And mean перевод на испанский
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I mean, I knew her from around school, I guess, and she, um... she dated my friend Justin for a while.
La conocía de los pasillos de la escuela, supongo. Y ella salió con mi amigo Justin por un tiempo.
I mean... you try going to school with a bunch of Neanderthals who are told they are the only thing of value at school, and that the rest of us are merely there to cheer them on and provide them with whatever support they need.
Quiero decir... Pruebe ir a la escuela con un montón de neandertales quienes creen ser lo único valioso en la escuela, y que el resto de nosotros estamos allí solo para animarlos y proveerles cualquier apoyo que necesiten.
I mean, just the fact that you knew I didn't leave, that you searched and found me, that you, seeing these numbers, you seemed so... glad.
Digo, solo el hecho de que sabías que no me fui, de que me buscaste y me encontraste, de que tú, viendo estos números, parecías tan... contento.
I mean, I was gonna pull three outta the pool, but just one and just for you.
O sea, iba a cargarme a tres, pero solo uno y solo por ti.
And now we mean everything to each other.
Y ahora lo somos todo el uno para el otro.
I mean, I-I know it's less healthy, but w-w-we'd be together and...
Osea, ya sé que es menos sano pero estariamos juntos, y-y-y...
I mean, you should just stay here and figure out how to stop being a pickle, okay?
Quiero decir, solo deberías quedarte acá y descubrir la forma de dejar de ser un pepinillo, está bien?
My kids pee their desks and suck on unbaked vases.
Mis hijos mean los escritorios y chupan vasijas sin cocinar.
And I don't think going to a rented office in a strip mall to listen to some agent of averageness explain which words mean which feelings has ever helped anyone do anything.
Y no creo que asistir a una oficina alquilada en un "strip mall" para escuchar a una agente de la mediocridad explicando como las palabras significan un montón de sentimientos que nunca han ayudado a nadie a hacer nada.
I mean, thank you, and, yeah, you shouldn't.
Quiero decir, gracias, y si, si, no debiste.
Oh, no, I mean, I know it was Morty peeing his pants and Summer snorting glue or whatever...
Oh, no, quiero decir, Yo sé que era por Morty meándose los pantalones y Summer inhalando pegamento o lo que sea...
I mean, they wanted to not need me so bad they murdered three innocent heroes of color and they still had to bring me back?
Digo, ¿ buscaron no necesitarme tanto que asesinaron a tres héroes inocentes de color y aún tuvieron que traerme de vuelta?
I mean, look, when I get drunk, I get stupid and emotional and there's no logic to it.
Miren, cuando me emborracho, me pongo estúpido y emocional, y eso no tiene lógica.
And, man, we gotta all give it up for Rick,'cause, I mean, what kind of mother Just sets up a whole festival like this when he's completely loaded, man?
Y, hermanos, todos debemos agradecerle a Rick, porque, digo, ¿ qué clase de hijo de puta simplemente organiza un completo festival como éste cuando está completamente ebrio?
And I know you're not bona fide FDIC, but I mean, unless you boys do business differently in...
Y sé que no una CFSD confiable pero, a menos que ustedes hagan negocios de manera diferente en...
I mean he and your dad haven't been together that long.
Es decir, él y tu papá no llevan juntos mucho tiempo.
I mean, you don't just look at someone on their knees and say that to them!
¡ No miras a alguien de rodillas y le dices eso!
I mean, what, Perry walks through the door and, whoosh!
Es que Perry entra por la puerta y... ¡ pum!
So that's action item one, the accumulation of wealth, and I mean wealth, not money.
Esa es la medida número uno, la acumulación de riqueza, y me refiero a riqueza, no a dinero.
I mean, you're never ready, but once you get in, you get used to it and you're glad you did it.
Nunca se está preparado, pero una vez que te metes, te acostumbras y te alegra haberlo hecho.
A little Pinot, filet just exactly the way you like it, and then... I mean, that's it.
Una botellita de pinot, un solomillo justo como te gusta, y luego... bueno, ya está.
Look, Randy, I don't mean to rush you, but I have a guest coming for lunch, and I would really like to be ready.
Mira, Randy, no pretendo meterte prisa, pero tengo un invitado a comer, y me gustaría estar realmente preparada.
I mean, there's a long list of companies whose main business is collecting our personal data and selling it.
Es decir, hay una larga lista de compañías cuyo negocio principal es recopilar nuestros datos personales y venderlos.
I mean, you know, he's a big mouth and an asshole, but he might be able to help you with this.
Bueno, ya sabes que es un bocazas y un gilipollas, pero podría ayudarte con esto.
I mean I have worked intense environments in... in Baghdad and Islamabad.
Quiero decir que he trabajado en ambientes extremos en Bagdad e Islamabad.
You can't afford to stay silent- - and I don't mean press conferences.
No se pueden permitir quedarse callados... y no hablo de conferencias de prensa.
I mean, $ 10.99 for a steak sandwich and a face dance? Can you imagine?
¿ Puedes imaginar?
And by "I," I mean Dr. Miller.
