Sure you would перевод на испанский
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Hmm, I'm sure you would tell us if you knew of any.
Estoy seguro que nos diría si supiera de alguno.
I thought for sure you would have figured something out by now.
Estaba seguro de que ya se te habría ocurrido algo
That's a pity, you know... because I'm sure you would have been surprised...
Es una lástima, ya sabes... porque estoy seguro que te habría sorprendido....
I wasn't sure you would.
No estaba seguro de que lo harías.
Yeah, I'm sure you would like a private session with Dr. Ryan.
Sí, estoy seguro de que te gustaría una sesión privada - con la Dra. Ryan.
Well I doubt Ace would have had the Greek press you, stalwart as I'm sure you would have been.
Dudo que Ace podría hacer que el griego te presione inquebrantable como estoy seguro que lo fuiste.
If you ask my team who they'd rather see leave between me and Carrie, I'm sure the answer would be Carrie.
Si le preguntas a mi equipo que ellos prefieren ver salir entre tú y Carrie, estoy seguro la respuesta sería Carrie.
I mean, sure, he's pompous and smarmy and arrogant. And in an uglier man, that would be unattractive. But you know me.
Digo, seguramente, él es pomposo y zalamero y arrogante y en un hombre más feo, eso sería poco atractivo pero me conoces
So you made sure no one else would be looking for him.
Entonces se aseguraron de que nadie más lo estuviese buscando.
I sure would like to be of assistance if you'd like.
me gustaría ayudar si usted quiere.
I'm sure it would mean a lot to him to see you.
Estoy segura de que verla significaría mucho para él.
I'm sure as a fellow surgeon, you would agree.
Estoy seguro de que, como cirujano colega, estarás de acuerdo.
- I'd like to say something, if you don't mind. Sure. I would love to sit down with some people that I have heard make statements, that are in the public eye, and actually talk to them and say,
Me encantaría sentarme con ciertas personas a las que oído declarar que están en el candelero y les han preguntado y han dicho :
I'm sure he would have loved to meet you, but he's got a lot going on.
Estoy seguro de que habría estado encantado de conocerte, pero tiene mucho que hacer.
How could you be so sure? - That I would respond?
¿ Cómo estabas tan seguro de que te iba a responder?
I'm not sure if I'm right about this... but it would seem you coming here is not good news.
Si mi intuición es correcta... no vino a traer buenas noticias.
I'm sure you can understand why we would refuse entry to somebody on such an outlandish hunch.
Estoy seguro de que entienden por qué negaríamos la entrada a alguien que se basa en tal corazonada descabellada.
Hmm, I mean, if you were going to poison somebody, you'd want to make sure you put it somewhere you know it would seep into their skin.
Es decir, si fueras a envenenar a alguien, querrías asegurarte de ponerlo en un lugar en el que sepas que se filtrará dentro de su piel.
You promised that you would make sure those people are punished.
Usted prometió que se aseguraría de que a esas personas las castigaran.
They don't have men's size, but I'm sure the biggest size for boys would fit you perfectly.
No tienen talla de hombre, pero estoy segura de que la talla más grande para niños te quedaría perfecta.
And I'm sure that you would give your own too. Fortunate that such love.
Y estoy seguro de que daría la suya por ti, que esté tan enamorado es una fortuna.
I'm not sure how dad would've handled you having a girl stay over, but since I'm the guardian now- -
No estoy seguro de como papá hubiese manejado la situación de una chica quedándose a dormir, pero como ahora soy tu tutor...
Abstinence Alliance- - and I'm sure they would love to hear directly from you about your life here at North Winnetka as a virgin.
Alianza de la Abstinencia... y estoy seguro de que les encantará oír directamente de ti acerca de tu vida aquí en North Winnetka como un vírgen.
All right, listen, you got a crew list or something that would show us the people that left the same time Adam did? Sure thing.
Vale, escuche, ¿ tiene una lista de miembros o algo que nos muestre la gente que se fue al mismo tiempo que Adam?
If I were you, sure, I would.
Si yo fuera tu, claro, querría.
Well, I bet that Hugo would make sure Dr. Vanessa doesn't even miss you.
Bien, apuesto que Hugo se asegurará que la Dra. Vanessa ni siquiera te extrañe.
And you're sure she would have been wearing it?
¿ Y estás seguro de que lo llevaba puesto?
