Not you and me перевод на испанский
17,934 параллельный перевод
I did not dare tell you about it, but it just happened. In London and... I would like to present it to you.
No me atrevía a decírtelo pero acaba de llegar y... quisiera presentártelo.
You may not see me for a little while, but you can always pick up the phone and call.
Puede que no me veas por un tiempo... pero siempre puedes llamarme.
We have not one, but two Vanity Fair covers that Pollyhop's pushing, and all you give me is excuses.
Dos portadas de Vanity Fair indican que Pollyhop crece, y ustedes solo ponen excusas.
It is your first day at it, and you will go with me or not at all.
Es tu primer día e irás conmigo o no irás en absoluto.
Hey, I am very angry at you, but now I'm feeling a little lightheaded because the air conditioner's still not working, it's hot, and I'm hungry, so remind me why?
Oye, estoy muy enojada contigo, me estoy sintiendo mareada porque el aire acondicionado no funciona, hace calor y tengo hambre, así que recuérdame por qué.
Well, between you and me, I'm not even sure this gun bill is gonna pass.
Entre usted y yo, no tengo claro que el proyecto de ley vaya a aprobarse.
And you must not have listened when you came over to my house.
Quizá no me entendiste cuando fuiste a mi casa.
I tried to catch your eye at the crem, but obviously you had a lot on your mind, and I realise you probably might not want me here, but I just wanted to say sorry, again, about that other business.
He intentado acercarme en el crematorio, pero está claro que tenía muchas cosas en la cabeza y me doy cuenta de que probablemente no me quiera aquí, pero solo quería decirle que lo siento, otra vez, por aquel otro asunto.
I thought we were both stopping, and then suddenly you're not!
Me pareció que los dos estábamos de parada, y de repente no lo eres!
Frances, I keep telling you... and you keep not hearing me!
Frances, te he dicho... y no me guarda el oír!
.. you and me..... it's not going to work, I'm sorry.
.. tu y yo..... No va a funcionar, lo siento.
- Not to me. You see, when that present appeared on our doorstep and I saw that card, my first thought is...
Usted ve, cuando ese presente apareció en nuestra puerta, y vimos que la tarjeta, mi primer pensamiento es,
You can ask me as many times as you want, and you can continue to waste your time, but I'm still not gonna tell you.
Puedes preguntármelo todas las veces que quieras y puedes seguir malgastando tu tiempo pero no te lo voy a contar.
You know we're not friends, so... you can't tell me what I can and cannot do.
Tú sabes que no somos amigos, así que no me puedes decir lo que pueda o no pueda hacer.
I know it sounds crazy, and I'm not asking you to just jump back into a relationship with me, but I...
Se que suena loco. y no te estoy pidiendo que lo intentemos de una vez Tener una relacion pero yo...
I was gonna let you out, but he gave me the code the manager, like a month ago in case I needed it and-and now it's not working.
Las iba a dejar salir, pero me dio el código... el gerente, como hace un mes en caso de que lo necesitara. Y... Y ahora no está funcionando.
Well, here you are, cool as a cowcumber, and not a care that you're disposed to vulnerability. All on your own, all night long, just like me.
Bien, aquí está, como si tal cosa, y sin importarle estar dispuesto a vulnerabilidad, por su cuenta, toda la noche.
And forgive me for saying, but some in your position may have abused that friendship, yet you have not.
Y perdóneme por decirlo, pero algunos en su posición podrían haber abusado de esa amistad, pero Ud. no.
You think he considers the Havisham fortune the real prize and not me?
¿ Piensas que considera que el verdadero premio es la fortuna Havisham y no yo?
Yes, you will, but not from the goodness of your heart, as your manner would have me believe, but because you owe it to me and I am not in the habit of paying for things I have not received.
Sí, lo harás, pero no por la bondad de tu corazón, como me haría pensar tu actitud, sino porque me lo debes y no tengo la costumbre de pagar por cosas que no recibí.
You are my lawyer for as long as it pleases me, not my father and not my guardian.
Eres mi abogado siempre y cuando yo así lo quiera, no eres mi padre ni mi guardián.
But I'm not letting you go in there alone. So either take me or I call it in and the FBI swarms this place, and that's that.
Así que, me llevas o puedo reportarlo, el FBI inunda este lugar y eso es todo.
You're the one who crashed and burned, not me. So...
Tú eres la que se estrelló y quemó, no yo.
And you're telling me cam henry is not a suspect?
¿ Y me dicen que Cam Henry no es un sospechoso?
But if I were still your king, I would force every one of you to join this man's army, not because I was a tyrant and a terrible leader who hosted baby fights, which I now realize is weird and not that entertaining, even after the addition of the cobra,
Pero si siguiera siendo vuestro rey os obligaría a todos a formar parte del ejército de este hombre, no por ser un tirano y un líder terrible que organizaba peleas de bebés, cosa que ahora me doy cuenta que es extraño y no tan entretenido,
Father, he did not come to me, and to you.
Tu Padre, no vino a mí, ni a ti.
But you're still looking at me the same damn way like I shit in your scrambled eggs, and that's not gonna work.
Pero aún me ves de la misma maldita manera... como si me hubiera cagado en tu desayuno, y eso no va a funcionar.
You can kill me, but it is of no consequence,'cause I am not Lobos, and my organization does not die with me.
Puedes matarme, pero no sin consecuencias, porque yo no soy Lobos y mi organización no muere conmigo.
So if a driver were to kidnap me or get drunk and drive off a bridge with me sitting right next to him, you're claiming Zimmer's not responsible.
Así que si un conductor fuera a secuestrarme o se emborrachara y se saliera por un puente conmigo sentado en el asiento de al lado, Zimmer no sería responsable.