Y por "Yo", me refiero al Dr. Miller.
And by there, I mean here.
Y por allí, me refiero a aquí.
And I assure you... they mean a hell of a lot more to me than they do to Flint.
Y te aseguro que... significan muchísimo más para mí que para Flint.
Which could mean the research Angelica was doing at the cabin she took with her to Whispers and Kolovi.
Quizá Angélica llevó su investigación de la cabaña a Whispers y a Kolovi.
I don't know what they taught you in med school, but the word "helping" doesn't mean handcuff people and chop up their brains.
No sé qué aprendió en la facultad de medicina, pero "ayudar" no significa esposar a alguien y rebanarle el cerebro.
You know, I mean, everything that is going on with me and then asking him what exactly is going on with him.
Todo lo que me pasa. Y luego pedirle que me cuente todo lo que le pasa a él.
- You mean adventures and girls?
- ¿ Dices las aventuras y las mujeres?
And I mean all.
Y quiero decir todas.
You mean like hot girls showing up at my place and drink till I puke and all that?
¿ Quieres decir, chicas hermosas apareciendo en mi casa y tomando hasta que vomite y todo eso?
But what it's come to mean is a post or position and responsibilities that go along with it.
Pero lo que ha terminado por significar es un puesto o posición y las responsabilidades que lo acompañan.
And what does that mean?
¿ Y qué significa eso?
I mean, you have to get out of Los Angeles and you have to go now.
Digo que tienes que largarte de Los Ángeles y hacerlo ahora. ¿ De qué hablas?
I mean, look, sometimes it got screwy when Jane and Martin would go back and forth.
Quiero decir, a veces se fue a la mierda cuando Jane y Martin iban y volvían.
- I mean, do you believe him and his whole "my life is great" shit?
Digo que si le crees la mierda esa de que " mi vida es genial?
Um, and I mean every word I say, okay?
Um, y quiero decir cada palabra que digo, ¿ vale?
And I mean that.
Y lo digo en serio.
I mean, like, the hosts are Rachel and Zeva.
Como las anfitrionas son Rachel y Zeva.
I mean, like, did you change the names and identifying details?
Me refiero, ¿ has cambiado los nombres y los detalles identificativos?
Um, so, when I finally got to New York and I knew that I wanted to support myself on my own so I could write, well, I thought that was gonna mean, you know, serving cheesecake in Junior's or temping in the Bronx.
Entonces, cuando llegué por fin a Nueva York y supe que quería mantenerme por mí misma para poder escribir, pensé que eso significaría, ya sabes, servir tartas de queso en "Junior's" o trabajos temporales en el Bronx.
I mean, I don't understand why there's this whole romantic bit where you swoop in and save her and act like you guys are meant to be together when this is a movie about a shit relationship.
Me refiero, no entiendo por qué hay toda esta parte romántica en la que te lanzas y la salvas y actúas como si vosotros estuvierais hechos el uno para el otro, cuando esta es una película sobre una relación de mierda.
You've said so many mean things to me and I can't make one stupid salvia joke?
¿ Me has dicho tantas cosas malas y yo no puedo hacer una estúpida broma sobre la salvia?
And I feel like a POS telling you to get an abortion or whatever. I mean, that's not my place.
Me sentiría como una mierda si te dijera que abortaras, yo no soy quien.
I mean, you know, who knew all you needed was the right cocktail of pills and then you could really stabilize.
Quiero decir, quién podía saber que todo lo que necesitabas era el cóctel correcto de píldoras y entonces podrías estabilizarte.
I mean, what am I gonna do, like, start a fight and ruin this for Byron and for me?
¿ Qué voy a hacer? , ¿ empezar una pelea y arruinarnos la fiesta a Byron y a mí?
and meanwhile 86
mean 565
means 817
meaning 1068
meanwhile 1776
meant 63
meantime 222
mean machine 26
meaningless 41
means a lot to me 20
mean 565
means 817
meaning 1068
meanwhile 1776
meant 63
meantime 222
mean machine 26
meaningless 41
means a lot to me 20
meaningful 21
meaning what 376
means a lot 21
means no 19
meant to be 24
meaning me 22
meaning you 22
mean it 34
mean anything to you 97
and merry christmas 27
meaning what 376
means a lot 21
means no 19
meant to be 24
meaning me 22
meaning you 22
mean it 34
mean anything to you 97
and merry christmas 27
and me 1014
and me too 52
and me included 17
and my sister 48
and midnight 57
and men 25
and my daughter 48
and my best friend 18
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and me too 52
and me included 17
and my sister 48
and midnight 57
and men 25
and my daughter 48
and my best friend 18
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and mine 189
and my brother 55
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my 108
and mrs 1140
and my friend 37
and my brother lives with them 20
and my brother 55
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my 108
and mrs 1140
and my friend 37
and my brother lives with them 20
and my mom 49
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and maybe 206
and my dad 65
and mr 568
and mom 52
and my father 65
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and maybe 206
and my dad 65
and mr 568
and mom 52
and my father 65