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Not surprising перевод на испанский

853 параллельный перевод
- Not surprising.
- ¿ Porqué?
Not surprising.
Es normal.
It is not surprising, seeing you to kid you both.
No es de extrañar, viéndoos hacer gansadas a los dos.
That's not surprising.
Eso no me sorprende.
It's not surprising certain lordly personages aren't delighted.
El descontento de los dignatarios es lógico.
- Not surprising, Doctor.
- Es natural.
It's not surprising.
No me sorprende.
Not surprising after all.
No me sorprende, después de todo.
It's not surprising that my acting is getting worse.
No me sorprende que mi actuación empeore.
Not surprising.
- Sí. - En efecto.
Not surprising... you are looking very beautiful lately.
No me extraña, porque últimamente estás guapísima.
- That's not surprising.
- No me sorprende.
If I've been stupid, I guess it's not surprising that you have, too.
Fuí un estúpido, e imagino que no es una sorpresa que tú lo hayas sido también.
Not surprising you are unhappy!
No me sorprende que sea tan infeliz.
Ill - that's not surprising.
¿ Enfermo? No me sorprende.
That's not surprising.
No me sorprende.
It's not surprising.
No es sorprendente.
- lt ´ s, of course, not surprising.
- No es nada extraño, desde luego.
That's not surprising, Amos, considering you're a bachelor.
Eso no me sorprende, Amos, considerando que eres soltero.
It's not surprising.
Evidentemente, no es extraño.
It's not surprising. Our beliefs are incompatible.
Me sorprendería, nuestras creencias son irreconciliables
But that's not surprising.
Pero eso no es sorprendente.
Not surprising... They only want big names.
Solo quieren los grandes nombres.
That's not surprising.
Eso no es sorprendente.
Now I'm leaving... They want us to open frogs, and I do not know what to do, not surprising.
En este momento ya estoy ido... quiere que abramos sapos, y no me mola, lo flipo.
Well, it's not surprising.
¡ Sí, claro! ¡ No sé de qué te sorprendes!
It's not surprising, after all those new-fangled theories that you've been stuffed with.
Y no es sorprendente, con esas teorías que les han imbuido.
It's not surprising it doesn't flood back to you.
Después de todo, tenía a miles bajo sus ordenes.
Well, if you were in that state, thinking she was dead, it's not surprising you couldn't find it.
Si estabas alterado, pensando que estaba muerta, no me sorprende que no pudieras encontrárselo.
That's not surprising, because this just might be the most important period in one's life, when one shakes off past influences and one's true personality is formed.
Eso no es sorprendente, porque esto sólo podría ser el período más importante en mi vida, cuando uno se saca las influencias pasadas y la verdadera personalidad de uno se forma.
Not surprising that all continents are applauding our Bolshoi Ballet As folk wisdom teaches us, little strokes fell great oaks!
Por algo en todas partes aplauden a los bailarines de nuestro teatro Bolshoi dice el refrán popular : ¡ Con paciencia y laboriosidad todo obtendrás!
And it's not surprising.
Y no me sorprende.
"Not surprising perhaps... " when so many different nationalities are involved.
Tal vez no sea sorprendente... ya que participan numerosas nacionalidades distintas.
I've heard rumors... that we're going to have stiff competition... especially from New Trends Progressive School... which is not surprising... considering the little time they devote to academic subjects and social graces.
He oído rumores... que vamos a tener una dura competencia... especialmente de la escuela progresista New Trends... lo cual no es sorprendente... teniendo en cuenta el poco tiempo que dedican a las materias académicas y gracias sociales.
That's not surprising though.
No me sorprende.
That's not surprising after all the noise you were making last night. I didn't sleep a wink.
No me sorprende con todo el jaleo que estuvieron armando.
That's not surprising.
No es de extrañar.
Albert had debts all over. Seeing this, it's not surprising!
¡ Aquí sobre todo!
It's rather surprising that the culprit behind all this is not on the list.
Esos bastardos deberían ser los primeros en la lista. Me sorprende que no esté ahí.
Considering your distinction and age, it is surprising that fate has not introduced us before.
Teniendo en cuenta su distinción y su edad... me sorprende que la suerte no nos haya presentado antes.
After all, when you and I privately think of Tina's origin it's not too surprising that she has shall we say, spirit, freedom?
Después de todo, conociendo el origen de Tina no debería sorprenderte que tenga alegría, libertad de espíritu, por decirlo así.
But it's not surprising, when the whole world knows what a big heart she has. - Oh, yes, a heart that big.
- Sí, así de grande.
That's not surprising.
Un poco nervioso.
As a matter of fact, that's not a surprising thing for a krait to do.
De hecho, no sorprende que la serpiente haya hecho eso.
It would not be surprising that this creature would want to return home.
No sería sorprendente que esa criatura quisiera volver a casa.
Not really surprising, being caged up like this.
En realidad, no es sorprendente, enjaulados así.
Surprising not to find you in the arms of some girl.
Me sorprende no encontrarte en los brazos de alguna mujer.
- Not surprising.
- Ya lo suponías.
Well that's not so very surprising. She...
No me sorprende.
Surprising that the other brute has not called yet.
Es extraño que el capullo aún no haya llamado.
Well, that's not so surprising, Slobotham.
No es sorprendente, Slobotham.

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