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Start with him перевод на испанский

446 параллельный перевод
I'll start with him first.
Comenzaré por él.
The next time you start with him, take him to the front if you can.
La próxima vez, llévalo al frente si puedes.
I told abercrombie that you can start with him next monday.
Le dije a Abercrombie que podía comenzar el lunes.
We'll start with him.
Empezaremos con él.
Sure got off to a flying start with him.
Pues sí que he empezado bien.
But we'll start with him.
Pero vamos a empezar con él.
We start with him.
Empezaremos por él.
Listen, if he wants to help the underprivileged, let him start with himself.
Escuche, si quiere para ayudar a los más desfavorecidos, le permitió empezar consigo mismo.
We can start with him.
Podemos empezar por él.
Start with him, then him, then him.
Él primero, después el otro, y no se olvide de aquél.
- We'll start with him.
- Empezaremos por él.
We'd like to start with him : The Hawk!
Nos gustaria empezar con él :
This Strider, he says be more careful, I say, let's start with him.
Trancos dice que vayamos con cuidado. Pues averigüemos quién es.
I'd rather you start with him, it won't make so many waves. Does he have an alibi?
Preferiría que empezara con él, provocará menos ruido. ¿ Tiene coartada?
What'd you wanna start an argument with him for?
¿ Por qué pelearse con él?
My humble apologies, Daughter of Heaven, for this intrusion, but I come to tell Marco polo that horses are ready, and it's advisable for him to start out with all possible speed.
Le pido disculpas, Hija del Cielo, por esta intromisión... vengo a decirle al señor que los caballos están listos... y le recomiendo que salga lo antes posible.
- To give him a head start. We'll crash Zodiac's gate with him.
Para darle ventaja, así entraremos con él.
- You don't intend to start trouble with him.
- No pensarás empezar problemas con él.
Like him or not, you start flying with him tomorrow morning.
Te guste o no, mañana volarás con él.
We got Brody with two slugs in him, two guns that hadn't been fired a dame trying to start a car that didn't belong to her.
Encontramos dos balas en su cuerpo, dos pistolas sin disparar y una mujer intentando arrancar un coche que no era suyo.
Don't listen to him reverend father. let's start with the stable.
No lo escuche reverendo, venga aquí comencemos por el establo.
Warn'em before they start shooting, McEwen has a woman with him.
- Reuna a sus hombres. Avíseles de que una mujer acompaña a McEwen.
He brought her back with him from New York and she's got enough clothes, furs and jewels to start a department store of her own.
Se la trajo con él desde Nueva York, y tiene tantos vestidos, pieles y joyas para poner una tienda ella sola.
- What? Sign this stuff and don't start up with him.
- Firma y no habrá líos con él.
I couldn't catch up with him now. But unless I hit that highway before they start back, I'm... where is it, Susan?
¡ No podría alcanzarlo pero puedo llegar a la autopista antes de que vengan.
There's one charge against him, to start with.
Hay un cargo contra él para empezar.
Then we'll start hitting him with something that counts.
Eso será el comienzo de las acusaciones importantes.
It doesn't matter if we are late. We've got the man with the speech. They can't start without him.
No importa que lleguemos tarde, como nos acompaña el orador no pueden empezar sin él.
If he touches your clothes you start shaking as if you wanted to die and go to Heaven to be with him forever.
Te toca la ropa y entra un temblor que te quieres morir y verte en el Cielo, pa'no dejarlo nunca.
He left Seibei to start a rival gang, taking half of Seibei's men with him.
Rompió relaciones con Seibei y se proclamó jefe.
When you start work with him, use his razor.
- Cuando trabajes con él, usa su navaja.
The next day would start up again with the teasing of the guys, the impure torment of the relationship with his mother... still many years stood between him... and the liberating experience.
Al día siguiente comenzarían otra vez las burlas de los chicos, el tormento impuro de la relación con su madre. Todavía muchos años se interponían entre él y aquella experiencia liberadora.
Call the coastguard and tell him to start circling the island with patrol boats.
Llame al guardacostas y dígale que rodee la isla con las patrulleras.
Said you tried to start some trouble with him.
Dijo que intentaste meterte en líos con él.
We could start with the film. That'll put him in the picture.
Podría empezar poniéndole la película, por darle una idea.
That's what I've been afraid of from the start. That Miss Parker and the preacher would... open a window for Clayboy and show him the world outside... and make him want it with all of his heart and all of his soul. Then just slam it shut in his face.
Eso es lo que yo me temía que la Srta. Parker y el pastor dejaran ver a Clayboy el mundo fuera de aquí y que lo deseara de todo corazón y de repente lo privaran de su ilusión.
- Start him off with a C-note a week.
- Que empiece con cien a la semana.
Either you tell him or I start with a few kicks and end the job with a razor.
O se lo dice, o empiezo a golpes y acabo el trabajo con una cuchilla. - ¿ Ah?
Now don't you start - it's bad enough with him!
Ahora no empieces - Es bastante malo con él!
You send out your horse and I will kill him to start with.
Si envía su caballo, lo mataré a él... para empezar.
Don't be cross with him, he can't start a conversation.
No se enfade con Fedja. No sabe dar conversación.
That was an issue for him to start with.
Para él planteaba un problema.
I asked him if a maharaja would be willing to feed his body to a starving tiger to check if my film could start with this story or not.
Les pregunté si un Maharajá estaría dispuesto a alimentar con su cuerpo... a los tigres hambrientos.... para comprobar si mi película podría empezar con esa historia o no.
Tell him that if he doesn't go ahead with the plan, I'll start talking...
Dile que si él no sigue adelante con el plan, voy a empezar a hablar...
But I wouldn't start in with him.
Pero yo no empezaría nada con él.
I convinced him to start with the encephalogram.
Le convencí para comenzar con el encefalograma.
- To keep the faith with our brother, to start him on the march down the road to glory for all of us, brothers and sisters, it's gonna take money. Lots and lots of money.
Montones y montones de dinero.
I didn't expect him to start messing with the helmic regulator.
No esperaba que se pusiera a jugar con los reguladores hélmicos.
- Why move in with him to start with?
- ¿ Y por qué te fuiste a vivir con él?
He would start with this... to test the bull's tendencies... and then he would cut him short to break him down.
Héctor empezaría así. Para probar la embestida. Luego remataría el pase... para cuadrarlo.
Youve given him a start with that.
Y ustedes lo han puesto en buen camino para conseguirlo

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