No, no, no, sure, because why would you want him to have an opportunity like that? Hey. Owen told Trish about my new job, so she dropped by to have a little scream.
No, no, no, claro, ¿ porqué querrías que tuviera una oportunidad así? Owen le ha contado a Trish lo de mi nuevo trabajo, así que se pasó a pegarme unos gritos.
I'm sure your mother would be very upset if you got a spot on that beautiful Pucci dress.
Estoy segura de que tu madre se molestaría mucho si te mancharas ese hermoso vestido Pucci.
I'm not sure what would happen if I told you.
No sé qué pasaría si te lo dijese.
So if you're insinuating that he was or is somehow involved in something that ends up in your paper, I would be damn sure you know what you're talking about.
Así que, si estás insinuando que estaba involucrado en algo que vayas a publicar asegúrate de que sabes lo que estás diciendo.
Sure. Would you like to join me, Marta?
Claro. ¿ Le gustaría unirse a mí, Marta?
Are you sure Brooke would be okay with that?
¿ Crees que a Brooke le parecería bien?
I'm not sure what they saw that would make them automatically say this and refer you here.
No estoy segura de lo que vieron eso los haría decir automáticamente esto y referirlos aquí.
Look, if this one time, if you could just look the other way, boy, would we sure appreciate it.
Mire, si por esta vez, solo pudiera mirar hacia otro lado, seguro lo apreciariamos.
Would you like to venture a guess - - just exactly who dropped everything and flew halfway around the world to make sure that that didn't happen?
¿ Te atreverías a adivinar... exactamente quién voló todo. y volar al otro lado del mundo. para asegurarse de que eso no sucedió?
And you would never get a girl like this in London, that's for sure.
Y nunca tendrías una chica como ésta en Londres, eso es seguro.
I'm pretty sure I never would've called you Shaw the Jaw.
Estoy bastante seguro que nunca te hubiera llamado Shaw the Jaw ( la Mandíbula )
I'm sure everybody would love to meet you.
A todo el mundo le encantará verte.
For sure, he would've said they were left there for you.
Sin duda hubiera dicho que las había dejado ahí para ti.
I'm sure if you would have married that chef, you guys would have had wonderful dinners every night.
De haberse casado con ese cocinero, seguramente habrían comido cenas fabulosas todas las noches.
If. I wanted to make sure that you would not need anything.
Quería asegurarse que no necesitarías nada.
And on this next part, would you make sure you bold that?
¿ Puedes poner es parte más atrevida?
Hey, would you mind if I walked down to the bookstore with you? - Sure. Cool.
Siempre están haciendo el tonto y jugar MUDO
I also wanted to make sure you knew that I had a lot of fun yesterday, and I would really love to do that again.
- SHH.
I'm sure she would be proud of you... if she had seen you here today with Astrid.
Estoy segura, de que estaría orgullosa de ti. Sí te hubiera visto hoy aquí con Astrid.
I'm not sure how this works... but it would be an honor if you would have the next dance with me.
Apenas puedo recordar cómo funciona esto... Pero sería un honor si bailaras conmigo.
But boots has much worse taste in women than I, and I am sure he would love to put himself in you - and then break his dick off in you.
Pero Boots tiene peores gustos que yo, y estoy seguro de que a él le encantaría meterse adentro de ti...
I'm sure you understand that it's in your best interest to be here at all costs and that the yakitoris would be very honored with your presence and very dishonored with your absence.
Estoy seguro que entiendes que te conviene... que estés aquí a cualquier costo... y que los Yakitori se sentirán muy honrados... con tu presencia... y muy deshonrados con tu ausencia.
I'm sure that you wouldn't do anything to jeopardize their safe transition back into Eureka, now would you?
Estoy seguro de que no hariais nada que ponga en peligro su vuelta segura a Eureka, ¿ verdad que no?
I was sure your brother would stab you.
Estoy seguro que tu hermano te apuñalaría.
sure you were 30
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you do 255
sure you are 144
sure you have 26
sure you're okay 18
sure you did 80
sure you want to do this 18
sure you could 16
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you do 255
sure you are 144
sure you have 26
sure you're okay 18
sure you did 80
sure you want to do this 18
sure you could 16
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't have 36
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't do it 22
you would know 99
you would 477
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't do it 22
you would know 99
you would 477