Simply put перевод на испанский
577 параллельный перевод
I... I simply put the bags in the car.
Yo simplemente puse las maletas en el auto.
I simply put the bags in the car.
Yo simplemente puse las maletas en el auto.
Plainly and simply put.
No hay razón para que ataquen este hotel, pero es fácil que ocurran accidentes.
- I'll simply put it around your neck.
- Te lo pondré sin más en el cuello.
simply put, are you alive or are you dead?
Para hacerlo sencillo, ¿ estás vivo o estás muerto?
Their coffins are simply put into the ground.
Sus ataúdes se echan en la tierra, y eso es todo.
Oh, we'll simply put a lean on Mr. Vole's £ 80,000.
Simplemente congelaremos las 80,000 libras del Sr. Vole.
Simply put... I... simply...
Simply put, we don't know Godzilla's location.
Sabemos que ha vuelto Godzilla pero no su localización exacta.
Simply put, it's too much trouble for anyone.
Dicho simplemente, es demasiado difícil para una sola persona.
I simply put two and two together.
Luego fue fácil ponerlo todo junto.
We'll simply put that down to enthusiasm.
Lo olvidaremos. Fue un exceso de entusiasmo.
We have simply put an end to your war.
Simplemente le pusimos fin a su guerra.
You simply put it in to soak, and it's finished.
Simplemente lo metes a remojarse y sale pulido.
I can't put it more simply than that.
No puedo decirlo más simplemente.
We simply want to put you out of commission.
Sólo queremos asegurarnos de que usted sea inofensivo.
Or, to put it more simply, " Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise
O más sencillo : " Nunca imagines que no eres más
Well, I'll simply have to put the money in the bank for you.
En fin, tendremos que meterte el dinero en el banco.
Well, we simply have to put Julie someplace where neither he nor Young can get a hold of her.
Bueno, simplemente llevemos a Julie en algún lugar... donde ni él ni Young puedan encontrarla.
Oh, tea. Oh, that would be simply divine, but I don't want to put you to any trouble.
Ay, eso sería divino, pero no quiero causarle molestias.
To put it simply, I should say that our general belief was in moderation.
Simplificando, diría que nuestras creencias se basan en la moderación.
But to put it simply, say that for the moment I'm just like a cat who chews green stuff so as to purge himself of poison.
Pero para simplificar, le diré que soy, por el momento, una especie de canalla que realiza buenas acciones para purgarse el mismo del veneno que lleva.
I'll try to put it simply.
Trataré de hacerlo simple.
Rodéame con tus brazos, tan fuerte que no pueda escapar.
To put it quite simply a steam engine... is a large, round, black chamber.
Así es que pongámonos tontos y digamos, una máquina de vapor es un espacio grande, redondo, negro.
To put it simply we'll just say :
Hagámonos los tontos y digamos :
They will put you through the jumps, but you simply don't answer.
Lo intentarán de muchas maneras, pero tú no contestarás.
To put it simply, if she could realize he is not a danger. If your dog could be nice to my dog.
En otras palabras, si Sherezade ve que no hay peligro, si su perro es bueno con ella...
Let me put it more simply.
Pero, lo explicaré mas sencillamente.
To put it simply, he wants a girl like that.
Quiere una muchacha como ésta. Lo dijo mi señor.
You won't be put away simply because people said that you were peculiar.
No te internarían simplemente porque hayan dicho que eres raro.
I have to put things very simply there, sting people into thinking for themselves.
Me expreso de manera muy simple, para que la gente piense por sí misma.
You speak like a learned man, and I will put it simply :
Tú hablas como un científico, mientras yo digo simplemente :
If we're ever gonna reunite these two personalities, to put it simply... I'd say the first logical step to take in that direction... would be to introduce them to each other, wouldn't you?
Si queremos unir vuestras dos personalidades, yo creo que lo más lógico es presentaros.
Put simply, we're invited to dinner.
Para resumir, nos han invitado a cenar.
In the dawn the old man simply woke looked out the open door at the dying moon unrolled his trousers and put them on.
Al amanecer el viejo simplemente despertaba,... miraba por la puerta abierta a la luna moribunda,... desenrollaba sus pantalones y se los ponía.
Put simply : the transmission relies on my camera movements.
Dicho simplemente : la trasmisión depende de mis movimientos de cámara.
To put it as simply as possible, if Johnny's name were proposed at the convention next week, would you attempt to block him?
Para ponerlo lo más claro posible, si se propusiese a Johnny en la próxima convención, ¿ intentarías bloquearlo?
He'd simply say, "Put on some love music."
El simplemente diría.. Pon alguna música romántica
She could've put that right simply by wanting to be complete again.
Pudo arreglarlo sencillamente deseando volver a su integridad.
To put it simply, your thoughts will be in my head.
Para hacerlo simple, sus pensamientos estarán en mi cabeza.
I really simply have to put it up to you.
Simplemente tengo que hacer que razones.
Well let me put this to you quite simply, did you know what you were doing?
Poniéndolo en forma simple, ¿ sabía lo que hacía?
I can see we've arrived at a bad moment... but you've simply got to put us up somewhere.
Veo que hemos llegado en mal momento... pero debe acomodarnos en algún lugar.
And to put it simply the Bedford can inflict more damage in 10 minutes than the entire United States Navy caused in World War ll.
Simplificando el Bedford puede causar más daños en diez minutos que toda la Marina de EE.UU. en la II Guerra Mundial.
And as far as things like this top floor job are concerned, you simply got to put your foot down.
En cuanto a cosas como lo del piso de arriba, simplemente tienes que decir que no.
This is simply nature's way of telling you to put the brakes on... shut the motor off.
Es sólo la forma en que la naturaleza nos dice que pisemos el freno... y apaguemos el motor.
Well, I'm simply trying to find out whether I should put the... breakables away or not.
Bien, estoy simplemente tratando de averiguar si debo poner los objetos fragiles... lejos o no.
I wanted to put it simply, but at the same time there was a certain aesthetic pursuit and I couldn't,
Y luego, simplemente decirlo.
Ngo Dinh Diem put, simply... a wet blanket of functionaries.
Ngo Dinh Diem colocó, simples funcionarios aguafiestas.
To put it simply.
Para expresarlo sencillamente.
puta 30
put your coat on 23
put your 20
puto 26
putt 36
putting 65
put your hands up 343
put it down 1121
put your back into it 52
put it on me 21
put your coat on 23
put your 20
puto 26
putt 36
putting 65
put your hands up 343
put it down 1121
put your back into it 52
put it on me 21
put it out 105
put the phone down 76
put it up 74
put your hands in the air 121
put him through 93
put it in 97
put it back 246
put him on 122
put me down 388
put your head down 57
put the phone down 76
put it up 74
put your hands in the air 121
put him through 93
put it in 97
put it back 246
put him on 122
put me down 388
put your head down 57