Having a kid like Shaun just made me aware that life's not perfect... And people aren't perfect, and you just got to love them the way they are, you know?
Tener a un chico como Shaun... me hizo dar cuenta que la vida no es perfecta... y que la gente no es perfecta... y que solo los tienes que amar por lo que son, ¿ entiendes?
And I guess, now that you're not married any more I don't feel like
Y creo que, ahora, que ya no estás casada, no me siento...
He said I betrayed his trust, and I said, whether I like it or not, you guys know everything.
Dijo que traicioné su confianza... y yo le he dicho que, me guste o no... ustedes lo saben todo.
I know you would have me call a vote of no confidence, and will doubtless call me over-cautious for not doing so.
Sé que quisieras que presente una moción de censura, y sin duda dirás que soy demasiado cauteloso al no hacerlo.
I just gave you a dollar and you're not gonna tell me your name?
Acabo de darle un dólar, ¿ y no me dirá su nombre?
Lena, you didn't want me to get the mastectomy because... you were worried about our sex life and our intimacy and I might not like the way I look, that you might not like the way I look.
Lena, no querías que me hiciera las mastectomía porque... estabas preocupada por nuestra vida sexual y nuestra intimidad y porque tal vez no me guste como luzca, tal vez a ti no te guste como luzca.
And I don't know if he's gonna change his mind or not, but I don't care anymore, and I don't give a damn if I ever see either of you again.
Y no sé si cambiará de opinión o no, pero ya no me importa y me importa una mierda si los vuelvo a ver o no.
You want to step up, then do what I goddamn told you to do and don't come to me with some "I'm not part of this" Mike Ross bullshit ever again.
¿ Quieres dar un paso al frente? , entonces haz lo que te dije, maldita sea y no vuelvas a venirme con estupideces de "Yo no soy parte de lo de Mike Ross".
Listen to me. Anita's going to come to you with a deal, and it's not gonna be through Harvey Specter.
Anita te ofrecerá un trato y no será a través de Harvey Specter.
Then you're gonna have to tell me the truth about everything right now, and it's not gonna be protected by attorney-client privilege, and you're gonna have to trust that I'm not gonna turn you in.
Entonces tendrás que decirme toda la verdad ahora mismo y no tendrá la protección del secreto profesional y tendrás que confiar en que no te delataré.
Said she knows you're a fraud, she's not gonna take it back, and now that she's figured out that I've been a part of it, she can't stand the sight of me.
Que sabe que eres un fraude y no se retractará y ahora que sabe que yo estoy involucrado, no puede ni verme.
Or it's not reasonable doubt, you don't get acquitted, and I go to jail for perjury.
O no lo es, no te exculpan y me enviarán a prisión por perjurio.
I'm perfectly capable of determining if this is legally binding or not. And I'm not going to let you bait me into saying anything to you.
Soy bastante capaz de determinar si esto es legalmente vinculante o no y no dejaré que me engañe para que le diga algo.
So I'm not asking you to do this for me and Rachel.
Así que no te pido que lo hagas por mí y por Rachel.
- Harvey, calm down. I'm not gonna calm down, you told me to go after Gibbs to stop Mike from doing something stupid, and I did, and all that did was waste our time like I said it would.
No me tranquilizaré, me dijiste que atacara a Gibbs para evitar que Mike hiciera algo estúpido y ya lo hizo, y lo único que consiguió fue perder nuestro tiempo
I was thinking about what you said about me not admitting things to myself and I wanted to talk to you about it.
Estaba pensando en lo que dijiste sobre que no admito las cosas - y quería hablarlo contigo.
Not to mention, the only thing that's stopping him from going to Gibbs and pointing his finger at you or me is his loyalty to us.
Por no hablar, lo unico que lo detiene de ir a Gibbs y apuntando con su dedo en usted o yo es su lealtad a nosotros.
And all I can say is that I promise you, whether these people find me innocent or not, I am gonna spend the rest of my life fighting for the Clifford Danners of this world.
Todo lo que le puedo decir es que le prometo, me declaren inocente o no, que voy a pasar el resto de mi vida, peleando por los Clifford Danners de este mundo.
I'm not Mike Ross, and the way I see it, there's no reason for me not to tell Gibbs about your shady past unless you give me a reason.
Yo no soy Mike Ross y como yo lo veo, no hay razón para que no le diga a Gibbs sobre tu turbio pasado a menos que me des una razón.
And I also know that the last time you had a huge decision to make, you went to her and not me.
Y también sé que la última vez que tuviste que tomar una importante decisión, fuiste con ella y no conmigo.
Because if you're gonna rob us of the next two years of our lives, I am not gonna stand here and watch you do it.
Porque si nos vas a robar los próximos dos años de nuestras vidas, no me voy a quedar aquí y observarte hacerlo.
I got you, Jessica, and if you want to come after me for hiring Jack, or anyone for hiring anyone, you may not go to jail, but the world is gonna know what you did.
Te tengo, Jessica, y si quieres perseguirme por contratar a Jack o a quien sea por contratar a quien sea, tal vez no vayas a la cárcel, pero todo el mundo sabrá lo que hiciste.
not yours 613
not you too 58
not you 2896
not your business 22
not you again 24
not your husband 16
not your fault 82
not your mother 22
not your family 17
not your wife 16
not you too 58
not you 2896
not your business 22
not you again 24
not your husband 16
not your fault 82
not your mother 22
not your family 17
not your wife 16
not your 16
not your problem 27
not your father 29
not your concern 28
not you as well 16
not your type 21
not you guys 26
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
not your problem 27
not your father 29
not your concern 28
not you as well 16
not your type 21
not you guys 26
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
and merry christmas 27
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and men 25
not yet 7691
not yet anyway 42
not yesterday 26
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and men 25
not yet 7691
not yet anyway 42
not yesterday 26