una festividad gay!
And the Fourth of July is not a gay holiday.
Y el cuatro de julio no es una festividad gay.

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